Hab. West Indian islands and Mexico southward to Brazil and Peru ; ¡3, Andes of
Ecuador, Sp-uce, No. 5354.—Very near the preceding, but the undivided portion of the
frond is broader, and the central costa more clearly marked.
33. T. K irMi, H k . MSS. ; st. slender, 1 in. 1., winged above ; fr. 1-2 in. 1.,
1 in. br., subqiiadrate or rhoinboidal in general outline, cut down to a narrowly-
winged rachis ; segm. 1-2 in. 1., erecto-patent, linear, crenulate a t the margin,
witli a considerable space between them ; a central costa and numerous short
oblique veins and manifest spurious venules in each segment ; st
ri 2 to 12, the
tube sunk in the frond, the mouth spreadmg, slightly two-lipped.
Hab. Johanna Island, West Africa, Hr. Kiri, Sir F. GVcy,—Allied to the two preceding,
rom which it differs by its long narrow little-divided pinnæ and winged involucre.
34. T. sinuomm. R ic h .; rhizome wide-creeping, sinuous, ratlier strong ; st.
varying from hardly any to 2 in. 1.; f r . 2-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., linear-lanceolate,
very gradually decurrent below, pinnatifid down to a hroadly-winged rachis ;
colour bright green, texture delicately membranaceous ; lobes oblong, obtuse,
crenate a t the margin ; a central costa in each, with 2 to 4 pairs of erecto-patent
branches ; spurious venules none, the margin ciliated ; sori 2 to 4 to each lobe,
tlie tube sunk, the mouth dilated, slightly two-lipped ; recept. much exserted.—
111. Sp. 1. / . 120. H I . £ Gr. Ic. F il. 1.13. T. incisum, K a u lf. H k . Sp. 1. p . 121.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and Cuba southward to Peru and Brazil.
35. T. p innatifdum, V. I). B . ; st. slender, 1-2 in. 1., winged above ; f r . 2-4
in. 1 ., 1 - l i in. br., ovate-lanceolate in general outline, cut down to within a short
distance of the rachis ; segm. linear, erecto-patent, the lower 1 in. 1., with deep
rounded lohes ; substance th in ; central veins of the segments with 2 to 6 pairs
nargin ciliated of lateral veins ; spurious none, the niarg ; sori 1 to 3, ppllaa(ced
er side, the tube quite sunk.
principally near the base of the segments on the uppo
the mouth broadly dilated, two-lipped.— V. D . B . Su
. 2. p. 118.
Hab. Jamaica.—Closely allied to T. simuomm, but different in outline, and much more
deeply divided.
30. T. Bancroftii, H k . & Gr. ; st. 1-2 in. 1., broadly winged down to the very
base ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1 in. br., ovate-oblong, pinnatifid down to a_ broadly-winged
rachis, texture subcoriaceous ; segm, oblong, blunt, crenate, either imbricated
or with a small space between them ; lat, veins of the segments branched ;
spurious venules n o n e ; sori 2 to 6 to a pinna, the tube sunk, the mouth rather
dilated, hut entire ; recept. long, filiform— H k . Sp. 1. p . 123. H k . £ G r .lc . Fil.
t. 204. H k . Gard. Ferns, t. 66. T. coriaceum & holopterum, Kunze.
Hab. Tropical America, from the West Indian islands southward to Brazil and Peru.)
37. T. macilentum, V. D. B . ; rhizome creeping, wiry ; St. 2-6 in. 1., wiry,
winged above ; f r . 2-6 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, divided
down within a short distance of the rachis ; segm. oblong or linear-ohlong, nearly
entire or divided more th an halfway down into narrow linear lohes, texture
subcoriaceous ; veins thick ; spurious venules none ; sori 2 to 6 to a segment, the
tube sunk, the mouth slightly two-lipped ; recept. long, filiform.— V. D . B . 1st
Suppl. p . 12.
Hab. Trinidad, Demerara, and northern provinces of Brazil.—Near T. Bancroftii, but
distinguishable by its more divided fronds and creeping rhizome.
