il i
' i
H a b . M a lay an islan d s.—T h e re is no specimen o f th is in th e H o o k e rian H erb arium
i h e pmnæ a re said to be v e ry deciduous.
_ 41. L. (Scliiz.) ensifolia, Swartz ; rhizome creeping, stout, paleaceous ; st. 6-9
in. wiry, flexuose ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 8-4 in. hr., with a linear-lanceolate simple
or pinnatifid point, simply pinnate below ; p innoe usua lly in numerous pairs, all
stalked, l |- 6 in. 1., ¿-1 m. br., varying from linear-acuminate to lanceolate in
shape, only the sterile ones, which are broader th an the others, a little toothed •
texture herbaceous ; veins copiously anastomosing ; sori in a continuous mar<>-inaÎ
S- s . Agatii, B ra c k
9 i’o m . Sp. \ . p . 219. t. 68. B. L. pentaphylla, H k . Sp. 1.
p . ZIJ, t. t>7• A,
H ab . H o n g k o n g , an d 4,000 ft. in th e H im a lay a s, so u thw a rd to Queensland, an d eastw
a rd to th e P o ly n e sian Islan d s, M au ritiu s , Madagasca r, N a ta l, Cape Colony, an d Guinea
coast. T h is has q u ite th e g en e ra l h ab it o f Pteris cretica, an d is v e ry variab le in size and
th e n um b e r o f pmnæ . L . Griffithiana is an u n b ran ch ed form.
42. L. (Schiz.) macrophylla, Kaulf. ; st. 12-18 in. 1., strong, erect, polished : .fr.
about 12 in. 1., with an entire ovate undivided apex, about 6 in. 1., 2 in br ■
pm næ about as long but rather narrower, ovate-lanceolate, oblique at the base’
decurrent on a short petiole, not toothed; texture between herbaceous and
coriaceous ; sori in continuous submarginal lin e s.—f t / . Sp. l . p . 220.
H a b . B raz il an d G u ian a .—T h e in n e r valve of th e involucre is a membranous line
an d th e edge of th e fro n d is pro du ced b eyond th e line of th e sorus, an d can n o t be said té
be a lte re d in te x tu re .
_ 45. L. (Schiz.) Fraseri, H k . ; rhizome slender, creeping, fibrillose ; st. 2-3
in. l., slender, erect ; / r . 9-12 in. 1., l i n . b r . , simply pinnate ; ?)mȾ in distant
pairs, the largest j - | m. 1., ¿ - f m. br., cordate-ovate, toothed above and some-
tunes deeply lobed a t the base, the upper ones almost as broad as long ; texture
th in ly herbaceous ; son m a continuous marginal line.—f t / . S p .l .p . 221. « 70. B.
L u n lik e ly th a t th is is a small delicate v a rie ty ot
44. L. (Schiz.) heteroph/lla, D ry .; rUzome short-creeping; rf. 4-8 in 1
firm, naked, erect ; f r . 6-12 in. 1,, 3-6 in. br., lanceolate m- oblong-deltoid!
varying from simply pinnate, with large linear-lanceolate entire p in nw flo bipin!
nate. witli erecto-patent branches, 3-4 in. 1., with oblong lanceolate blunt ®/iw/
* 1 in. L, ^ in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; sori in continuous marginal lines.—
Mk. bp. \ . p. 223. °
H a b , N eilg h e rrie s, Ceylon, H o n g k o n g , M a lay an p en in su la and islan d s.—T h e nlnme
a ! Ma°uritffis to o th ed . L . cvmeata, Willd., is th is species
a transversely oblong or linear, the
outer valve o f the involucre memhranaxeous, similar in shape to the sorus, but the
Sp dSftS usually produced beyond them and not altered i ,î texture.
