u . ..
23. P . (Pheg.) macrophyUum, H k . ; si. J in. thick, 4 ft. 1., clothed with
scattered lanceolate scales ; f r . ample, 6-0 ft. 1., 2-3 ft. br. ; lowest
16 in. 1., 2 i in. hr., cut down to a broadly-wmged rachis into close siiglitly-
toothed subfalcate lobes f in. br. ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous, firm ; colour^
dark-green ; both sides naked ; veinkts simple, 12 or more on a side, bearing son
ahouAhe centre.—Hlc. Sp. 4. p. 241.
H a b . Andes of N . E . P e ru , Spruce, 4 2 7 0 .-T h i s also h a s p ellucid dots, an d is a very
fine p lan t.
24 P . (Pheg.) pteroideum, Klotzsch ; St. 2-4 ft. 1., scaly a t the base, naked
and stramineoSs upwards ; f r . 3-0 ft. or more 1., 2-3 ft. br. ; lower pmnm 12-18
in. 1., .3-4 in. br. ; pinnl. linear, acute, entire, J in. br., the lower ones clettexed,
the lowest reduced ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; veinlets
forked ; sori quite marginal.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 265. t. 280.
Hab. Columbia and Ecuador.—Well distinguished from all the preceding by two-
thirds of the pinnules of the lower pinme being quite distinct. I t attains a height ot
15 feet.
«»«- P in næ cut nearly or quite down to the rachis into toothed or pinnatifid lobes.
Sp. 25-30.
26. 7 . (Vbog.) Phegopteris, L. ; ®7i«2ome slender, wide-creeping ; si. 6-9 in .l .,
slender, naked, except towards the base ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., subdeitoid ;
lower pinnoe 2-3 in. 1., J - f in. br., cut down three-quarters of the way to the rachis
into close, blunt, entire or slightly toothed lohes, l j - 2 1 in .b r., the lowert pair
deflexed ; texture th in ly herbaceous ; under side slightly h a i r y ; rnmfete 6-8 on a
side, the lower ones forked ; sori nearer the edge th an the midrib. Jdk. op. 4.
p . 245. B . F. t. 3.
Hab. Lapland to Japan, Etruria, and Greece ; Greenland, Iceland, and Eussian
America, southward to the United States.
26. P. (Ph eg .) distans, D o n ; St. lJ -2 ft. 1., slender, glossy, stramineous or
chesnut-hrown ; f r . lJ -3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. or more hr. ; lower pinnoe 6-8 m. 1.,
I J in. br., cut down nearly or quite to the raehis into deeply pmnatifid
i in. hr., with blunt or acute toothed or subentire lobes, the base dilated ; texture
herbaceous ; rachis naked, glossy, straw-coloured or brown ; under side shghtly
h a iry ; veinlas slightly pinnate in the lower lobes, pellucid ; so n scattered,
copious.—P . paludosura, Blume. H k . Sp. 4. p . 244.
Hab. N. India (up to 9-10,000 ft.) to Ceylon, Java.—A variable plant. P. „ ,
Hk. Sp. 4. p. 286, appears to be a form with subentire lobes ; and N. microstegium, Hk.
Sp.'d. p. 119. t. 250, a large form, with distinctly-pinnatifid lobes, and a stramineous
27. p . (Plieg.) obscurum, H k . ; si. tufted, 1 ft. 1., black, glossy, n a k e d ;/® .
12-18 in. 1., 8-]0 in. br. ; p in noe not close, 4-5 in. 1., 1 in .b r ,, cut three-quarters
dowm to the rachis into close b lu n t lobes 2 lin. hr., lowest pair the largest,
those of the fertile frond contracted ; rachis ebeneous ; texture papyraceo-
herbaceous ; veinlas fine, 6-8 on a side, the lower ones forked ; so n copious,
submarginal.—H k . Sp. 41 p . 237.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 802 ; Tavoy, Rev. C. S. Parish. — Very likely a non-
involucrate form of Neph. sag.