38. T. superbum, V. D. B. ; rhizome strong, wide-creeping ; St. 2-6 in. 1., strong,
winged nearly down to the base ; f r . 4-9 in, 1., 2-4 in. hr., broadly ovate, pin-
natifid down to a narrowly-winged rachis, the substance subcoriaceous ; lower
pinnæ lanceolate, divided more th an halfway down to the rachis, with ohlong
crenate lobes; main and secondary midribs tomentose ; lat. veins numerous ;
spurious venules none ; sori 2 to 6 to each lobe ; invol. sunk, the mouth scarcely
dilated ; recept. long, filiform.—V. D . B . Suppl. 2. p. 119.
Hab. Trinidad and British Guiana.—This and the two preceding are very closely
39. T. Kaulfussii, H k . & G r . ; Ti
2-4 in. 1., strong, compressed, win^_ ,. ._
lanceolate-acuminate, once pinnatifid down to a broadly-winged ra c h is ;
linear-oblong, rounded or acute, toothed, the largest 1 in. 1., jr in. hr.; main
wide-creeping, strong, tomentose ; St.
above ; f r . 4-12 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., ovaterachis
l i p r c _
T. lucens, H k . £ Gr. Ic. F il .t . 10 (non Swartz).
Hab. West Indian islands, Guiana, and N. Brazil.
40. Ï . alatum, Swartz ; st, tufted, 2-4 in. 1., winged above ; f r . 3-12 in. L, 1-4
in. br., lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, bi-tripinnatifid ; main raehis winged
throughout ; pinnæ lanceolate- acute, cut more th a n halfway down to the rachis;
lobes often again sharply toothed ; texture delicately membranaceous ; raehis rather
h a iry ; idt. segm. with several lateral veins ; spurious venules none ; sori 2 to 12
delicatum, V. D . B .
Hab. West Indies, Venezuela, aud Ecuador.—Very variable iu robustness and hairiness.
The large state is a very beautiful plant.
41. T, bicorne, Hk. ; rhizome strong, scarcely creeping ; st. 1-2 in. 1., winged
nearly or quite do-wn to the base ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., l - l ^ in. hr., hi- or tri-pinnatifid,
ovate in general outline, divided down to a narrowly-winged rachis ; lower pinnæ
ovate-triangular, cut down to a broadly-winged rachis, the lobes again deeply
divided ; ult. segm. linear ; substance subcoriaceous ; a central costa only in each
uite sunk in the frond,
' ■ 982.
segment ; sori 2 to 4 to a pinna ; invol. tu b u la r, quite su the
mouth dilated into two lateral projections.—H k . Ic. F l. t.
Hab. North of Brazil, Spruce.—This and the two preceding resemble one another
closely in delicacy of texture, but differ in the extent to which the frond is divided.
42. T. intramarginale, Hk. & G r .; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, tomentose;
St. very s h o r t; f r . 1-2 in. 1., J - J in. hr., ohlong-rhomboidal, bipinnatifid, tapering
gradually below, central portion 1 lin. b r .; segm. few, erecto-patent, linear, simple
or forked ; substance subcoriaceous, opaque, somewhat crisped when dry ; a
central eosta only in each segment, but the margin thickened ; sori 1 to 4 to a
frond, terminal or ax illa ry on the upper segments, tube sunk, mouth not dilated.
—Hk. ? Gr. Ic. F il. i. 211. I lk . Sp. 1. p . 120. Crepidomanes, V. B . B .
Hab. Ceylon, rediscovered recently by Mr. Thwaites.—This resembles in texture the
next species and No. 31.
43. T. latemarginale, Eaton ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, tomentose ; st.
none or scarcely any ; f r . about 4 in- i-j i iu- suborbicular or oblong-rhom-
boidal, pinnatifid ; main rachis with a wing about 1 lin, b r . ; segm. linear, close,
simple, or once forked ; substance membranaceous, surface naked ; a central
costa only in each segment, h u t the margin thickened ; sori 1 .to 3, terminal on
the upper segments, tube sunk, mouth dilated, two-lipped.—Eaton, F il. Chin. £
n ,p . 3.