r ' i
i . ,
lower divisions of the pinnl. deltoid-acuminate, their segments cut down to the
rachis, except at the very apex, with ovate-rhomboidal, acute, sharply- and
deeply-toothed lobes ; tex tu re coriaceous ; upper surface naked, lower naked
or soinewliat hairy ; sm-i 2 to 12 to a lobe, minute, orbicular ; the o-wter valve
large, cucullate, the inner one inconspicuous.—Hh. Sp. F il. 1. p . 71. t. 24. C.
D. straminea, Labill., H h . Sp. F-il. 1. p . 71. D. Torreyana, Brack, t. 3 8 ./. 2.
Hab. S. Australia, Van Diemen’s Land, New Caledonia, Aneiteum, Fiji group and
other Polynesian islands.—Nearest to D. coniifolia, but easily distinguishable by its
coriaceous texture, minute sori, and very narrow and sharp ultimate segments.
16. D. P hm ie ri, Hk. ; fr. bipinnate ; lower p innæ 12-18 in. L, 6-9 in. hr. ;
lower pinnl. lanceolate-triangular, 6-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., cut down at tlie lower
p a rt to the rachi.s, witli linear-acuminate broadly-toothed segments ; upper p%nn,.
linear only, slightly lobed ; raehis and surface quite naked ; tex tu re herbaceous ;
toeraZ »mis of th e ‘segments simple or once or twice fo rk ed ; sor* 2 to 20 to a
segment; invol. small, membranaceous, suboiFicnlar, deeply 2-valved, the o««er
valm at length cuciiilate.—H k . Sp. Fil. 1. 72. D. Lindeni, H k . Sp. F il. 1. i i .
t. 25. B. Davallia adiantoides, Swartz, Grisebach. Cibotium, Presl.
.Hab. West Indian Islands and Columbia.—At first the involucre is that of a Davallia
ratlier than a Dkksonia, but the outer valve is ultimately hooded. Adiantoides is tbe
oldest specific name, but there is already a D. ad-iantoides, H. B. K.
16. D. sorbifolia, Smith ; f r . bipinnate ; lower p innæ about 1 ft. 1., 3-4 in. br. ;
pinnl. slightly stalked, linear, truncate or cordate a t the base, undivided, with
small sharp serrations towards the apex ; rachis naked or slightly h a iry ; tex tu
re subcoriaceous ; lateral veins of the segments u sua lly once forked ; son very
numerous to a pinnule ; invol. subglobose, membranaceous ; outer valve cucullate.
— H k . Sp. F i l l . p . 72. t. 25. A.
Hab. Moluccas and Isle of HenimoC; Hindostán.
17. D. abrupta, Bory ; f r . simply pinnate, 12-18 in, 1., 4-6 in. br. ; pinnce sessile,
lanceolate, hardly toothed, the lower about 3 in. 1., 1 in. br., the two halves
ra th e r unequal, the base of the upper one truncate, th a t of the lower slightly auri-
culate ; rachis naked ; texture coriaceous ; veins close, fine, inconspicuous ; y
pinnoe narrow, acuminate ; sori numerous, placed along both e d p s ; outer valve
reniform, nearly a line broad, inner smaller, suborbicular.—/ / / . Sp. Fil. 1. p . 72.
Nephrolepis, Mett. Leptopleuria, Presl.
Hab. Bourbon.—Very like Nephrolepis davallioides in habit and general appearance.
§§§ Pa tau ia , Presl. Dennstædia, Bernh., Mome.
at all or only very indistinctly 2-valved. Sp. 18-29.
* Fronds
18. D,
- Involucre cup-shaped, not
lower pinnce 9-24 in. in length. Sp. 18-25.
H. B. K. ; rhizome creeping ; f r . bipinnate naes, n . x j . x v . , ■ / a/i , . / / . ; lower pinnæ
12-24 in. 1., 6-12 in. br. ; pinnl. linear, cut down in the lower p a rt nearly to the
rachis ; the segm. ohlong-rhomboidal, blunt, with 2 to 4 bluntish lobes in eacli
side, which do not reach half-way to tlie rachis ; texture herbaceous, under surface
“ - ■ ■ the base of the
26. B.
, Klotzsch.
D. dissecta, Grisebach, non Hooker.
Hab. Tropical America, from tbe West Indies southward to Brazil.—Fronds often
12 ft. 1. ; segments of the lower pmnules f-1 in. 1., i in. br. D. Sprucei, Moore, seems
closely allied to this ; hut our specimens are very imperfect.
10 n cicutaria Sw a rtz ; r/iixomc creeping ; / r . bipinnate ; lower p-mnæ 12-18
in (?in b“ « r i i n e ’a r-a c nm in a te ,¥ to dowm in the lower p a rt nearly or
Ti l ¿ r h i i . f . n - “ ™ “ . A - i : «“ ■ S ’- « '■ '■ r -
H.k . T ..pM i ~ , a . » f " f “
¿ e bipinnate only, all tbe other ample-fronded DemîstecZtoe being tripinnate.
the sinuses of the lobes ; in vo l subglobose, cup-shaped, line acios.. f t* . <6/.
F i l l . p . 77. t. 26. C.
Hab. Andesof Ecnadorand P e ru .-A fu lly tripmnate idant whh Y j t f s e 7 a c t r s "
subngid fronds, the lowest nk'Feen West Indian specimens. Sitoloiium
Ike D. n " I d L oB ld as closely allied to this species.
s'egm larger and more divided ; rachis and under surface nearly n a k e d . - / / / ,
ft/. >iZ. 1 . / . 79. i. 27. B.
Hab Tronioal America, from Mexico and the West Indies southward to Brazil and
Be™ tooTbTarTetits), Boii’rbon and Manritius.-A less elegant plant than D. aprfrUa
duller- in colour, .and with the under surface more or less hairy. Kaoliises slightly
asperous ; lower segments -|-1 m. 1.
20 D ftaccida, Swartz ; f r . tripinnate ; lower pinnce 0-15 in. 1., 6 in. br. ;
pimil laimeolate, quite cu t down to the rachis throughout ; Zower/e/m. ovate-
OE i o f o a l , hlimtish, cut down nearly to the rachis three or four times on each
side and the lobes again toothed ; texture herbaceous ; rachvses densely tomentose’
sori 2 to 8 to a segment, placed a t the base of the sinuses ; tn vo l sub-
globose, cup-shaped, J line across.—H k . Sp. Fil. 3. p . 77-
Hab. Aneiteum and New Hebrides, i f ;Z«e.-Perbaps not distinct from D
with which it quite corresponds in the size and division of the frond, but the habit is mor-
rigid, and tbe rachises are densely tomentose throughout. The Cocos Island plant is
I), rubiginosa.
23. D. Moluccana, Blume ; f r . tripinnate ; lower pinnæ 12-18 m. I., 6-8 in br. ;
/« « Z . linear-lanceolate, quite cut down to the rachis
filong-rliomhoidal, cut down to the rachis in the lower part, w ith blunt oblong-
deltoid lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; main and second. mclmes p iK U j , soi
2 to 12 to a segment ; invol. subglobose, i line across.—.«Æ. bp. -tîl. i .p .
Hab. Java.-Eesembling D. rubiginosa in habit, but more coriaceous in texture and
the stems tbicldy furnished with strong hooked pnclde.s. Lower
I in. br. D. scandens of Blume, also from Java, which is probably D. Zippehana, Kunze,
- J