Hab. Himalayas (up to 6,000 ft.) and Japan southward to Moulmein, the Philippines,
and Queensland.—Oldham gathered in Formosa a form with the fronds quite entire.
82. G. (Sell.) pinnata, H k . ; st. subtufted, 6-12 in. L, firm, erect, glossy ;
f r . \ . ft. or more I., nearly as br., simply pinnate ; -pinnæ erecto-patent, 6-9
in. 1., J-1 in. br., narrowed gradually to both ends, the low'er ones stalked, the
edge nearly entire ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; areolæ
narrow, irregular, usually in two rows between the midrib and edge ; smi
oblong or linear, irregular, often confluent.—« / . Sp. B. p. 151. Dictyogramme,
Hab. Fiji and Queensland to the Malay Isles.—ff,.? subtrifoUata, Hk. Sp. 5. p. 152.
t. 298, from Fiji, is like this in habit and the shape of the pinnæ, but they are only three
in number, and the reins join hardly at all. The fruit is not known.
83. G. (Sell.) japónica, Desv. ; rhizome creeping ; st. 6-12 in. I., glossy,
stramineous or chesnut-brown, naked ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 1 ft. hr., simply pinnate
or bipinnate a t the base; pinnæ 6-12 in. 1., 1-2 in. hr., linear-ohlong, acuminate,
entire, the lower ones stalked ; texture herbaceous ; raehis aud both ddes naked ;
veins close, usually twice forked, and joining once, the sori often on all of them
and extending from the midrib to the edge.—« / . Sp. S. p . 151. Dictyogramme,
P t6sI.
Hab. Japan and Formosa.—Probably not really distinct from Q. javanicct.
84. G. (Sell.) podophyila, H k . ; st. tufted, 6-8 in. 1., dark chesnut-hrown,
glossy ; f r . 4-6 in. each way, deltoid ; lower p in næ much the largest, cut down
nearly to the rachis into ohlong-lanceolate lobes, the lowest only prolonged and
pinnatifid ; texture herbaceous ; under surface finely pubescent ; veins copiously
reticulated ; sori in the outer h a lf of the lobes.—« / . Sp. 6. p . 152. t. 296.
Hab, Mexico and New Mexico,—Probably a form of ff, pedata, with which it quite
agrees in everything except venation.
Gen. 63. Brainea, « / .
S o ri continuous along transverse veins near the midrib and also produced
along the veins in the direction of the edge of the frond. A single subarborescent
Indian and Chinese species resembling Blechnum in general habit, but with naked
sori and the veins forming costular areolæ. T ab . V I. f. 63.
_ 1. B. insignis, H k . ; trunk 3-4 in. thick, the scales linear, ferruginous, # -l
in. 1. ; ri. firm, 3-4 in. 1., naked, scaly only a t the base ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1,, 8-12 in. hr.,
simply pinnate ; p innæ close, numerous, linear, finely serrated ; texture coriaceous;
rachis and both sides naked.—« / . Sp. B .p . 162. F il. F x . t. 38.
Hab. Hong-Kong and Khasya.
Gen . 54. Meniscium, Schreb.
_ Sori ohlong or linear, occupying the connivent transverse veinlets. Fronds
simple or once pinnate. A small genus, almost confined to the tropics, with the
venation (/P o ly p o d ium § Goniopteris, from which i t differs onlii Im iU
or confluent sori. T ab . V I. f. 54.
Fronds simple. Sp. 1-2.
1, H k . ; rhizome firm, widef
1. M. simplex,k . wide-creeping ; st. stramineous, slightly
pubescent, of the barren frond 4-6 in., of the fertile 1 ft. or more 1.; barren
r . 6-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., ohlong-lanceolate acuminate, the base cordate and
sometimes auricled, the edge crenate ; fertile f r . similar, b u t smaller ; texture
subcoriaceous ; vei-ns beneath pubescent, main veins J in. apart ; areolæ 8-12
between the midrib and edge.—Hk. S p . 6. p . 162. F il. F x . t. 83.
Hab. Chusan, Hong-Kong, and Formosa.—Kunze considers this a simple form of
ilf. tri'phyllum.
2. M. giganteum, Me tt.; st. 1 ft. 1., dark-hrown, slightly pubescent; f r .
lJ -2 ft. 1., 4 in. hr., elongate-oblong, narrowed rather suddenly a t hoth ends,
the edge slightly repand ; texture papyraceous ; vdns beneath nearly naked,
main veins J in. ap a rt ; areolæ 30-40 between the midrib and edge.—Hh. Sp. 6.
p . 163.
Hab. Peru, Lechler, 2292.
F rond pinnate. Sp. 3-10.
3. M. triphyllum, Sw. ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping ; st. slender, suhstramineous,
slightly pubescent, of the barren frond 4-6 in., of the fertile frond 1 ft.
or more 1. ; f r . with an ohlong-lanceolate te rmina l p inna 4-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr.,
the base cuneate or rounded, the edge repand, and 1-2 similar h u t smaller ones
on each side, the fertile ones smaller th an the b p r e n ones ; texture subcoriaceous
; veins beneath slightly pubescent, main vei"s J iu. a p a r t; areolæ 6-9
between the midrib and edge.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 163. H k . é Gr. t. 120.
Hab. Himalayas to Ceylon, S. China, and Malaccas.
4. M. Thwaitesii, H k . ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping ; ri. 9-12 in. 1., suhstramineous,
nearly naked ; f r . 8-10 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., suhdeltoid, tlie apex
acuminate, crenato-pinnatifid, helow this several blu n t linear-oblong subentire
pinnæ, the lowest the largest, distinctly stalked, 2-3 in. 1., j in. hr., the edge
bluntly, not deeply, lohed, the base narrowed suddenly ; texture herhaceous ;
colour dark-green ; midrib beneath pubescent ; main veins 1 lin. ap a rt ; areolæ
and sori 4-5 in the lower pinnæ between the midrib and edge. .
Hab. Ceylon, ff. P. 3145.
5. M. pauciflorum, H k . ; ri. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., glossy, brownish ; f r . 12-18
in. 1., 6-8 in. br. ; pinnce numerous, spreading, J - J in. apart, 3-4 in. L, 2-3 lin.
hr., narrowed very gradually from the middle to both ends, the edge sharply
toothed ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; areolæ in 1-2 rows
between the midrib and edge.—U k . Sp. B. p . 164.
Hab. Sierra del Crystal, West Tropical Africa, Mann, 1672.
6. M. salicifolium, Wall. ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., stramineous or pale-hrown,
glossy ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 1 ft. h r.; pinnoe numerous, j - l J in. apart, 4-8 in. 1.,
J - | in. hr., narrowed very gradually from the mi(ldle to hoth emls, the edge
n early entire, the lowest the largest ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both
sides glahrous ; main veins oblique, 1 lin. apa rt ; areolæ 4-5 between the midrib
and edge.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 164. 2nd Cent. t. 90.
Hab. Penang and Singapore.
7. M. angustifolium. Will. ; ri. suhtufted, 6-18 in. 1., firm, erect, slightly
p u b e s c e n t;/- . l J - 2 ft. 1., 1 ft. h r .; p innoe spreading, 4-6 in. 1., J - J in. hr.,
narrowed gradually to a long acuminate point, the edge subentire, the base
cuneate, the lower ones often stalked ; texture subcoriaceons ; rachis and veins
beneath pubescent ; fertile pinnoe much narrower th an the barren ones ; main
veins 1 lin. apart ; areolæ 4-6 between the midrib and edge.—H k . Sp. B. p . 164.
Hab. West Indies to Peru,
f t 1