f I ! i!
'i !
2 in. br., oblong-lanceolate ; pinnæ close, the central ones 1-1 j in. 1., j in. br.,
the point bluntish, tiie edge slightly crenate, the base truncate, with a distinct
broad blunt auricle on the upper side, the lower ones gradually reduced ; texture
papyraceo-herbaceous; raehis villose and under side sliglitly so ; veinlets 2-3 on
a suie ; sori small, medial.—^Pliegop. Mett. F il. In d . p. 223.
Hab. Amboyna, Zippelius.
69. P. (Goniopt.) Borneense, I lk . ; st. 6 in. 1., naked, slender, stramineous ;
fr . 6-8 in. 1., 3 in. br., with an acuuiinate terminal pinna 1 in. hr., with shallow
blu n t lobes and 4 smaller pinnæ on each side I j in. 1., | in. hr., truncate a t the
base and auricled on the upper side ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis and both
sides naked ; veinlets fine, 4-6 on a side ; sw i small, iu two rows.—H k . Sp. 5.
p .U .
Hab. Borneo, T. Lobh,
60. P . (Goniopt.) diversifolium, Sivz. ; si. 1-2 ft. 1., tufted, slender, n a k e d ;
f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-9 in. br. ; pinnæ 3-5 in. 1., |-1 in. br., the apex acuminate, the
lower ones narrowed a t the base, the edge nearly entire ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides naked ; veins fine, close, about 4 veinlets on a side, the
rows of sori contiguous.—P. fraxinifolium, Ja cq . H k . Sp. 6. p>. 4.
Hab. S. Brazil, Caraccas, Ecuador.
01. P. (Goniopt.) rubidmn. I lk . ; st. firm, erect, glossy, naked, reddish-
brown ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnæ numerous, the lowest stalked,
6-8 in. 1., | - J in. br., the apex acuminate, the edge nearly entire.; texture subcoriaceous
; rachis and both sides naked ; veinlets obscure, 8-10 on a side ; sori
close to the main veins.—I lk . S p . 5. p . 12.
Hab. Philippines, Cummg, 145.—Professor De Vriese sends from Borneo a more
coriaceous plant tbat may be distmct.
62. P . (Goniopt.) pæeilophlMwm, H k . ; St. 0-9 in. !., erect, slender, naked ;
f r . .about 1 ft. 1., nearly as broad, with a terminal p inna and 2-3 lateral ones on
each side, which are 6-8 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., narrowed gradually towards both
ends, slightly crenate, especially towards the point ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides naked ; main veins 2 lin. apart ; veinlets fine, very oblique,
4-5 on a side ; sori minute, medial.—I lk . Sp. 6. p . 14.
Hab. N. E. Australia and Queensland.
63. P . (Goniopt.) Kennedyi, F . Muell. ; St. 3-4 ft. 1., nearly naked ; pinnm
0-12 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., sessile, acuminate, the lower p a rt subentire, the upper
slightly crenate ; texture papyraceo-herhaceous ; rachis and under surface
slightly downy ; veinlets 10-16 on a side ; sori medial.—Meniscium, Muell.
Frag. 4. p . 166.
Hab. Queensland.
64. P . (Goniopt.) meniscioides, Liebm. ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, quite
naked ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 12-24 in. br., with a terminal p in n a and 6-12 lateral ones
on each side, the lowest stalked, 1 ft. 1., I J in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge
nearly entire ; texture rigid ; rachis and both sides quite naked ; veins prominent,
the main ones J in. a p a r t; veinlets 16-20 on a side ; sori in single or double rows
between them.
Hab. Mexico.—Most like P. Uneatum in texture, but less distinctly toothed.