28. P . (Plieg.) molle, Roxb. ; St. 1 ft. or more 1., stout, deciduously scaly ;
f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. hr. ; lower pinnce not reduced, 6-9 in. 1., l j - 2 in. hr., cut
down to a broadly-winged rachis into ohlong entire or crenated b lu n t lobes
in. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis densely sc a ly ; under surface finely
villose all over ; veinlas forked ; sori small, copious, distant from the midrib.—
P. Dianæ, H k . Sp. 4. p . 234.
Hab. St. Helena.
29. P . (Pheg.) caudatum, Kaulf. ; St. 12-18 in. 1., firm, angular, brownish,
slightly scaly ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-16 in. b r. ; pinnæ 6-9 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., cut down
to a distinctly-winged rachis into oblong falcate distinctly-toothed lobes 2-3 lin.
hr., lower ones not reduced ; texture herbaceous ; rachis more or less scaly ; both
surfaces naked ; veinlets simple, 1 to each tooth, 6-8 on a side ; sori near the
midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 241,
Hab. Cuba to Brazil.
30. P. (Ph eg .) Usenale, Baker ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., slightly scaly ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1.,
1 ft. or more hr. ; lower pinnæ the largest, 6-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., cut down to the
rachis helow into distinct ohlong-lanceolate pinnl. 1-2 in. 1., with the veinlets
pinnate in the lower lobes ; texture herbaceous ; rachises villose and slightly
scaly ; lower side nearly naked ; sori in pairs on the lower lohes.
Hab. Andes of Peru and Ecuador, Spruce.
pronds small or middle-sided, tri- or quadripinnatifid. Sp. 31-43.
M ich x .; ®7i*i;ome wide-creeping ; st. 12-18_in.
down, with broad blu n t ’lo h e s; texture th in ly herhaceous under side slightly
villose ; veinlets pinnate in the lo b e s; sori marginal.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 245.
Hab. Canada, southward lo Florida.—General liabit of P. Phego{pteris.
32. P . (Pheg.) Hasseltii, Blume ; St. 9 in. 1., slightly s c a ly ; /®. about 1 ft.
each way, deltoid, q u adripinnatifid; lowest 6 m. 1., 8-5 m. bv. ;p inM .
stalked, ovate, the lowest much the largest, with ovate-oblong obtuse lobes, the
lower ones deeply pinnatifid ; texture coriaceous ; racUs and both sides naked ;
■ ! pinnate in the lohes ; sori medial.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 217.
Hab. Java.
33 P (Pheg.) rufeseens, Blume ; rhizome short-creeping ; st. 12-18 in. 1.,
firm, erect, naked ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 9-12 in. hr., subdeitoid ; lower much
the largest, deltoid, 6-8 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr. ; p innl. lanceolate, unequal-sided,
bluntly lobed, the lowest nearly down to the rachis ; texture subconaceous ;
raehis a o i both sides naked or slightly pubescent ; veinkts pinnate m the lower
lohes, 3-4 on a side ; sori medial.—« / . Sp. i . p . 257.
Hab. Java, Ceylon, New Caledonia, Queensland.—P. Barteriamm, Hk. Sp. 4. p. 254,
from Eernando Po, is evidently the same.
34. P . (Pheg.) Diyopteris, L. ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping; f r . 6-12 in. 1.,
slender, stramineous, naked upwards, slightly scaly below ; f r . 6-10/ n . each
way, deltoid ; lower pinnæ much the largest ; pinnl. lanceolate,^ only the lovvest
free, ohlong, slightly crenate ; texture th in ly herbaceous ; rachis anà both sides
glabrous ; firi sShm’a r g i n a l . - « / . Sp. 4. p . 250. B . F t. i . - ? , P . Bobertianum,
Hoffm. ; rhizome thicker, the whole p lan t more rigid and finely glandular.—
B. F. t. 5.
Hab. Lapland to the Pyrenees, N. Italy, N. India (5-8,000 ft.), Manchuria Japan ;
America—Greenland and Sitka to the Eocky Mountains and Northern United States.
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