Madagascar.—This corresponds to the first section of the genus Cephalomanes of Van den
Bosch, who makes nine species.
CO. T. pinnaUm, Swartz ; caud. erect, tufted ; st. strong, wiry, erect, naked,
or slightly hairy, 3-12 in. 1. ; f r . simply pinnate in the typical state, 4-18 in. 1.,
3-12 in. br., the apex often rooting and proliferous ; pinnoe in 2 to 10 opposite or
alternate pairs, and a terminal one, 2-6 in. 1., ¿ t o j in hr., linear-obtuse or
acute, sharply and finely toothed, the upper edge usually free from the stem at
the base, the under one attached and often f in is h e d with a broad decurrent
wing ; texture subcoriaceous ; central costa thick ; lateral veins fine and very
close, simple or forked, sometimes anastomosing ; sori placed all round the
. .. . . . . . i l i * . ? i __1_ i 1- .4 .1 /. + 1.1-I .
linear-lanceolate, entire.—Hh. in Lond. Journ. Bot, 1. p . 117» t. 5.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and Jamaica southward to Brazil and Peru,
This corresponds to the genus New'ophyllum of Presl, Neuromanes of Van den Bosch.
The latter makes five species, of which N. abruptum is distinguished from the other four
by the absence of spurious venules connecting the veins on each side of the central costa.
I t is figured in Hk. G. P. t. 8, and is T. Hosimamnianum, Klotzch. Some of Dr. Burchell’s
specimens show tbe simple and pinnate-fronded forms from the same root.
f t Fronds decompound, slender, flaccid, ultimate segments very narrowly linear or
flliform. Sp. 61-68.
61. T. tenue, Brack. ; st. 1-2 in. i., siender, naked ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., l - l j iu.
hr., ovate-ianceoiate, tripinnatifid, main rachis very narrowiy winged in the
upper haif ; pinnæ cut down to a narrowdy-w’inged rachis ; pimil. again pinnatifid,
with a few iong, narrow, distant, erecto-patent linear segm.; botli
surfaces naked, a central wsta only in each segment ; sori 1 to 4 to a pinna, tube
exserted, the mouth widely dilated, naked, two-lipped.—Brack, t. 3 6 ./. 2.
Hab. Tahiti.—This and the next are not so flaccid in habit as the rest of the group,
and have distinctly two-lipped involucres.
62. T. hrevipes, Baker ; rhizome tomentose, with numerous short-branched
rootlets ; st. very short ; f r . 2-3 in, 1., I - I 4 in. hr., ovate-deltoid, fully pinnate,
or rachis very slightly winged a t the apex ; p innæ spreading, ovate, exit down
to a very narrowly-winged rachis ; lowest pinnl. again deeply pinnatifid, with
narrow linear segm., 1 lin. 1., J lin. br. ; texture membranaceous, a single
costa only in each segment ; sori 2 to 8 to a pinna, ax illa ry , tube more or less
exserted, mouth w ith two large rounded lips.—Didymoglossum brevipes, Presl,
E ym .p .2 3 . T. melanorhizon, f t / . 1 . / . 140. Ic. P I. t. 705.
Hab. Leyte, Philippine Islands, Cuming, No. 816.—Distinguished from the preceding
by its more numerous pinnules, each furnished with several comparatively short narrow
linear segments on both sides.
63. T. Smithii, H k . ; St. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., slender, erect, naked ; f r . 4-8 in. 1.,
1 - 1 4 in. br., flaccid, ianceolate-oblong, tripinnatifid, main rachis only slightly
winged towards the apex ; pinnæ cut down to a narrowly-winged rachis, the
divisions usua lly simple, occasionally forked, long, linear (¿ lin. hr., j-4 in. l.) ;
tex tu re membranaceous, a central costa in each segment, the cells several times
broader th an deep, separated from one another by continuous oblique vein-like
lines ; sori to 4 to a pinna, ax illa ry , the tube narrowly winged, the mouth
with two lateral projections.—f t / . Sp. Fil. 1. p . 138. I lk . Ic. i. 704. Habro-
dictyon Cumingii, Presl, Hym. t. 7-
Hab. Philippine Islands.—Eesembling T. ienermi and caudatum in habit, but the
venation is quite unique and very peculiar.
