70. G. (Sell.) avenía, Baker ; rhizome creeping, the scales linear, dull-hrown ;
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 1-3 in. hr., the point acuminate, the edge entire, the lower
h a lf narrowed gradually to the base or a short stout hlack stem ; texture subcoriaceous
; botli sides naked ; areolae distinct, with free veinlets ; sori in long
parallel oblique lines nearly touching the midrib but falling short of the edge.—
Grammitis, Blume.
Hab . Malay an P en in su la an d Is le s .—H a b it of th e la st, b u t tb in n e r in te x tu re , not
wrinkled when d ry , th e areolæ finer, an d fu rn ish ed with free v einlets.
t t Main veins distinct nearly or quite to the edge. Sp. 71-79.
A. Ma in veins fine, texture o f the fr o n d papyraceous. Sp. 71-75.
71. G. (Sell.) membranácea, I lk . ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales small,
linear, nearly black ; st. 2-6 in. 1., nearly naked ; f r . 0-12 in. 1., J - l J in. br.,
the pohit much acuminated, the edge entire, the lower p a rt narrowed very
gradually ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; both sides naked ; prima ry veins
distinct to the edge, but zigzag and very slender, united by similar transverse
vemlets so as to form large hexagonal areolæ; sori in oblique parallel interrupted
lines, one between each main vein.—« / . Sp. B .p . 159.
H a b . Malay Isles an d Ph ilip p in es.
i2. G. (Sell.) Wrightii, I lk . ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping, the scales small,
linear, dull-brown ; st. S-4 in. 1., firm, naked ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 1 - iJ in. hr., the
apex acute, the edge irregularly repand, narrowed suddenly about tbe middle
and below this very graduaUy into the stem ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ;
hotfi sides naked ; mam veins distinct to the edge, but zigzag and very slender ■
areolæ copious, with free included veinlets ; sori in continuous oblique parallel
rows one between each main vein.—« / . S p . 5. p . 160. t. 303.
H ab . Loo Choo an d Formosa.
73. G. (Sell.) regularis, Baker ; rhizome creeping, the scales i in. 1., ovate-
lanceolate, subfeiTugiiious ; st. 1-6 in. 1. ; f r . dimorphous, the barren ones
15 m. 1. 2 | in. br., elongate-oblong, narrowed gradually to both ends, the edge
entire, the fertile ones 8 m. 1., 2 in. br. ; texture papyraceous ; botli sides naked ;
m'àm veins 2-3 lin. apart, the areolæ copious, subquadrate, the main ones divided
11 1Î0 distinct secondary ones with free veinlets ; sori in single interrupted or continuous
rows between the main veins.—Polyp. Mett. F il. In d . 2. p . 225.
H ab . Borneo, Korthals.
74. G. (Sell.) macrophylla, H k . ; rhizome creeping, the scales lanceolate, dull-
hrown ; ri. 2 6 m. 1., naked ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 3-4 in. In-., narrowed gradually to
both ends, the edge entire ; texture pajiyraceous ; main veins distinct b u t slender
and zigzag, with copious uniform subquadrangular areolæ with free veinlets
between them ; so n m single continuous or slightly interrupted rows between
the main veins,—« / . S p . 6. p . 169. ‘
H a b . Malay an d P h ilip p in e Isles an d N ew Guinea.
^ 76. G. (SeU.) Baker ; rhizome creeping, the scales ovate-acuminate,
olown ; sf. 9 m. I., reddish-brown, margined upwards ; f r . 1 ft. 1. 3 in br
ovate-oblong, the base cuneate, the point bluntish, the edge subrepand ; texture
papyraceous ; both sides naked ; main veins straight, prominent, 3-4 lines
a p a r t; «reoloe irregular, the main ones divided, and those again sometimes
subdivided with free vemlets ; so n in single interrupted rows,—Polyp. Mett. F il.
Ind. L .p , 226.
