22. G. Andersoni, Beddome ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., densely clothed with soft
golden liairs ; f r . 1-2 in. L, j in. br., oblong, bipinnatifid, with a terminal ^«?zî3îîî
and 4-5 lateral pairs, all sessile, roundish-oblong, bluntly lobed from j - j of tbe
way down to the rachis ; texture thinly herbaceous ; rachis and surfaces clothed
w ith hairs like those of tlie stem ; veins fine, pinnate ; sori linear.—Beddome,
F il. B r it. In d . t. 190.
Hab. Kumaon, at 13,000 ft., Br. Anderson,
_ 23. G. tomentosa, Desv. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, chesnut-brown,
villose ; f r . 6-12 in. L, deltoid and bipinnate when fullv developed ; upper
simple, stalked, rounded or cordate at the base, 1-2 in. 1., j-1 in. br., entire or
lobed, lower pinnæ 1-4 in. 1., with several similar pinnl. ; texture herbaceous ;
castaneous rachis pilose and both sides slightly so ; veins close, the sori running
along all of them all over the surface.—U k . Sp. 5. p . 144.
Hab. ^ S. Brazil and Peru.—Habit of Q. rufa, but more divided. They resemble
Bemionitis in habit, but the sori are not at all reticulated.
24. G. angustifrons. Baker ; st. tufted, fiexuose, 2-4 in. L, wiry, glossy, dark
chesnut-brown ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., j in. br., ligulate, bipinnatifid, enrolled a t the
p o in t; pinnoe with usually a space between them, oblong-deltoid, j - f in. 1.,
2-3 lin. br., with blunt rounded lobes, the lowest of which reach nearly or
quite down to the rachis ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides pilose ;
veins flabellate ; sori oblong.—G. elongata, H k . Sp. 5. p . 185. {non Swartz).
Jamesonia, Fée.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador and Peru.
25. G. hirsutula, Mett. ; st, tufted, flexuose, 1-2 in. 1., w iry, glossy, castaneous ;
f r . 1 ft. 1., j-1 in. br., ligulate, bipinnatifid, not enrolled a t the point ; p innoe
close, spreading, ovate or ovate-oblong, cut doAvn nearly to the rachis on each
side into 2-5 obovate-cuneate lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides
slightly h a iry ; veins not reaching the edge.— F il. Nov. Gran. p. 209.
Hab. New Granada,
—Differs from the preceding by being less hairy, and not
circinate at the point.
26. G. K a rstenii, Mett. ; st. 2 in . L, wiry, gloss_y, castaneous ; f r . 1 ft. 1.,
j in. br., ligulate, bipinnatifid, the apex enrolled ; pinnoe numerous, lax ,
spreading, stalked, ovate-rhomhoidal, cuneate a t the base, cut down nearly to
the rachis on each side into 1-3 obovate-cuneate lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides nearly naked ; veins seldom reaching the edge.—J fe « . F il,
Nov. Gi'an. p . 210. ° ^
Hab, New Granada, 15a.
^ 27. G. incisa. Mart. & L in d .; st. tufted, wiry, 3-4 in. L, ebeneous, sligbtly
pilose ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., 1 j in. hr., bipinnatifid ; pinnce close, lanceolate, cut down
to a broadly-winged centre into oblong entire or forked lobes ; texture subconaceous
; raclm densely villose and both sides iess so ; veins one to each lobe ;
so n linear-oblong.—l i k . Sp. 5. p. 134,
Hab. New Granada, Linden, 1044.
28. G. mohrioeformis, Mett. ; st. tufted, wiry, S-4 in. 1., dark purplish-brown,
slightly villose ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid, bipinnate ; lower
pmmæUie largest, „ in. 1., in. br., cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into
orbicular crenate lobes ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both sides hispid ; veins
conspicuous, flabellate ; sori smali, oblong I lk . Sp. S. p. 128.
Hab. Peru.
