i I
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■ ,ii
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varying in shape from entire, 3-9 in. 1., j - J in. hr., narrowed to botli cnd.s, to
1 ^ 7 f f down to a hroadly-winged racliis throughout into
Janceoate lohes; textiire papyraceous; lioth sides n ak ed ; areolæ rather large,
fi’ee veiniets ; sori uniserial, submarginal,■iik. bp. o. p . iiiiinersed.— oO,
H a b . N ew Ze alan d an d A u stra lia , b o th tem p e ra te an d tropical.
o p . P . (Phym.) Billardieri, E . Br. ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, the scales
ovate-acuiiunate, adpressed, black in the centre, with a scariose border ; st. 4-8
m l., hrm erect, glossy ; / » varying in shape from ohlong-lanceolate, quite
entne, to 18 in. 1. and h a lf as broad, deeply pinnatifid, with lanceolate or linear
lobes ; tfitu re coriaceous ; both sides naked ; main veins irregular, with copious
areolæ between them with free veinlets ; sori large, uniserial, medial or sub-
inarginal, distinctly immersed.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 82.
p f l t e ’.' N ew Zealand, S. A u s tra lia V a n D iem en ’s L an d , an d n eighbouring islands.—
I b «K a rdM , M e tt from N ew C aledonia, is said to differ from th is by its more numerous
lobes, tb e lowest su b p etio late, an d sori placed always in th e second row of areolæ.
d t e f l phymatodes, L. ; rhizome wiiie-creepiiig, woody, the scales
dark-brown, fibrillose ; st, 3-12 in. 1., firm, erect, glÎ.ss| ; f r . varyino- from
simple, obiong-lanceolate, to 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. br., cut down to a broadly-winged
raclns mto numerous entire acuminate lanceolate-oblong lobes 4-8 in. 1. 1 - l i in.
f)r. ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; no distinct main veins ; areolæ fine*
H a b Polynesian an d Malayan Is le s and N . A u s tra lia to Formosa an d Loo Choo, Tsus-
¿ Zambesi-land, A ngola, Guinea C o a s t . - P , ’
Bra ck .), from T ah iti, &o., ia p robably a la rg e simple form. I t is
P ; ■ Malayan species should be q u ite ab sen t from C o n tin en ta l
luciia. F . longipes, terminale, axià peltideum o f L iu k a re g ard en varieties.
s, nigrescens, Bhime ; rhizome stout, the scales ovate, adpressed ;
i" l to te ’ te '“ ’ 7 “'®®*’ 7 ““ ^ * T 2-3 ft. L , 1 ft. or more hr., cu t withiii
p 1 0 ' “ ta toto usua lly numerous entire acuminate linear-oblong lobes
u -J - in. J., 1-2 m. hr. ; texture subcoriaceous; surfaces n a k e d ; colour dark-
gi eeu ; main vetns distinct but wavy, the areolæ fine, copious, with free veinlets •
son m a single row nearer the midrib th an the edge, sunk in a deep cavity’
wliicii 13 jirommeiit on the upper side— Hk. Sp. 5. p. 81. F i l Fx. t. 22. ~ ’
b v t e t e l Malaccas, F iji, Samoa, F rien d ly Is le s .—Differs from th e la s t
by Its th in n e r te x tu re , d is tin c t vems, an d more immersed sori.
SG4. P. (Phym.) affine, B lum e ; rhizome woody, scaleless; st. 12-18 in. I
tWeIi thh’mi ? g m above, -intet'o erecto-patate°n’’t® sligh®t"l*y repand"® m"®utec h a“cutam i-iancahtiesd b elolobetes
<)-.( in. 1., about 1 in. br. ; texture [lapyraceous ; botli sides naked ; no distinct
inain f im s ; areolæ large, fine, with free veinlets ; sori not immersed, in 2-3
il regular rows between the midrib and edge.—H k . Sp. S. p. 84.
d i S n t e " ' “ “ ' P h ilip p in e s .-V e r y n e a r th e la s t in h a b it an d te x tu re , b u t th e sori
365.^ P. (V firm .) Powellii, Baker ; rhizome wmody, scandent ; st. U -2 ft. ]
hiowuush, naked ; f r . 2-3 ft. I., 1 ft. or more br., cut down w'ithin 4 in. of thé
lachis througliout mto close acuminate entire lobes 6-0 in. ], i„ m. .
texture subconaceous ; surfaces naked ; colour dark-green ; main ve in !n o t at aU
¡iioininent, but distmct when held up to the lig h t; areolæ ra th e r large, with
copious free vemlets ; sori m a single row about midway between the edge and
, not a t all immersed. ^
Hah Samoa, Poioell, 185.—Lobes narrower and more numerous than in P.
the veins diiferent, and sori not immersed.
