2 in. br., their segm. cut down to the rachis below, with ohlong toothed lower
lobes ; texture coriaceous.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 54. t. 77. B.
Hab. Mauritius.
Gen. 23. Lonchitis, L inn.
Sori marginal, placed in the sinuses of the frond, more or less distinctly
reniform b u t often considerably elongated. Invol. tlie same shape as the sorus
and covering it, membranous in texture, formed from the refiexed margin.
T ab. I I . f. 23. United by Mettenius. with Pteris, from which it differs only by the
position o f the sori.
1. L. puheseens, Willd. ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, densely clothed with
woolly pubescence ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., deltoid, tripiiiiiatifid, cut down to the raohis
except towards the ap ex ; lower pinnæ sometimes 12-18 in. 1., 9-12 in. br. ;
p innl. lanceolate, cu t down nearly to the racliis below, with blunt, oblong,
sinuated segm.; rachis and under surface, especially the midrib,-tomentose ;
veins copiously anastomosing into irregular hexagonal areolæ ; sori placed round
the main sinuses of the ])innules and in two or three of the hollows of the
segments on each side.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 56.—/3, I . glabra, Bory ; f r . thinner in
texture and less hairy.— Hk. Sp. 2. p . 6 7 . L . IMatalensis, H k . Sp. 2. p . 6 7 .
t. 89. B.
H ab . M au ritiu s, Bourbon, J o b a n n a Islan d , Seychelles, N a ta l, Cape Colony, an d in
W e s t Tropical A fric a on tb e Cameroon M o u n ta in s an d th e islands of F e rn an d o P o and
St. Th om as.—I can n o t p o in t o u t an y ch a ra c te r by which th e S o u th American plant,
g a th e red in th e Caraccas by L in d en (h . L indeniana, Hook.), may be d istinguished ; and
th a t from Madagasca r ( i . Madagascariensis, H o o k .) only differs by having th e lower
segments of th e p in n u le s d is tin c tly sep arated , o r even stalked, b lu n tly rounded a t the
p o in t, an d scarcely a t all lobed. T h e ven a tio n is id en tic a l in all th e forms. L . aurita, L.,
ta k e n u p from P lumier, is no d o u b t th is, fig u red w ith a mu ric a ted stem by mistake.
2. L. occidentalis, Baker ; st. 1-2 ft. h, strong, erect, naked ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1.,
deltoid, tripinnatifid, cut down to the rachis except very near the apex ; low-er
pin næ 12-18 in. 1., 9 in. hr., lanceolate-deltoid ; pinnl. lanceolate, cut down
below about three-quarters of the way to the rachis into blunt oblong lobes ;
raehis and both surfaces naked ; main veins forked at a broad angle towards the
apex, h u t only anastomosing rarely, and the lowest vein from the midribs of the
lobes sometimes meeting so as to form a costal arch ; sori reniform, placed in the
sinuses a t the base or along the margin of the ultimate lobes.
H a b . G a th e red by D r. We lwitsch in A n g o la (No. 132), by B a rte r a t F e rn an d o P o , and
by Gu stav e M an n , a t an elevation of 4,000 ft., on th e Cameroon M o u n ta in s. T h e naked
surfaces an d rach is and only casually anastomosing vena tion will d istin g u ish th is clearly
from th e preceding, and th e la te ra l sinuses o f tb e lobes in which th e sori a re placed are
n o t n e a rly so d is tin c t, an d in tb e lower lobes o f th e p in n u le th e re is often no sorus at
th e base.
Gen. 24. H ypolepis, Bernh.
Sori marginal, placed usually in the sinuses of the frond, small, subglobose,
uniform, distinct. Invol. the same shape as the sorus and covering it, membranous
in texture, formed out of the reflexed margin. This genus seems only
intelligible as distinct when restricted to those species which have equal roundish sori
placed in the sinuses o f the ultimate divisions o f the fro n d . I n this sense it is
employed here, 'which excludes several plants placed under it in the Species Filicum.
T ab. I I . f. 24.
§ Euhypolepis. Rhizome wide-creeping, fronds ample, tri- or quadripinnatifid.
Sp. 1-10.
