■with, pinnæ more narrowly pointed. This and the two next are distinguished from the
rest of the group by their very close and regular sori.
62. A. lineatum, Swartz ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, more or less scaly ;
. V. • 1 1 1 . 1 ------- ittX_ OA OA on each side, which
dentate throughout, all
lower side narrower and
more cut away ' th a n the upper ; texture herbaceous ; colour dark-green ;
rachis brownish-grey, and slightly paleaceous ; veins close, often forked ; sori
very regular, reaching from the midrib nearly to the edge.—B h . Sp. 3. p. 104.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.—A very puzzling plant, from the fact that it runs gradually
into forms with the pinnæ again pinnate, which have either small narrow linear-
cuneate pinnules {Darea incequalis, Willd., and D. hihda, Kaulf.), or even these latter
again deeply bifid or pinnatifid {D. Ufida and violascens, Bory).
63. A. prionurus, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, slightly scaly below ;
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., oblong, with 9-18 pinnoe on each side, wffiich are 4-6
in. 1., rather over J in. br., very much acuminated a t the point, deeply and
regularly toothed throughout, the base ra th e r unequal, more truncato-cuneate
on the lower side, with a short distinct petiole on the lower ones ; texture herbaceous
; veins usually simple, with sori on each reaching nearly to the edge.
Sp. s. p. 103.
g, 197.—Probably this should Hab. Philippines, be united with A. i
64. A. erectum, Bory ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., firm, n early naked, grey or
ebeneous ; f r . 6-18 in. 1., I f f in. br,, narrowly lanceolate-oblong, with 12-20
horizontal pinnoe on each side, which are l - l | in. 1., f f in. br., bluntish or
acute a t the point, more or less deeply inciso-crenate throughout, the two sides
unequal, the upper one at the base narrowed suddenly a t about a rig h t angle,
the lower one obliquely truncate ; lower pinnæ often deflexed ; texture herbaceous ;
rachis firm, greyish ; veins simple or once forked ; sori falling short of both edge
and midrib.—B k . Sp. 3. p . 127.
Hab. Universally distributed throughout the Tropics ; America, from Cuba to Rio
Janeiro and Juan Fernandez ; Sandwich Islands, Indian and Malayan Peninsula, Ceylon,
Cape Colony, Tristan d’Acunha northward to Bourbon, St. Helena, Ascension, and the
Guinea coast.—A. harpeodes, Kunze, Hk. Sp. Fil. 1.178, is a large form with acuminate
pinnæ ; A. Fernandesianum, Kunze, a form from Juan Fernandez, with a more rigid
rachis and subcoriaceous pinnæ ; A . ienellum, Roxb. {A. recUnatum, Houlst., Hk. Fil.
Exot. t. 72), a form with wide-spreading, dark-green fronds copiously proliferous at the
apex ; A. Bart&ri, Hk. 2nd Cent. t. 75, a slender flaccid plant, also proliferous ; A.^pter-
opus, Kaulf., and A. cam^torachis, Kze., forms with the rachis compressed and slightly
■winged ; and the pinnæ are sometimes more or less distinctly pinnatifid, as in the
S. African A. lohatum and A. gracile of Pappe and Rawson, and the Polynesian A. Ma-
croei, Hk. & Gr. t. 217. Kunze aud Mettenius consider this to be the A. Imiulatum of
Swartz, which is an older name than exectum.
65. A. persicifolium, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. L, firm, erect, nearly naked ;
f r . 18-24 in. 1., 6-8 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, often gemmiferous a t the apex, with
10-20 horizontal subsessile on each side, which are 4-6 in. 1., |- 1 in. br.,
acuminate a t the point, the margin nearly entire or inciso-crenate, especially
upwards, the two sides unequal, the upper one broader and iess obliquely
truncate th an the lower one ; texture herbaceous ; vdns usually once-forked ;
sori distant, falling short of both midrib and edge.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 109.