Hab , Celebes, Forslen.
B. Main veins prominent, texture coriaceous. Sp. 76-79.
76. G. (Sell.) Féei, Hk. ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping, the scales bright-hrown,
fibrillose ; f r . dimorphous, the barren ones 3-4 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., ovate-ohlong, on
stems 1-0 in. 1., the fertile ones 3-6 in. 1., f - l è “e shorter stems, both
acute and entire ; texture coriaceous ; hoth sides naked ; main veins distract, the
intermediate veinlets obscure ; sori linear-oblong, immersed, in single rows
between the main veins, not reaching either to the midrib or edge.—« / . Sp.
B .p . 158.
Hab. Malay Peninsula and Isles.—P. mlcanicum, Blume, is said to be like this, but
to have the barren and fertile fronds uniform.
77. G. (Sell.) hetorocarpa, Blume ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, the scales
dense, J in. 1., linear, full-brown ; ri.6-9 in. 1,, firm,erect, naked ( f r . G-12 in. 1., 1-2
in. hr., the point much acuminated, the edge entire, the lower pa rt narrowed very
gradually ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked, glossy ; main veins distinct
to the edge, the veinlets hidden ; sori linear-oblong, immersed, one between each
main vein, not extending either to the edge or midrib.—« / . Sp. B. p. 160.
Hab. Java.
78. G. (Sell.) Ilamiltoniana, H k . ; rhizome wfide-creeping, woody, the scales
linear, dull-hrown ; f i '. dimorphous, the barren ones 1 ft. 1., 3-4 in. br., spathulate,
the stem 2-3 in. 1., the fertile ones 4-6 in. 1., I j in. br., the stems more than
1 ft. 1., slender, naked ; texture subcoriaceons ; both sides naked ; main vdns
distinct to the edge, with copious intermediate areolæ with free included veinlets ;
sori ill broad continuous rows, one between each main vein.—« / . Sp. B .p. IGO.
Ceterach pedunculata, « / . ^ Gr. t. 5.
Hab. East Himalayas (subtropical region).
79. G. (Sell.) caudiformis, H k . ; rhizome woody, creeping, the scales large,
pale-hrown, lanceolate ; ri. 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, glossy, pale-hrown ; f r . 6-9
in. 1., ovate-oblong acuminate, the sterile ones 8-4, the fertile ones 1-2 in. h r . ;
texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; main vdns distinct to the edge, the veinlets
o b scure; sori in one continuous or interrupted row between the main veins.—
« / . Sp. 6. p . 168. Bot. Mag. t. 6328.
Hab. Mergui, Moulmein, and Malayan and Polynesian Isles to Tahiti and New
** Fronds compound.—Sp. 80-84.
80. G. (Sell.) palmata, Baker ; ri. 6-9 in. 1., polished, naked, ebeneous; f r .
6-9 in. each way, cut down palmately very nearly to the base into five divisions,
the central one' 4-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., ohlong-lanceolate, slightly sinuated, the
others similar h u t shorter, and often unequal-sided ; texture thin-herbaceous ;
both sides nearly naked ; main vdns wavy and falling short of the edge ; areolce
fine, irregular, with a few free veinlets ; sori fine, irregular in shape, united on
the uniting veinlets.
Hab. San Christoval, Solomon Isles, Milne, 508.
81. G. (Sell.) elliptica, Baker ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping ; S t . 1 ft. or
more 1., firm, erect, naked, stramineous ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., cut down
nearly to the rachis in the upper and quite in the lower p a rt into 4-6 linear-oblong
pinnæ on each side, which are 6-8 in. 1., J - l J in. br. ; ioetere herbaceous ; rachis
and both sides naked ; main veins slender, not distinct to the edge ; areofi large
and unequal, with free veinlets ; sori linear, oblique, reaching the niidrib, but
not the edge.—Polyp. Thunb. G. decurrens, « / . S p . 6. p . 161.
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