2 1 6 8 . A S P L E N I U M , § § E U A S P L E N I U M .
flabellate segm., 1 - 2 lin. br., sharply toothed on the outer edge ; texture coriaceous ;
rachis firm, grey, naked ; veins subflabellate ; sori oblong, usually one only to a
segm.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 183. t. 204,
Hab. Brazil and Ecuador.—Mettenius makes here two species ; one, A . divergens, Mett.
{Burchell, 2374, 4671), a foot or more long, with pinnules toothed only ; the other
smaller {Burchell, 3508), with pinnatifid and flaccid decurved main rachis and pinnæ ;
but our figure is midway between them.
181. A., fragrans, Swartz ; 5 / tufted, 4-8 in. k, firm, naked, erect, brownish
below; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., subdeltoid, tripinnate, with nuinerous close-
placed deltoid pinnae on each side, the lowest 3 in, 1., in. br. ; pinnl. lanceolate
deltoid ; segm. subspatliulate, 1 lin. br., dentate round the outer edge ;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, naked ; veins fine, obscure, one in each tooth
of the segm. ; sori copious, at last often covering the whole under surface of the
segm.—/3, A . foeniculaceum^ H. B. K. ; ult. segm. narrowly linear.—H k . Sp. 3.
p . 181.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and the West Indies to Peru and Brazil.—The
two varieties seem to be quite connected by gradual intermediate gradations.
132. A. Blakistoni, Baker ; st. tufted, 3-4 in, 1., firm, erect, greenish, nearly
naked ; f r . 4-5 in. 1., 3 in. br., ovate-deltoid, with numerous imbricated pinnae,
the lowest deltoid, 2 in. 1 ., 1 - l j in. h r . ; pinnl. lanceolate, cut down to the rachis
into distant linear-cuneate sharply-toothed segm. ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis
firm, naked ; veins obscure, one in each segment; sori copious.
Hab. Province of Szchuan, West China, Capt. Blakiston.—This comes nearest Lo some
of the more finely divided forms of the preceding.
Group o f A . lanceolatum. Texture herhaceous or slightly coriaceous. Venation
Fronds 4-8 in. long^ lanceolate. Sp. 133-136.
133. A. fo n tam m , Bernh. ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., wiry, slender, naked,
greenish ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1-1^ in. br., oblong-lanceolate, with numerous on
each side, the lower ones short and reflexed, tlie central ones horizontal,
in. 1., J - f in. br., cut down to the raclus into several stalked pinnl. on each
side, the lower ones oblong, deeply inciso-pinnatifld ; texture herbaceous ; rachis
and upper surface bright-green ; veins oblique ; sori copious, covering nearly
the whole under surface of the pinnl.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 193. B rit. F. t. 34.—
/3, A . Bourgcei, Boiss ; pinnæ oblong, blunt, f in. 1., f in. br., cut down about
halfway to the rachis into oblong sharply-toothed lobes, most of them somewhat
Hab. England to Spain, Naples, and Greece ; Lycia ; Himalayas.—A. refractum, Moore
(Nat. Brit. F. t. 35), only known in cultivation, comes very near var. /3, but has a chesnut-
coloured rachis, and larger, closer, and more distinctly reflexed pinnæ. A. exiguum,
Beddome, from the Neilgherries, seems to be a less-divided form of this, with narrow
fronds and an ebeneous rachis. A similar plant has been gathered in Mexico by Mr.
Glennie, and a long narrow-fronded form, but with broader and more divided pinnæ, iu
Japan by Mr. Wright.
134. A. varians, H k . & Gr. ; st. tufted, 1-3 in. 1., slender, naked, greenish ;
f r . 4-6 in. 1., 1 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, with 3-12 pinnce on each side, the lower
ones suhdeltoid, f - | in. 1., J - f in. br., cut down to the rachis into a few cuneato-
flabellate pinnl., the lowest 2 Un. across, sharply toothed on the outer edge ;
texture herbaceous ; rachis slender, naked, green ; veins one carried into each
tooth ; sori copious, when mature covering nearly the whole under surface of
the pinnl.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 192. l i k . é Gr. Ic. t. 172.
Hab. Himalayas, Neilgherries, Ceylon, Cape Colony, CaflTraria, Natal.