1. II. tenuifolia, Bernh. ; rhizome wide-creeping, puberulous ; st. 1 ft. 1.,
strong, erect, slightly asperous, naked or ])ubescent; f r . 4-5 ft. 1.,^ quadripinnatifid
; lower pinnæ ovate-aouminate, 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br. ; pinnl. lan ceolate
; segm. rather distant, 1 - lJ in. 1., J in. h r., lanceolate, cut dov\-n to
the rachis into numerous linear-oblong toothed ultimate divisions ; texture
herbaceous ; rachises tomentose, the costa and sometimes the surface beneath
slightly hairy and glandular ; sori 2 to 6 to an ultimate division, placed at the
sinuses of the teeth.—f t / . Sp. 2. p . 60. t. 89. C. and 90. A. H. dicksonioides,
H k . Sp. 1. c. H. pallida, Hk. Sp. 2. p . 64.
H ab . J a v a , Polynesian Islan d s, N ew Z e alan d , A u stra lia , N o rfo lk Is lan d .—Closely
allied to th is are a n um b e r of J a v a n forms, described as species by Blume an d K u n z e , for
which I can n o t give d istin ctiv e ch a ra cte ristic s ; viz., 0. setigera, a lpina, resinifera, p o ly podioides,
ja va n ica , aud p a llid a of th e former, ru d is an d stenophylla of th e la tte r au th o r.
F o r an account of these, reference may be made to Blum e’s “ F lo r a ,” H o o k e r’s “ Species
Filicum ,” and th e volume of th e “ L in næ a ” for 1848. I I . resistens a n d amaiiroracMs of
Ku n z e are refe rred by M e tten iu s to Polypodium rugulosuin.
2. H. distans. I lk . ; st. 6 in. high, slender, flexuose, chesnut-hrown, naked,
slightly asperous ; f r . about 1 ft. 1., 4-5 in. hr., ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate ;
pinnoe spreading at right angles with the rachis, distant, especiaUy the lower
ones, lanceolate, 2-3 in. h, ^ in. br. ; pinnl. oblong, the lower ones approaching
to deltoid, cut about halfway down ; texture herbaceous ; rachis scabrous b u t not
tomentose ; sori small, 2 to 4 to a pinnule, placed in the lower sinuses.—Ilk .
Sp>. 2. p . 70. t. 95. C.
H ab . N ew Ze alan d.—H a b it of a slen d e r form of A tliy rium jilix -foem in a .
3. H. anthriscifolia, Fresl ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, straw-coloured, naked
but rather rough, with small raised points ; f r . ample, quadripinnatifid ; lower
pinnoe deltoid-lanceolate, 1 ft. or more 1., 4-6 in, hr. ; pinnl. lanceolate, rather
distantly placed, the segm. cut down to the rachis into small oblong deeply
pinnatifid ultimate divisions 2 lin. 1., lin. br. ; texture th in ly herbaceous ;
rachis and under surface slightly hairy ; sori 2 or 4 to each of the ultimate
divisions, placed in the lower sinuses.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 66, t. 95. A.
H a b . Bourbon, M au ritiu s, Cape Colony, F e rn an d o P o .—T h e fronds a re said by Bojer,
who called \t A d ia n tum elatum, to be from 10 to 18 fe e t in len g th . I I . elata, Vv eû ,
an d I I . aspera, P re s l, ap p e ar to be forms of th is species. T h is is gene ra lly a mo re flaccid
an d more finely-cut p la n t th a n I I . repens an d te n u ifo lia ; b u t some o f th e F e rn an d o P o
specimens have th e rachis brown an d v e ry rough.
4. H. repens, Presl ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, naked or puberulous, straw-
coloured, more or less densely prickly ; f r . 3-4 ft. h, quadripinnatifid ; lower
pinnoe 1-2 ft. 1., 6-12 in. hr., ovate-acuminate ; pinnl. about 6 in. 1., 1^-2 in. br.,
lanceolate ; segm. oblong-lanceolate, blunt, cut down nearly to the rachis into
numerous bluntish lobes ; texture herbaceous ; rachises like the main stem ; sori
2 to 6 to a segm., placed a t the sinuses.—I lk . Sp. 2. p . 64. t. 90. C.—¡3, inennis,
Hk . ; St. and rachis not at all prickly.
Hab. Tropical America, from tbe West Indies southward to Brazil and Peru.
5. H. nigrescens, Hk. ; st. 12-18 in, 1., strong, erect, glabrous, ra th e r th ick ly
armed with strong prickles ; f r . ample, quadripinnatifid ; pinnoe numerous,
spreading from the main rachis a t right angles, the lowest 1 ft. 1., 6 in. br. ;
pinnl. 3-4 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., lanceolate, spreadmg or even deflexed ; segm. ovate-
oblong, cut down to the rachis below ; texture herbaceous ; rachises like the main