in. 1., I J in. br., witli very numerous close-placed pinnse, the lower ones, which
are | in. 1., J in. hr., deflexed, the point obtuse, the edge iiiciso-crenate,_the
upper side auricled and narrowed suddenly a t the base, the lower truncate in a
straight line ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis glossy, nearly black ; veins mostly
once forked ; sori in 2 unequal parallel rows.—A. mnltijugiim, Wall. Hh. bp.
8. p . 139. t. 188.
Hab. Himalayas to Ceylon.—A. opacam, Kunze, is a large form, with herbaceous pinme
1 in. 1. Very doubtfully distinct from A. wionantliemum, but constantly plurisorous.
43. A.subavenium, H k . ; st. tufted, 2-3 in. 1., wiry, blackish, densely fibrillose ;
f r . 9-12 in. 1., I J in. hr., with very numerous close-placed horizontal on
each side, which are j-1 in. 1., J - f in. br., blu n t a t the point, the edge slightly
iuciso-crenate, the npper side dist nctly auricled, and narrowed suddenly at the
base, the lower narrower below, b u t nearly equal upwards ; texture coriaceous ;
veins faint, and a distinct midrib only in tlie lower p a rt of the pinnæ ; rachis
densely fibrillose, especially below ; sori 2-4 on each side, oblique.—E k . Sp. 3.
p . 143:«. 181. B.
Hab. Penang, iifaciicn—Bojer’s Madagascar specimen, figured in “ Species Filicum,”
seems to be an example of this, which differs from the rest of the group by its densely
fibrillose rachis, and is not unlikely A. setosum, Desv.
44. A. ebeneum, Ait. ; st. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., chesnnt-brown, polished, nearly
naked ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., linear-lanceolate, with 20-40 sessile horizontal
or subfalcate on each side, which are 1 in. or more 1., -J- in. or rather more
hr., the point acute or bluntish, the edge inciso-serrate, b u t sometimes very
faintly so, the base hastately auricled on one or both sides, often cordate ; texture
herbaceous ; veins fine and close, once or twice forked ; rachis chesnnt-brown
and bright polished ; sori often 10-12 on each side, oblong, short.—H k . Sp. 3.
p . 138.
Hab. Canada to the West Indies, and Ecuador ; Cape Colony.—A. ebenoides, Scott, of
which a single root was found on tbe banks of the Schuykill above Philadelphia, looks
most like this ; but tbe pinnæ are not out down to the rachis, and the frond has an
elongated point which is only sinuated with a single row of sori on each side. Probably,
as suggested by Professor Eaton, this is A . Hendersoni of Honlston, figured by Lowe,
vol. 5, t. 12. This species recedes from the Trichomanes group towards A. formosum.
t t P in næ 1 or 2, linear-cuneate. Sp. 45-46. Acropteris, Link.
46. A. septentrionale, Hoffm. ; st. densely tufted, 3-4 in. 1., slender, erect,
naked, ebeneous towards the base ; f r . simple or cleft from the apex into two
or three cuneate divisions, 1-1J in, 1., 1 lin. br., with a few sharp lateral and
terminal teeth ; texture coriaceous ; veins forked, subparallel ; sori elongated,
copious, often at last hiding the whole under surface.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 174. B rit.
F . t. 26.
Hab. Norway and Britain, to Spain, Italy, Siberia, and the Himalayas, Kooky Mountains
and New Mexico.—This and tbe following connect Asplénium with Actiniopteris.
46. A. Seelosii, Siebold ; st. densely tufted, 1-2 in. h, slender, iviry, green, ebe-
neons below ; f r . J - j in. 1., p a lm a te ? cleft, u s u a l ? into 3 n e a r ? equal forks,
whioh are about 1 lin. br., the edge slightly incìso-serrate ; texture coriaceous ;
upper surface pale-green, h a iry ; veins obscure ; sori copious, when mature occupying
the whole surface.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 175. 2nd Cent. t. 82.
Hab. Tyrol and Carintbia.
usually ample, acute or acuminate.