135. A. incimm, Thunb. ; S t. tufted, 1-3 in. 1., polished, chesnut-hrown ; f r .
6 - 1 2 in. 1 ., H - 2 in. br., with numerous on each side, the lower distant and
blunt, the central ones lanceolate-deltoid, 1 in. 1 ., i in. br., cut down to the
rachis into numerous ovate-rhomboidal pinnl., much truncated a t the base on
the lower side and deeply inciso-pinnatifid ; texture thinly herhaceous ; n e la s
greenish above, compressed, flaccid ; veins one to each tooth ; son linear-oblong,
one to each vein.—A. elegantulum, Hh. Sp. 3. p . 178. 2nd Cent. F. t. 28.
Hab, Japan (common), Tsus-Sima, Chusan, W. China.—Very near A. lanceolatum, hoi
narrower in outline, and thinner in texture.
136. A. lanceolatum, Hnds. ; st. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., naked, glossy, chesnut-
coloured ; f r . 6 - 9 in. 1 ., 2 - 4 in. hr., with numerous pinnæ on each side, the lower
ones distant, 1 -U in. 1., J - f in. hr., cut down to the rachis into numerous oblong-
rliomboidal pinnl., which are truncate on the lower side, sharply toothed and
often broadly lobed below; texture herbaceous; raclas firm, erect, green or
tinged with ch e sn u t; veins fine, the lateral ones usually once fo itted ; so n
copious, when mature covering nearly the whole under surface.—« * . bp. à.
p . 190. B r it. F. t. 32.
Hab South-west of Europe ; England to Greece, Algiers, Madeira, Azores, St. Helena.
A. obovatum, Viv. (Hk. & Gr. t. 147), is a less divided southern form with obovate
Group o f A . hulbiferum. Venation pinnate. Fronds
1 f t . or more long.
Ultimate divisions ample,
Sp, 137-144.
137. A. anqustatum, P re sl; sl. 6-12 in. 1., naked, greyish or ebeneous below ;
fr 6 - 1 2 in 1 4 - 6 in. br., with numerous pinnæ on each side, the lower ones
deitoid, 2 - 4 4 . k , 1 J - 2 in. br., lobed and pinnatifid on the upper, cut down below
into distinct inciso-crenate ovate-rhomhoidal or spathiilate pmn l. j-jj in. br. ;
texture herbaceous ; raehis naked, compressed and winged u p w f / ' 7
p in n a te ; sori linear, falling considerably short of the q&ga.—M a t. Aspl. 1/7.
•ihon Desv. Sç B l.
Hab. Brazil.—This is nearest A.
s, but considerably less compound, with
blunt sessile subspathulate pinnules.
138. A. adiaxitoides, Raddi ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., naked, giey, £1 1™ > fr -
12-24 in. 1., 8-15 in. br., deltoid, quadripinnate ; lower p n n æ distant deltoid,
6-q in 1 4-6 in. hr., with numerous stalked deltoid pxxml. on each side ; segm.
deltoid cut down nearly or quite to the rachis ; ult. dimsvms cuneate-spathulate,
¿ 5 y f la h eU a l? c u t? t J u r e herbaceous; raehü firm n a k e d ; vexns one to
each ult. division ; sori copious, linear.—« / . Sp. à. p . 18b.
Hab. Jamaica and B r a z i l . - Distinguished in the group by its distant long-stalked
pinnæ and pinnules.
139 A Wardii, H k . ; St. 6-9 in. 1., erect, slender, polished, greyish, scaly
towards the base • fr. 12-16 in. 1., 10 in. br., deltoid, with numerous lanceojate
b T K L e a d r ^ id e fû ie lowest 6 in. 1., I J in. br. cut down to
Fumerons ovate-rhomboidal pùnnl., which are # m. 1., J m. hr., the point b lu n t the
sTdeè unequal, the iipperFne auricled, the lower one obliquely truncate a t ti e
blse thè edgé v eh slightly crenate ; texture thinly herbaceous ; r fiU s slendei
S S h e d gre^ilh;"^ vSns cFnspicnous, tbe central lateral ones twice ork^^^
sari in tw-o regular oblique rows near the m i d r i b . - « / . Sp. 3. p . 189. 2nd Lent.
F . t. S3.
Hab. Island of Tsus-Sima, Wilfm-d, 717.- A very distinct species.
140. A. (, Raddi ; S t . 1 ft. 1., polished, glossy, purplish-black ;
il r.
r i l T ÎÎ
4 -