** F in næ pinnatifid or distinaly crenate. Sp. 65-80.
66. P. (Goniopt.) u r o p h y l l u m . W a ll.; r h i z o m e creeping; S t . 2 ft. or more L,
stout, erect ; f r . 2-4 ft. or more 1., 12-18 in. br., with a terminal p i n n a and
usually several on each side, which are sometimes 1 ft. 1. and more th an 2 in.
bv., the edge entire or very slightly lobed, the apex acuminate, the base truncate
or narrowed ; t e x t u r e subcoriaceous ; r a e h i s and both sides naked ; v e i n s prominent,
the veinlets 16-20 on a side, with the s o r i in two close rows, or sometimes
one row only.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 9.
Hab. N. India to Ceylon, Malaccas, Chusan, Aneiteum, and Queensland.—Fée has
three East-lndian species,— Q. rcpanda, crenato-dentata, and D a lkom ia n a , which we have
not seen. This resembles on the oue hand Nephrodium glandulosum, and on the other
Meniscium cuspidatum, and is very doubtfully distinct from the latter,
66. P. (Goniopt.) crenatmi, Swz. ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., erect, naked or pubescent ; f r .
1-2 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br., with an oblong-lanceolate terminal p inna 6-8 m. 1.,
lJ-2 in. br., the edge nearly entire or a little bluntly lobed, and 2-4 opposite
pairs of similar lateral ones ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; veins fine, the main
veins lJ -2 lin. apart, and veinlets 6-9 on a side ; rachis and under side naked or
finely villose ; sori in rows near the main veins.—H k , Sp. 4. p. 2.
Hab. Cuba and Mexico to Ecuador and Brazil.—!?. Mvoirei, Fe'e, Eil. Ant. t. 18,
appears to belong here.
67. P . (Goniopt.) Gheishreghtii, Linden ; st. 1 ft. or more 1-, firm,_ erect,
densely villose; / r . 12-18 in. 1., with a terminal p in n a 6-9 in. 1., ]J -2 m. br.,
the edge slightly lohed, and 3-6 similar ones on each side ; texture papyraceous ;
rachises and nnder surface densely villose, the upper surface slightly so ;
veinlets about 12 on a side, the sori in dense rows close to the main vein. 1 .
crenatum, H k . Fil. E x . t. 84. {not Su).). Goniopt. mollis, Fee, Jbil. A n t. t. 24.
Hab. Tabasco, S. Mexico, Lin d en , 1499.—We have a single specimen of a closely
allied densely villose Goniopteris from Queensland from Mr. Hill, which is probably a new
68. P. (Goniopt.) faiickmi, Liebm. ; sf. 1 ft. or more 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r
12-18 in. L, 1 ft. or more br., with an oblong-lanceolate terminal pinna 3-3 in. 1.,
I J in. br., pinnatifid about one-third of the way down, and several similar but
narrower and less deeply lobed ones on each side ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and
under surface naked ; veins prominent, 9-12 on a side ; sori in rows close to the
main vein.
Hab. Mexico.
69. P. (Goniopt.) proliferum, Pre sl ; rhizome stout, creeping ; si. spreading,
naked, 2-8 in. 1. ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1. or more, 6-12 in. hr., erect or decumbent, often
elongated and rooting at the point and branched copiously from the axils ;
pinnoe 4-3 in. J - | i n . hr., broadest at the base, tru n c a te or cordate, the edge
bluntly lobed more than 1 lin. deep, the point often blunt ; texture subcoriaceons ;
rachis and under side naked or slightly pubescent ; veinlets fine, 6-10 on a side ;
sori medial, oval, sometimes confluent,—H k . Sp. 5. p. 13. Ampelopteris, Kze,
Hab. N. India to S. China, Philippines, New Caledonia, N. Australia, Angola,
Zanibesi-Iand, and South Africa.
70. P. (Goniopt.) arthrothrix, Hk. ; st. erect, rather slender, densely villose ;
f r . about 1 ft. 1., 6-9 in. hr. ; lowest pinnoe the largest, distinctly stalked, 3-4 in.
f - | in. hr., the edge nearly entire or with slight blunt lobes, the base truncate ;
t e x t u r e herbaceous, ra th e r thick ; r a c h i s and both sides clothed with soft brown
t S - ' l
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