hairs ; veins fin e ; vdnlets 3-4 on each side, immersed : sori small, scattered__
m . S p . h . p . l i .
Hab. Madagascar, Bojer, Lyall.
71. P . (Goniopt.) Uneatum, Coleb. ; si. 1-2 ft. 1., firm, naked, re d d ish ;/® .
2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr. ; pinnce numerous, 0-8 in. 1., J - j in. br., the apex
acuminate, the edge with acute falcate lobes under 1 lin. deep ; texture subcoriaceous
or papyraceo-herbaceous ; vemlets about 8 on a side ; sori in rows
close to the main veins.—H k . Sp. 5. p. 12. P . Penangianum, H k . Sp. S. p . 13.
Hab. N. India, Ceylon, Malaccas.
72. P. (Goniopt.) multilineatum, Wall. ; st. firm, erect, naked, 2 ft. or more 1. ;
f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 1 J-2 ft. br. ; pinnoe numerous, sometimes 1 ft. 1., 1J in. br., the apex
acuminate, the edge with falcate acute lobes reaching about 1 lin. deep ; texture
coriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; vdnlets prominent, 16-20 on a side ;
sori in two rows.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 11.
Hab. N. India, up to 8,000 ft. ; and we have what is probably the same from Fiji,
gathered by Dr. Seemann.
73. P . (Goniopt.) stramineum, Baker ; st. 1 ft. 1., angular, stramineous, naked ;
f r . 12-16 in. 1., 8-10 in. br. ; lower pinnæ 1 in. apart, 6-8 in. 1., f in. br.,
acuminate, the edge with broad blu n t lobes reaching about a quarter down ;
texture subcoriaceous ; stramineous raehis and both sides naked ; veins in
pinnated groups of 5-6 on a side, usua lly joining before they reach the edge ;
sori near the midrib.—P. salicifolium, Hk. Sp. 4 .p . 242. (non W illd .).
Hab. Venezuela, Fendler, 474.
74. P . (Goniopt.) Swz. ; St. tufted, slender, wiry, naked, 1-8 in, 1, ;
f r . spreading, or often decumbent and rooting, 4-12 in. 1., 1-3 in. br. ;
j - l J in. 1., | - J in. hr., blunt, varying from nearly entire to b lu n tly lobed
one-third down, often auricled a t the base, the lower ones stalked ; texture
herbaceous or subcoriaceous; rachis and under side naked or slightly h a iry ;
vdns iu pinnate groups, 2-4 veinlets on a side.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 6.
Hab. West Indies and Guatemala to Brazil.—A very variable plant. In seedlings tbe
veins are often simple or once forked, and quite free, P. reptans of authors is the loose
straggling, and P. asplenioides the more erect larger form. P. asterothrix, Hk., is probably
another form, with broad deeply-lobed pinnæ and 4-6 veinlets on a side, and a
more villose rachis ; and G. gracilis, Moore, apparently also belongs here.
76. P. (Goniopt.) eostatmn, H k . ; st. I ft. or more 1., strong, brownish, glossy ;
f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnæ very numerous, 8-10 in. 1., I J - I J in. br.,
cu t down two-thirds of the way' to the racliis into nearly entire bluntish lobes
l-J-2 lin. br., with a space between them ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and
both sides naked ; vdnlets prominent, 20-26 on a side ; sori close to the main
vein.—H k . Sp. 6. p. 7.
Hab. Society Isles and Fiji.—G. longissima, Brack., Hk. I. c., from Tahiti, is probably
a larger form of the same plant ; but in,our specimens from the author, whioh have pinnæ
18 in. 1., the rachis is muricated. G. glandulifera. Brack,, from Samoa, which we have
not seen, appears to be closely allied ; and we have a similar plant from the New
Hebrides from Mr. C. Moore.
