t i
reaching down a broadiy-winged rachis ; m « s pinnated in the iobes ; sori
copious, usually in close single rows m the lobes.—« / . Sp. 4. p. 61.
Hab N India, Hong-Kong, Philippines, Malaccas, Fiji, Samoa.—A variable plant,
of which Presl and others make several species. Sometimes the venation is quite free,
anlsèÎnetimès only the veinlets of contiguous groups are joined, and the Dbes vary
from as broad as deep, when they are blunt and entire, to four times as broad as deep,
and deeply crenated. The involucre is very fugacious.
§§§§ Sagenia, Presl. Veins
veinlets. P in noe and
copimisly, usually with fre e included
Sp. 201-224.
* Sori copious, scattered in-egularly. Sp. 201-212.
201 N fSao-en.) Singaporianum, B a k e r ; rUzome creeping ; si. subtufted,
th ^ e of the f a tilè froè^dfo-12 in. 1. ; / r . 1 ft. or more 1., 2-4 in .b r oblong
entire acuminate a t the apex, narrowed ra th e r suddenly and then decuirent
¿ a d u a l ? a t the base ; te x J re papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; prima ry
S s dM ^ c t nearly to the J g J areolæ copious, with free
sori numerous, close, 4-6 iu a line between the mam v em s .-A s p . W a ll. M L
Sp. 4. p. 42. Hh. é Gr. Ic. t. 26. Podopeltis, Fee.
Hab. Malayan Pemnsula and Isles.
202 N iSaoen.') ternatum. B a k e r; rhizome wide-creeping^; si. 6-9 m. 1.,
slender g ram in e o u s; f r . sometimes simple, 8-10 in. 1., 2-o in. br., oblong,
“ ¿arrowed gradually to the apex and base, b u t more usua lly trifoliate, the
f o t e r a i S ^ U k e th e te rh iin a l one b u t sm a l le r ; t«i«®s papyraceo--lierbaceous ;
main veins distinct nearly to the 5
few free veinlets ; sori distant, m two distinct rows, and a few otheis between ,
invol. distmct, persistent.
Hab. Borneo, Ldbl, Wallace, Motley.
203. N. (Sagen.) vastum, Baker ; rhizome creeping ; St. scattered, narrowly
winded, often nearly or quite to the base ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1. 1 ft. or more br._, cut
down to a broadly-winged rachis into entire linear-oblong pm næ 6-12 m . 1.,
1-2 in. br. ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous or subconaceous ; mam distinct
i o f th e way to the edge, connected by copious areolæ with free ^ e lu d ed
le in le ts ; s J i small, scattered.—Aspidium, Blume. A. alatum, Wall. H L Sp.
4. p . 47. « / . S> Grt-. Ic. t. 184.
Hah. Himalayas and Malayan Peninsula and Isles.
204 N f Sagen.) melanoeaulon, Baker ; rhizome ascending ; St. 1 ft. or “ or® £
ebeneèus glossy, sèaly a t the base ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 9-16 in. br. ovate-deltoid with
a larve deeply pinnatifid, terminal pinna, and 1 to 4 lateral ones on ®a®£ “ <^®>
the cèffiral on? deeply pinnatifid, with ovate-acuminate lobes, the lowest stalked,
6 12 in 1 , 4^ in bl-; often ¿gain pinnate at the b a s e ; texture papyraceo-
herbaèeèns • raehis ebeAeous ; main veins reaching th e edge, with numerous fine
¿æ o læ with free included râinlets between them ; s f i n n i^ ro im , minute,
scattered ; small, fimbriated, fugacious.—Aspid. « fw » . H k . lop. 4. p . oS.
Hab. Philippines and Malayan Isles.
205 N {'S.agisn.') suUriphyllum, B a k e r; rhizome creeping; si!. 1 ft. or more 1.,
copious free veins ; sori ra th e r large b u t scattered, confined to the connected
veinlets.—Aspid. H k . Sp. 4. p . 52.
Hab. Panama, Ecuador, Polynesia, China, Malaya, Ceylon, Mascaren Tsles.
206. N. (Sagen.) latifolium. Baker ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., glossy, naked, hrownish ; f r .
2-3 ft. 1., 12-24 in. br., the apex ample, deeply pmnatifid, with large,
sinuated lobes, below this 3-4 pinnoe on each side, the lowest 9-18 in. 1., deltoid,
long-stalked, cut down below into distinct pinnatifid pmnl. ; prima ry w
distinct to the edge ; areolæ fine, close, with free included vemlets , so « la th e i
lai-ve b u t scattered, confined to the united vemlets ; mvol. thin, fugacious.—
Pofypodium, Forst. A. Forsteri, Kze. é Mett. {m p a rt).
Hab Panama Ecuador, Polynesian Islands, Guinea Coast.-This agrees with the
preceding in venation and the position ofthe sori, but is much larger and more compound.
A. latifolium, Presl, Hk. Syn. 4. p. 61. is apiifohum.
207. N. (Sagen.) Lohbii, Baker ; s t . 6 in. or more 1., n a k e d , suhstrammeous ,
fr about 1 ft. each way, subdeitoid, with an entire terminal 4-6 m. 1.,
1 "iin br tapering gradually from the middle to each end, and 2 similar lateral
Iiie^n Uch side, the lowest long-stalked and tripartite ; tetero subconaceous ;
veins obscure, the primary ones ®|«®®.
veinlets ; sori copious, scattered.—Aspid. I l k . Sp. 4. p . 59. t. 232.
Hab. Borneo.
208 N. (Sagen.) semibipinnatum, Baker; St. 1 ft. or more 1., pale-brown,
naked • f r 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., with a linear-ohlong terminal pm n a 6-9 in. 1.,
1 in. bè.fentire and narrowed towards both ends, and 4-6 smaller lateral o"®®
each sidè, the lowest 1 or 2 pairs tripartite ; texture ¿'withZe’ d Z
inconspicuous, the primary ones lost before they reach the ?dge, with A"®,
areolæ between them, with free included vemlets ; so« minute, scattered,
confined to the connected veinlets.—Aspid. I lk . bp. 4. p . o9. t. 231.
Hab. Penang and Borneo.
Hab. Philippines, Solomon Islands, New ton'æ ¿¿oTed
resembles N. i.acliypliyllum, differing by its small irregular son and pmnæ narrowea
gradually to the base.
210 N (Sagen.) irriquum. Baker ; S t . tufted, 4-6 in. 1., greyish finely
viltoe fr eT ifo 1., 4-6 ill. hr., subdeitoid, with a large oblong terminal
pinna 4ith a pair of deep lanceolate lobes at the base, and below 1-2 pans of
dightly sinuated lateral pinnæ, the lowest foiked at tlie base ; ««f
ra?eo-herbaceons ; main veins flexuose ; fie o læ hne, ®®P'®7> A¿id
veinlets ; sori small, scattered, often confluent ; invol. Asp .
J . Sm. Mett. F il. In d . p . 239. Poly, memsciicarpon. I I I . Sp. 5. p . 86. {mpaH).
Microsorium triñdum, Fée.
Hab. Philippines, Cumimg, 31 .-T h is may be a form
irregular c o n s e n t sori are peculiar. Sagema helerocarpa,^ ¥ U ¿ in Íenerai
t. 47), from Khasya, has similar sori, but agrees with typical polymorphum in general
211. N. (Sagen.) polymorphim, Baker ; rhizome creeping ; st. 1 ft. or more 1.,
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