04. T. caudatum. B ra c k .; rhizome creeping; st. 1-2 in. 1., naked ; f r . 3-12
in. h, 1-3 in. hr., lanceolate, tripinnatifid, main rachis only very sligtly winged
above ; lower pinnæ ovate-rhomboidal, erecto-patent, pinnatifid down to a
narrowly-winged rachis ; pinnl. again pinnatifid ; ultimate segm. about 1 lin. 1.,
4 lin. br. ; texture membranaceous, surface naked, a central costa only in each
segment ; sori 1 to 8 to a pinna, tube exserted, mouth spreading, not two-lipped.
—Brackenridge, t. 36. fig. 5.
Hab. Fiji Ishaiids, Tahiti, and N. S. Wales.—Very near T. fenerum, but stronger in
habit, darker iu colour, the erecto-patent pinnæ broader and more divided.
65. Ï . tenerum, Sprengel ; rhizome creeping, tomentose, very slender ; st. 1-2
in. 1., slender, naked ; f r . 3-8 in. 1., 1-14 ™ kr., pendent, flaccid, lanceolate,
tripinnatifid, the main rachis only very slightly winged towards the apex ;
p in næ distant, flaccid, cut down to a narrowly-winged rachis, with distant
deeply incised or pinnatifid p in n l.; ultimate segm. 2 - 2 4 k n . 1., 4 k n . hr.,
texture membranaceous, surface naked ; a central costa only in each segment ;
sori 1 to 4 to a pinna, tube more or less exserted, mouth spreading, b u t not
lipped.—T. angustatuni, Garm. H k . Sp. 1. p. 141. f t / . & Gr. Ic. Fil. 1 .166.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico southward to Peru and Brazil and island of
Tristan d’Acunha.
66. T. cxsectitm, Kunze ; rhizome wide-creeping, slender, tomentose ; St. slender,
naked, 1-3 in. 1. ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., pendent, flaccid, lanceolate, trip in natifid,
the main rachis narrowly winged iu the upper h a lf ; pinnæ distant,
flaccid, the upper ones often 3-4 in. 1., the lower ones ovate or lanceolate,
divided down to a narrowly-winged racliis, with a few deeply toothed or
pinnatifid pinnl. ; texture membranaceous, surface naked ; a central costa only in
each segment ; sori 1 to 4 to a pinna, tube sunk, the mouth truncate.—f t / . Syn.
F il. \ . p . 141.
Hab. S. Chili, Chiloe, and Juan Fernandez.—A much larger plant than T. tenerum,
with less divided pinnæ and broader and more distant segments.
67. T. Golensoi, H k . fil. ; rhizome slender, naked, wide-creeping ; St. about
1 in. 1., slender, naked ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., 4-1 ki kr., oblong-lanceolate, acuminate,
fu lly pinnate ; pinnæ distant, ovate or lanceolate-rhomboidal, stalked, and cut
nearly or quite down to a slender rachis ; segm. linear-acute, very narrow ;
substance flaccid, a central eosta only in each segment ; sori solitary, supra-
ax illa ry , the tube stipitate, the mouth scarcely dilated ; recept. very long and
slender.—f t / . 2. Gent. Ferns, t. 79.
Hab. New Zealand, discovered by the Eev. W. Colenso.
68. T. trichoideum, Sw. ; rhizome creeping, slender ; st. 1-2 in. 1., very slender-,
i _ i UI.. A r> Î- 1 1 o .* 4.
1.^ lin. br. ; texture membranaceous, a central costa only in each segment;
sorz 1 to 4 to a pinna, the tube exserted, sometimes stalked, the mouth spreading,
not two-lipped.—Hh. Sp. 1. p . 141. H h . S Gr. Ic. F il. t. 199.
Hab. West Indian Islands and Mexico southward to Ecuador and Brazil.—Apparently
this is the T. capillaceum of Linnseus.
t t t Fronds decompound, main rachis rigid, ultimate segments subcoriaceous,
except in No. 69. Sp. 69-78.
69. T, scandens, Linn. Herb. ; rhizome wiry, wide-creeping; st. strong, erect,