76. P . (Goniopt.) oppositifoUum, H k . ; st. 2-2J ft. 1., erect, pubescent upwards ;
f r . 3-5 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnæ opposite, 6-9 in. 1., |-1 in. br., gradually
narrowed from the base to the acuminate apex, the edge cut into ra th e r sharp
falcate lobes 2 lin. br., I J lin. deep, lower pinnæ reduced ; texture subcoriaceous;
rachis and veins beneath pubesc en t; main vdns 2 lin. a p a r t ;
on a side ; sori small, medial.—Hk. Sp. 5. p . 8.
Hab. Island of St. Thomas, W. Africa, Marm.
77. P . (Goniopt.) stegnogrammoides, Baker ; caud. subarborescent ; St. 1 J-2 ft. 1.,
firm, erect, pubescent upwards ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnæ 6-9 in. 1.,
1J in. br., the apex acuminate, the edge b luntly lobed about a q u a rte r of the way
down ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis and veins beneath a little hairy ; veinlets
prominent, 8-9 on a side ; sori in rows near the midrib.—P . sandvicense, Hk.
Sp. 6. p . 6. (not Sp. 4. p . 267). Stegnogramma, Brack.
Hab. Sandwich Isles.
78. P . (Goniopt.) pennigerum, Forst. ; St. tufted, 6-12 in. ]., glabrous, slightly
scaly ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., |-1 in. br., cut about
halfway down into blunt, falcate, sliglitly crenated lobes about 2 lin. br. ; lower
pinnæ gradually reduced ; texture firm-herbaceous ; rachis and both sides
naked ; veinlets 6-8 on a side ; sori in rows near the midrib.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 7.
G. Forsteri, Moore.
Hab. New Zealand.—Very near P. tetragonum, from which it differs principally by
the lower pinnæ being gradually reduced.
79. P . (Goniopt.) unitum, H k . ; St. 1 - lJ ft. 1., slender, naked ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1.,
1 ft. br. ; pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., j - J in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge b lu n tly
lobed about a q uarter of the way down, the base truncate ; texture firm-
herbaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; vdnlets 6-6 on a side ; sori close to
the main veins.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 6.
Hab. Natal, Cameroon Mountains.—Barely, if at all, distinguishable from some of
the forma of P. tetragonum.
erect, 1-2 ft. 1., naked or slightly
'.nnæ numerous, spreading, 6-8 in. 1.,
80. P . (Goniopt.) tetragonum, Sw. ;
villose ; f r . 1-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ;
J-1 in. Vr., the lowest narrowed a t the base and sometimes stalked, cut from a
falcate ; veinlets 12-16 on a side.—H k . Sp. 6.
Hab. Cuba and Panama, southward to Brazil and Peru.—Judging from tbe figures
quoted, this is P . androgynum of Lamarck ; and if so, that name has priority. I t varies
greatly in the breadth of the pinnæ and depth of the lobes. A full account of the forms
will be found iu Fde’s Ferns of the Antilles ; and our a apparently includes his tenera,
leptocladia, pyramidata, Féei, tetragona (five varieties), quadrangularis, Guadalupensis,
and hastata. Our ? is placed by Mettenius iu his latest publication in Aspidmm.
§§§§ Dictyopteris, Presl. Venation o f Sagenia, i.e., veins anastomosing
copiously. T ab . 48. f. o. Sp. 81-90.
* Sori biserial. Sp. 81-86.
81. P . (D ic ty .) Barheri, H k . ; st. 6-12 in. 1., slightly scaly a t the
base; f r . palmately 5-lobed or more usually pinnate, -with a large terminal
segment and 1-4 pairs of pinnæ, the upper ones ohlong-lanceolate, 4-6 in. 1.,
1 in. hr., nearly entire, the lowest pair with a deep lanceolate lobe a t the base on
the lower side ; Uosture subcoriaceous ; hoth sides naked ; areolæ large and
regular, with copious free veinlets ; sori copious, principally in two rows near
the main veins.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 100.
Ilab, Malay Peninsula and Isles.
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