29. G. Ottonis, Klotzsch ; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., glossy, wiry, ebeneous ; f r .
6-8 in. 1., 1 in. hr., bipinnate ; pinnæ distant, the lowest J in. 1., J in. hr. ;
pinnl. suborbicular, entire or slightly cleft ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis
ebeneous ; hoth sides naked ; veins flabellate ; sori irregular," of few capsules.—
Hk. Sp. B .p . 128.
Hab. Venezuela, Otto, 680.
30. G. Lindigii, Mett. ; st. 1-4 in. 1., castaneous, hisjiid, glossy ; f r . 4-9 in. 1.,
J - I J in. hr., flexuose, bipinnatifid or bipinnate ; pinnæ J - j in. 1., ovate-oblong or
subdeitoid, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis on each side into 3-8 ovate-
rhomboidal or roundish imbricated lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and
both sides hispid ; veins not reaching the edge.—Mett. F il. Nov. Gran. p . 210.
Hah. New Granada, Lindig.— and the six preceding are closely allied.
81. G. decipiens, Mett. ; st. subtufted, 6-9 in. 1., wiry, d a rk chesnut-brown,
naked ; f r . 6-9 in. L, 2-3 in. br., deltoid, bipinnatifid ; p in næ imbricated,
stalked, the lowest the largest, 1 - lJ in. 1., J - f in. hr., lanceolate-deltoid, obliquely
truncate a t the base helow, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into cuneate
or oblong entire or toothed lobes ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and hoth sides
naked ; veins flabellate ; sori linear, conspicuous.—H k . Sp. B .p . 132. t. 291.
Hab. Aneiteum and New Caledonia,—Eesembles Asplénium marinum in habit.
82. G. ferruginea, Kze. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., stout and densely clothed with
ferruginous woolly tomentum ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 3-4 in. hr., ovate-lanceolate,
bipinnate ; p innæ 2-3 in. 1., J-1 in. hr., cut down to tlie rachis below into oblong
or linear-oblong entire or slightly toothed lohes ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper
surface naked ; lower and rachis densely coated with tomentum ; veins flabellate ;
sori lax, simple or forked.—?, G. lanata, Klotzsch ; less woolly beneath ; pinnl.
larger, and the lower ones b lu n tly lobed halfway down.—H k . S p . B. p . 130.
Hab. Peru ; and gathered also by Seeman in Panama.
33. G. Haughtoni, H k . MSS. ; st. densely tufted, 1-2 in. 1., hlack, glossy ; f r .
8-4 in. L, 1 - lJ in. hr., ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate ; pinnce close, the central ones
lanceolate-deltoid, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis below into suborbicular
irregularly crenated lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; veins flabellate ; colour dark-
green, only the lower surface slightly scaly ; sori oblong, thick, at last often
filling up n early the whole surface.— G. cordata, I lk . Sp. 6. p . 131. {in p a rt).
2nd Gent. t. 7.
Hab. St. Helena.—Perhaps should be joined with 0. cordata, from which it differs hy
being more deeply cut and hardly at all scaly.
‘ 34. G. Hookeri, J . Sm. ; st, tufted, 4-6 in. 1., firm, dark chesnnt-brown,
glossy, clothed when young with ferruginous tomentum ; f r . 9-16 in. 1., 4-6 in.
br., oblong-lanceolate, bipinnate ; pinnæ numerous, lanceolate, cut down to the
rachis into entire or slightly toothed linear-oblong pinnl., the longest J - f in. l.,
with enrolled edges and about their own breadth between them ; texture coriaceous;
upper surface and castaneous rachis n a k e d ; lower clothed with fe rru ginous
Hab. Andes of New Granada, Purdie, Schlim 609, and Bolivia, M andonlBil.—
Habit of a. ochraeea, but the under surface aud young stems coated with ferruginous
tomentum, and not powdery.
36. Gi. javanica, B lum e ; rhizome creeping; si. naked, glossy, 1-4 ft. 1. ; / r .
1-4 ft. L, varying from 1 to 2 pinnate ; p innl. sessile or slightly stalked, 3-12
in. 1., J-3 in. hr., ohlong-lanceolate, the apex acuininate, the edge entire or finely
toothed ; texture firm-herbaceous ; rachis stramineous, and both sides glossy.
i Ü- 'il