I ;
’ • I f
Hab. Guatemala, Salvin & Qodrrmn, 119.—Very different from the rest oi the group
in the shape of its pinnæ.
C. Group o f A . resectum. P innm with from h a lf to the whole o f the lower side
cut away. Sp. 100-104.
100. A. formosum, Willd. ; St. tufted, very short, naked, polished, chesnut-
hrown ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 1 in. hr., with 20-30 sessile horizontal pinnæ on each
side, which are | in. 1., l-|-2 lin. deep, the upper edge deeply cut, the point
rather obtuse, the lower edge truncate in a straight line, so th a t about half the
lower side is cut away ; texture herbaceous ; colour bright-green ; veins obscure,
simple or forked ; sori linear-oblong, short, oblique, placed 1 to 4 on each side of
the midrib.—Hk. Sp. 3. p . 143. P il. E x . t. 16.
Hab. Tropical America, from Cuba and Mexico southward to Brazil and Peru ; Ceylon
and the Neilgherries, Angola and Congo.—By its wiry polished rachis this approaches
the Trichomanes group.
101. A. pulchellum, Raddi ; sl. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., slender, erect, naked, greenish ;
f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., with 12-18 pinnæ in each side, which are J - j m. 1.,
2-3 lin. br., bluntish at the point, almost dimidiate, the upper edge inciso-crenate,
and narrowed suddenly a t the base ; texture thinly herbaceous ; raehis slender,
green, compressed ; veins distant, once forked ; sori linear, oblique, falling short
of the edge, sometimes 1 or 2 almost parallel with the midrib on the low'er side
of it.—i f t . Sp. 3. p . 129.
Hab. Tropical America, from Columbia to Peru and Rio Janeiro.—A. Otites, Link, is
a form with broad blunt scarcely-cut pinnæ. Intermediate between firmum and
102. A. r e s e c t u m . Smith ; st. scattered, slender, naked, d a rk chesnut-brown,
polished, or grey and opaque, 4-8 in. 1. ; f r . 6-15 in. 1., 2-4 in. br., lanceolate-
oblong, with 10-30 subsessile horizontal ?)«««« on each side, which are 1-3 in. h,
i - J in. hr., in shape almost dimidiate, two-thirds of the lower side being entirely
cut away, the point bluntish, all except the tru n c a te p a rt inciso-crenate, the
h a lf at the base narrowed nearly a t a right angle ; texture th in ly heris
usua lly polished like the stem, sometimes green and opaque ;
wice forked ; sori not reaching either the midrib or edge.—H k .
■ Gr. Ic. t. 114.
baceous ;
v e i n s once or twice 1
130. / a ..,
Hab. Japan and Himalayas (ascending to 8,000 ft.) southward to Ceylon, Oahu, and
Fiji ; Mauritius, Seychelle.s, Bourbon, Angola, and Guinea Coast,—Sometimes the lower
side of the pinna is entirely cut away. A. serroeforme, Mett., is a form with a straw-
coloured stem and abbreviated sori, and A. cristatum, Wall., a tall form with a strong
green stem and falcate deeply-toothed pinnæ, cut away for about one-third of the lower
side only.
103. A. l æ t m n , Swartz ; S t . tufted, 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, brownish, naked ;
f r . 6-12 in. 1., 3 in. br., with 16-24 sessile p i n n a e on each side,, which are I J i n . l.,
J in. br., acute a t the point, the edge irregularly inciso-crenate, the upper side
narrowed suddenly a t the base, the lower tru n c a te in a broad curve ; t e x t u r e
herbaceous ; r a e h i s naked, polished ; v e i n s fine, distant, the lower ones twice
forked ; s o r i in two unequal rows falling short of both edge and midrib.—
H k . Sp. 3. p . 133. t. 173.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and Cuba southward to the Amazon.—Probably
this should be joined with the preceding, but the texture is usually firmer, and the pagina
is more developed on the lower side of the midrib, as in the cristatum form just
104. A. hetetrocarpum, 'Wall. ; s t . scattered, 4-9 in. 1., firm, erect, chesnut-
brown, polished; / r . 6-15 in. 1., 1J-2 in. br., with very numerous close-placed
dimidiate pinnæ on each side, which are j-1 in. br., J in. deep, th e lower edge
quite entire, the upper broadest towards the base, where it is narrowed s nM e n ? ,
r p l / i n c i s ’ed th ro u g h o u t; texture pellucido-herha^ous ; rac7m glossy chesnut-
brown ; sori 1 or rare ly 2 together m the teeth.— Sp. 3. p . 132. f. 175.
Hab. Himalayas to Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula, S. E. China, Borneo.—A very weU-
marked plant, resembling in habit a dimidiate Adzantum.
F in næ cut down at any rate in the lower pa rt nearly or quite tot
Sp. 106-118. See also 95.
105 A r i a w ' c i H i f e , Wa ll. ; s«. tufted, 3-6 in .l., firm, erect, greyish, nearly naked ;
f r . 6-12 i l 1., 2-3 in. br., with 12-20 stalked horizontal pm næ o"
which are l - l j in. 1., J-4 in. hr., the point acute, the edge lobed often halfway
down or more and deeply inciso-serrated, the upper side fi™ Z Z
one very obliquely truncate a t the hase ; texture coriaceous ; fiim com
pressed, greyish ; veins very oblique ; so n copious, reaching n eaily to the edge.
—H k . Sp. 3. p. 163. t. 200. B.
Hab. Himalayas (ascending to 6,000 ft.), Neilgherries, Ceylon.
106 A laciniatwm Don ; St. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., firm, erect, greyish, often scaly ;
•CliithL/iiz ft? p”
H a b . H im a lay a s (tem p erate region) an d J a p a n . - A mo re h erbac eous and more deeply-
c u t p la n t th a n th e p reced in g , w ith wh ich M e tte n iu s u n ite s it.
1 0 7 A bissectim Sw a rtz ; sf. tufted, 4-6 in .l ., firm, erect, chesnut-brown,
1 f r 12 1 8 in 1 4-G in .h - ., with 20-30 horizontal pmnæ on each
H k . Sp. 3. p . 162. t. 192.
Hab. West Indies and E c u a d o r . - I n texture tbis agrees with the falcatum group.
108. A .
Sp. 3. p . 153. t. 193.
Hab. Sandwich Islands, Samoa, and J a v a .-A well-marked plant.
C l A . of 8 - 6 in 1., evect, brownish, villose ; f r .
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