Hab. Neilgherries, Ceylon, Philippines and Solomon’s Islands.—A. salicinum, J. Sm.,
is a form with narrow pinnæ 6 in. 1., | in br., serrated throughout. A. Zenkeriarmm, Kze.,
is the oldest name with a description.
A. », L. ; St. almost tufted, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, dark-green,
naked • f r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., with 12-20 stalked horizontal pinnæ ^
each side, which are 2-3 in. 1., J - j in. hr.,^ the point acute, the edge shghtly
undulatO'crenate, the upper side with a distinct auricle at the base, ana tiien
narrowed suddenly, the lower side obliquely truncate ; textwre thinly herbaceous ;
colour deep-green ; rachis naked, green, compressed, flaccid ; vans distant,
usually once forked ; sori distant, in 2 regular rows, falling short of the ea^e.
—A. riparium, Liebm. H k . Sp. 3. p . 119. t. 169.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and the West Indies to S. Brazil.—4 .
jolium, L., appears to be founded on a dwarfed form of this, with blunt and somewhat
laciniated pinnæ.
67. K.fuliginosum, H k . ; st. tufted, very short, densely clothed with blackish
fibrillose scales ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., with 12-24 broadly-adnate l?rezontal
subfalcate pinnoe on each side, which are 1 - lJ m. h, in. br., the point acfoe,
the edge slightly toothed, the base a little narrowed on both sides m the lowei
ones, which are gradually reduced in size downwards ;
herbaceous ; cokmr nearly black when dry ; racUs densely fibrillose tin ou g h o u t,
veins usually once forked ; sori in 2 regular rows near the point of the pmnæ.
—H k . Sp. 3. p . 120. 2nd Cent. F. t. 3.
Hab. Borneo ; gathered by Mr. Low.—A very well-marked plant.
68. A. Borneense, H k . ; St. 3-4 in. 1., stout, greyish, arcuate, fibrillose ; f r .
3 ft. 1., 24 in. br., with very numerous sessile pinnæ, the lower ones glowing
smaller very gradually, the central ones I J in. 1., è m. deep, the point
rounded, the 'upper edge inciso-lohate, auricled inwards, and narrowed suddenly
at the base, the rest and the outer p a rt of the lower edge, which veiy
obliquely truncated a t the base, distantly toothed ; i T
firm, nearly naked ; veins subflabellate in the outer h a lf of the pinnæ ,
few,’almost in parallel rows.—H k . Sp. 3. p. 135. t. 186.
Hab. Borneo, H. Lam, J r .—This comes near A. cultrifolim. hai is a stro n p r plant,
with blunter and more unequal-sided pinnæ dwindling downwards very gradually.
69. A .firmum, Kunze ; St. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., firm erect, grey^’»
6-12 in 1 3-4 in. hr., sometimes proliferous at the apex, with 12-20 sessile
UhorizZonitakl pf mi Lnæ oonn ee’aacchn ssiidaee,, ,wwm£ cchu aarice _laU--»2. in- ?.., H2 s Ti T
bluntish, the edge inciso-crenate, the upper one narrowed
the lower one obliquely truncate ; texture herbaceous ; racUs firm,
winged ; veins distant, once forked ; sori short, in 2 regular rows, falling shoit
r f b?th / i d r i b and e d g e . - « / . Sp. 3. p . 134. i. 174. A. abscissum, Auot.
Hab Tronical America, from Cuba and Guatemala to Pe ru and S. Brazil.--Very
d o u b t e u i l y S c T f r e m A. ’cuUnfolmm, from wbicb it differs mainly by its shorter and
blunter pinnæ.
edge and m i d r i b . - « / . Sp. 3. p . 110. Diplazmm, Kunze.
Hab. West Indies and G u a tem a la southward to G u y aq u ll.-T h e diplazloid character
of thé sori is sometimes clearly marked.
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