J t t P in noe numerous, linear or linear-ohlong,
Sp. 47-103.
A. Group o f A .
equal or nearly so on both sides at the base.
Sp. 47-60.
47. A. angustifolium, Mich. ; st. tufted, 1 ft. or more 1. erect, brownish, s lig h t?
s e a ? below ; f r . 18-24 in. 1., 4-G in. br., lanceolate-oblong, flaccid, wKh „0-30
subsessile horizontal Bi»«« on each side, the sterile ones the largest, 3-4 in. 1.,
J in. br., acuminate at the point, the edge o b sc u re ? crenate the base rounded
In d equal on both sides ; fertile pinnæ narrower and more distant ; texture t h i n ?
herbaceous ; vmns sometimes twice forked ; sori very close and regular, extending
from the midrib n e a r ? to the edge.—Hk. Sp. 3. p . 116.
Hab. Canada, southward to the Southern United States.—A very distinct species.
48. A. multUineatum, H k . ; st. 6 in. 1., firm, erect, naked, greyish-green ; / r .
12-18 in. l.,6 -8 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, with a long inear-lanceolate terminal
mnna and 9-18 lateral ones on each side, which are 4-6 in. 1., g - f in. bi., the
Foint acuminate, the edge f a in t ? toothed, b u t the point more deeply, the base
Fnneato-trnncate with a short petiole ; <r*««ra V ' ^ Z m t l L S b
raeUs naked ; veins m o s t? simple, with so « on each reaching from the midiib
to the edge.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 102. A. distans, Brack.
Hab Samoa and Fiji.—Characterized by its simple veins, which branch from the
midrib at an angle of from 70 to 80, and close regular rows of son.
49. A. lonqissimum, Blume ; st. tufted, 3-12 in. 1., strong erect, blackish, n e a r ?
naked : fr. 2-3 ft. 1., 4-6 in. hr., lanceolate elongate, proliferous and rooting at
the apex, with very numerous horizontal pinnoe on each side, which are 7-3 in. 1.,
J - t in. hr., the point acuminated, the two sides n e a iÿ equal, vvith a distinct
reStral midrib, the edge s lig h t? toothed, the base on both sides o f T T r Z k e d '
texture herbaceous ; raohis dark-coloured, strong s lig h t? villose ; “ 7 5 “ « ^
oblique ; sori numerous, in 2 regular rows on each side the midrib and reaching
n e a r ? to the edge.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 149. «. 190.
Hab. Java, Borneo, Malacca, Mauritius.
50 A. W ig h tiam m ,M fa n .-, st. tufted, 6-9 in .l., greenish, naked ; /« . 12-18
in 1 6-8 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, with 6-9 pinnoe on each side which are dis-
tinctiv stalked, and the lowest 2 in. apart, 6-6 in. 1., m. hr., the point acuminated
the edo-e ir re g u la r ? crenate, the base gradually truncato-cuneate, equal
on both side s! texture coriaceous ; colour pale-green ; " ¿ 1 0 6 « 167
often forked { so r i distant, falling short of the e d g e . - « / . Sp. 3. p . 106. «. 167.
A. longipes. F ie, H k . Sp. i?. p. 106.
Hab. Madras and Ceylon.
Kl A C u m n t r a n u m H k . • S t. 6-9 in. h, firm, erect, grey, naked ; f r . 18 in. 1.,
6 in.'br.; with a long narrow linear terminal p i n n a and ob"
eacli sidè which are 6 in. 1., # in. hr., the point acuminate, the lowei p a it obs
c u re ? /id n la te d , the npper p a rt crenate, the ¿ ¿ H s T
on both sides, decurrent so as to form a ivmg to _
the upper p a rt ; t e x t u r e very coriaceous ; v e i n s f% 3 F! l i o ’.
s o r i long, reaching n e a r ? from the midrib to the edge. ■ p . • P
Hab. Sumatra, Teschemacher; Fiji, Daernel.
62. A. salignum, Blume ; st. 4-G in. 1., slender, naked ; f r . 0 in. 1., about 6 in.
; P:
1 11
' i ii