366. P. (P liy n i.) dilafatum,'NQ\\. ; rhizome thick, woody, the scales large,
ovate, auii-Drown ; st. 1 tt. or more 1., with a narro
nearJy down to the base ; f r , l j - 3 ft. 1 ft. or i
j-1 in. of tlie rachis into acuminate entire erecto-pah
hr. ; texture ])a])yraceous ; both sides naked ; mair
dull-brown ft.narrow decurrent wing reaching
^ ...... -il. - 1 - 1 r. ... V , nrore br., cut down within
patent lobes 4-8 in. h, j - l j in.
. - - ----------- , main veins fine, wavy, falling
rather short of the edge, with copious fine areolæ with free veinlets ; sori small,
copious, scattered irregularly, often confluent.—/ ? / . Sp. 6. p. 85.
Hab. N. India (up to 6,000 ft.), Malaccas, Samoa.—Habit of the two preceding, but
the sori minute and scattered irregularly.
367. P. (P h ym .) laciniatimi, Blu me ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales lan ceolate,
ciliated, bright-ferruginous ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, glossy ; f r . 12-18
in. 1., 1 ft. or more br., cut down throughout to a narrowly-winged rachis into
lobes 6-9 in. 1., j - f in. br., the point much acuminated, the*edge slightly und u lated,
the lower ones deflexed; texture subcoriaceous; both 5 2 / ^ 5 naked ; main
veins distinct to the edge ; areolæ fine, with copious free veinlets ; sori uniserial,
immersed.—Hh. Sp. 5. p . 87.
Hjib. J ava.—P. violascens, Mett., is said to differ by its broader entire scales, coriaceous
texture, immersed veins, and suri sunk in a deep pit.
368. P . (Pliym .) alatum, H k . ; rhizome woody, scaleless ; St. 12-18 in. ]., firm,
ere c t; f r . l |- 2 ft. h, 10-12 in. br., cut down nearly to the rachis below, within
j in. above, into numerous erecto-patent repand linear-oblong acuminate lobes
6-8 in. 1., 1 in, or more br. ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; both sides naked ;
main veins disUnct to the edge, with copious fine areolæ witli free veinlets ; sori
ra th e r small, in rows of 3-4 near the main veins.—Hh. Sp. 5. p. 85.
Hab. Fiji, Brackenridge, Seemann.—Very like dilatatum in habit and texture, but the
main veins straight, and the sori, though small, in 2 regular rows near them.
309. P. (Pliym.) glaucum, Kze. ; rhizome stout, the scales long, dense, fibrillose,
dark glossy-brown ; st. 6-12 in. h, firm, erect, glossy ; f r . 12-18 in. h, 6-8 in. br.,
cut down throughout to a broadly-winged racíiis into erecto-patent entire
acuminate lobes 4-5 in. 1., j - j in. br. ; texture very coriaceous ; both sides naked ;
no distinct main veins and areolæ quite hidden ; sori forming single rows close
to the midrib.—Ilh , Sp. 5. p . 88.
Hab. Philippines,—Resembles some of the forms of P. aureum in texture aud general
3 7 0 . P. (Phym.) lomarioides, Kunze ; rhizome forming a thick wide-spreading
crust, thickly clotlied with small peltate scales, ferruginous in the centre, with a
broad scariose border ; st. 2-4 in. 1., firm, erect ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., the
barren one cut down witliin j - j in. of the rachis into close horizontal oblong
enjire blu n t lobes | in. br. ; the fertile one cut nearly to the rachis throughout,
with more numerous lobes, j - f in. br. ; textitre coriaceous; surfaces n a k e d ;
veins immersed, irreg u la r; areolæ fine, with copious free veinlets; sori completely
immersed, round or oblong, forming two close rows near the midrib.—
Ilh . Sp. 5. p. 79.
Hab. Java, Borneo, Philippines.—Lecanopteris carnosa, Blume, appears to be an
abnormal form of this, with the lobes intermediate in character between tbose ofthe
typical barren and fertile frond, with large sori in very distinct marginal pits. Agrees
with P. sinuosum in its very peculiar rhizome, the barren frond having quite the habit of
a pinnatifid Lomaria.
371. P. (i-^hym.) ebenipes, H k . ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, the scales large,