45. L. (Dlellia) H k . MSS. ..^ooizscn, ; so. tuiieo
blackish, polished ; f r 4-9 in 1., |- 1 in. br., simply pinnate ; ?,«»»« 4-61in. ..,
a?!rinirh f to ®7»‘‘®-’’*iO“ boidal, rounded a t the point, slightly undulated,
auiicled at the base on the upper sid e ; texture subcoriaceous; immersed ;
so n transversely oblong, suhmarginal.—Diellia pumila, Brack, p. 219.
1. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., wiiy,
lin. 1.,
46. L. (Diellia) ereeta. I lk . MSS. ; st. 6-9 in. !., strong, erect, polished, chesnut-
brown ; f r . 9-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr., lanceolate, simply pinnate ; pinnæ 1-2 in. 1.,
in. hr., linear-lanceolate, slightly undulated a t the margin, the upper h a lf
rather the broadest and auricled at the base, the lower ones shorter and broader ;
texture lierbaceous ; sori 2 to 3 times as long as broad, falling short of the margin.
—Diellia erecta, Brack, t. 3 1 ./. 2.
Hab. Sandwich Islands.
4 7 . L. (Diellia) falcata, H k . MSS. ; st. 3-4 in. ]., strong, erect, densely
paleaceous ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 2-4 in. br., lanceolate, simply pinnate ; pinnæ 1-2
in. 1., J - f in. br., linear-lanceolate, falcate, acuminate, slightly undulated a t the
margin, the upper h a lf ra th e r broadest and auricled a t the base, the lower ones
very short and blunt ; texture herbaceous ; sori marginal, transversely oblong.—■
Diellia fiilcata, Brack, t. S I. f . l .
Hab. Sandwich Islands.—Distinguished from D. erecta by its short paleaceous stem
and marginal sori.
48. L. (Diellia) Miclileriana, Haion ; si. slender, elongated, slightly paleaceous;
f r . 12-15 in. !., ovate-lanceolate in general outline, pinnate below with pinnæ
3-6 in. 1., 1 in. hr., the upper ha lf linear, undulated a t the ma rg in ; texture
papyraceo-herbaceous ; veins forming hexagonal areolæ with free included
veinlets ; sori nearly marginal, transversely oblong or linear, the outer valve of
the involucre the same shape as the sorus, b u t the margin of the frond produced
beyond it and unaltered.—Eaton, F il. Wright Sp i'endl. p . 213.
Hab. Cataract of Truando, New Granada, Schott, No. 8.—A very curious plant, with
the venation of Dictyoxiphium, but quite different in the fruit, which agrees very well
with that of the three species for which Diellia was proposed as a genus.
Gen. 20*. Dictyoxiphium, Hook.
Sori marginal, continuous. Invol. like th a t of Lindsaya, h u t the outer valve
obsolete.—A single species with anastomosing areolar venation and fre e included
veinlets. T a b . 2. / 20. B. erroneously represents the inner instead of the outer
valve of the involucre as suppressed.
1. D. Famamense, H k . ; f r . tufted, sessile, 2-3 ft. 1., the barren one 2-3 in.,
the_ fertile J-1 in. hr., narrow’ed from the middle gradually downwards, quite
entire ; texture subcoriaceous, the midrib strong and prominent ; soi'i in a continuous
marginal Une.—f t / . Sp. 1. p . 224.
Hab. Tropical America, from Guatemala to New Granada.—When the involucre is
rolled over the sorus, the latter appears to be placed on the upper surface of the frond.
T kibe C. P t eb ideæ .
Sori marginal, oblong or linear. Invol. o f the same shape as ihe sorus, formed o f a
more or less changed and refexed portion o f the fro n d , opening inwardly. Gen.
Gen. 21. Adiantum, I .
^ Sori marginal, varying in shape from glohose to linear, u sua lly numerous and
distinct, sometimes confluent and continuous. Invol. the same shape as the
sorus, formed of the reflexed margin of the fronds bearing the capsules on its
under side. A large genus, which has its head-quarters in Tropical America, most
o f the species o f which are recognizable from all other Ferns but the typical Lindsay æ
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