cuneate or dilated and cordate a t the base ; texture coriaceous ; racMs densely
scaly and tomentose, both surfaces nearly naked ; veins not visible ; sori in
broad marginal lines, soon hiding the narrow invol.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 186. t. I I . B,
(a small fo rm ),
Hab. Tropical Hindostán, Malayan Peninsula, Australia, Van Diemen’s Land, New
Zealand, Kermadec Isles.—P. seticaulis, Hook. {P. alternifolia, Wallich), is a form with
densely hirsute stipe and rachis and subhirsute papillose pinnæ.
36. P. (P la ty .) paradoxa, H k . ; st. '6-9 in. 1., strong, erect, dark-brown,
naked or slightly tomentose ; f r , 6-9 in. h, 4-6 in. br,, oblong, simply pinnate-
pinnoe 4 to 6 on each ^ side, short-stalked, with a considerable space between
them, l¿ -2 in. 1., ¿-1 in. br., lanceolate, entire, acute or bluntish, cordate or
rounded at the base ; texture coriaceous ; veins hidden, midrib inconspicuous ;
rachis tomentose, both surfaces naked ; sori in a marginal line often 4 in. br '
soon hiding the invol^HTc, Sp, 2. p , 185, t. 111, A, F il. E x . t. 21. Platyloina
Brownii, J . Sm,
Hab. Queensland and N. S. Wales.
f l , P . (P la ty .) Doniana, Hk. ; st. 4-8 in. 1., strong, erect, dark-brown,
Dohshed, slightly tomentose and clothed with linear scales towards the base ;
f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-4 in, br., oblong-lanceolate, simply pinnate or casually slightly
branched towards the base ; pin noe short-stalked, 6 to 15 on eacli side,*^2-4 in. 1.,
i-1 in. hr., lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, entire or very slightly serrated towards
the point, the base rounded or cordate ; texture coriaceous ; rachis slightly
tomentose ; both surfaces naked, midrib nearly black in the lower p a rt ; sori in
a narrow marginal line soon hiding the involucre.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 137. t. 125.
Hab. Tropical .^rica, the Niger country, Angola, and Zambesi Land.—This is very
like P. paradoxa in size and habit, and is perhaps best distinguishable by the lower part
of the midrib of the leaves being black and polished like the rachis.
38. P . (P la ty .) hastata. Link ; st. 6-12 in. 1., wiry, erect, dark chesnut-brown,
polished, naked ; f r . 6-24 in, 1., 6-12 in. br., oblong bi- or tripinnate ; pinnoe
erecto-patent, varying from simply pinnate to copiously bipinnate ; ult. divisions
ovate or lanceolate, not toothed, 1-2 in. h, in. br., or more, sessile or very
nearly so ; texture subcoriaceous ; veins fine b u t plainly visible, once or twice
forked ; rachis and both surfaces naked ; sori in a narrow continuous marginal
line ; invol. ra th e r narrow, membranaceous, nearly or quite hidden when the
f ru it is mature.—H k . Sp, 2. p . 145. Fil. F x . t. 50.
Hab. Cape Colony northward to Natal, Zambesi Land, Mascaren Isles, Seychelles, and
Angola.—There is a wide range in the size and branching of the frond and size and shape
of the segments. Kunze makes three species, C. hastata, macrophylla, and hastoefolia.
39. P. {P\Qij.)calomelanos, L in k ; si. tufted, strong, erect, 4-6 in. 1., naked-
dark-brown, polished, slightly fibrillose towards the base ; f r . 4-8 in. I., 3-6 in.
br., subdeitoid, bi- or tripin nate ; lower p innoe rigid, spreading or erecto-patent,
linear-oblong and simply pinnate or deltoid and bipinnate ; ult, segm. on rigid
black stalks, the lateral ones ¿ - j in. each way, varying in shape from cordate-
oblong-obtuse to hastate-triangular, about as broad as long, the two sides a t the
base often unequal ; rachis shining, naked, blackish ; texture coriaceous, both
•surfaces naked, glaucous-green ; veins not perceptible ; sori in a broad marginal
line soon hiding the narrow membranous involucre.—H k . Sp. 2. p. 140. Bot.
Mag. t. 4769. ^
Hab. Cape Colony, ascending to 4,000 ft., northward to Zambesi Land, Angola, and
Natal ; Bourbon ; Himalayas, ascending to 6,000 ft.
cordata, 3. Smith ; st. 6-9 in. h, strong, erect, straw-coloured,
polished, clothed below with small pale lanceolate scales when young ; f r . 1 ft.
; . ¿ l y . . ,
'f r f r : . s , A . Il» pi»"•or em i d e f le x e d .- ft/. 2. i?. 148. Viov»i.s ,“ Hg kf. TIc. vP rI 2r. ft .i lfl Xi " ‘ “ •
■ HaL Mexico and New Mexico southward along the Andes to Peru.—The two-vansomewhat
narrowed towards the point.
SSSS Holcochtena, Baker. Texture and involiwre o f Platyloma, from winch
they dffe r only hy the reticidated venation, Sp. 41 42.
41. P. (Holco.) Burkeana, Baker ; . « tu fted ,4-6 in.l.,
„oovlv hil-1- • fr 8-4 in 1 2 in. br., with several pairs of simple, entiie, short
Pteris, m . Sp. 2. p. 21.3. t. 126. B.
Hab. Maealisberg, Natal, S. Africa, discovered by Mr. Burke.
42. P . (Holco.) articulata, Baker ; rf. 6-12 in. 1-, strong erect naked,
the reflexed in v o lu c re .-P te ris, Kaulf. H k . Sp. 2. p . 214. t. 126. A.
Hab. Mauritius, Bourbon, and Madagascar.
Gen. 31. P teris, Linn.
i/“ e » s — ■
T ab. I I I . f. 31.
S Eiipteris. Veins all free. Stems cæspitose,
T ab. I I I . f. 31. a. b.
involucre single. Sp. 1-39.
Integrifolim. Lower pinnæ linear, undivided. Sp. 1-3.
1 P. lonaifolia, L. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., stout, erect, pale, more or less clothed
below w ith pale-brown linear scales ; / r . 1-2 it. 1., 4-9 in. bn, o ) ong- anc
attenuated below ; pinnoe sessile, often 20 to 30 ¿ e base
hr linear entire truncate or cordate or sometimes shghtly auucled a t the base ,
¿ A « s i lb c tL /o u s ; raxhis naked or slightly scaly
surfaces naked ; veins close and fine, usually once branched ; mvol. membianous,
yellowish-brown.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 157.
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