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with deciduous fibrillose scales ; f r . 3-4 ft. or more 1., 2-3 ft. br. ; lower?»«««
12-18 in. 1., with the pinnl. of the lower side the largest, sometimes agam
compound, with lanceolate deeply pmnatifid segm. 3-4 in. 1., j in. hr. ; ult.
entire loles i in. hr., blu n t ; texture pap.yraceo-herbaceous ; colmir dark-green ;
under siaface sprinkled over with pellucid glands ; vemlets of the lobes b-8 on a
side, mostly forked ; sori large, suhmarginal.—« / . Sp. 4. p. 254.
Hab. Sandwich Isles, Hillebrand, 42.—Most like A. latifrons in general habit.
48 P . (Pheg.) punctatum, Thunb. ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping, villose ; st.
scattered, 1-2 ft. 1., firm, erect, stramineous, polished, naked or hairy, and
viscid ■ f r . 1-4 ft. 1., 6-24 in. hr. ; lower pinnce sometimes 1-2 ft. 1., deltoid ;
pinnl. ’and segtn. close, lanceolate ; ult. lobes oblong, crenate or pinnatifid, with
the ed<re often more or less reflexed ; texiure herbaceous ; rachises naked or
visc id: under side slightly h a ir y ; sori copious, marginal.—^, « . rugulosum,
Labill. ; f r . less compound and more coriaceous ; rachis deep purplisli-brown and
densely viscid.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 272.
Hab. Columbia to Chili, Sandwich Isles, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia,
Japan Philippines, Malaccas ; N. India to Ceylon, Bourbon, Tristan d’Acunha, St. Helena.
—Very closely related to Euhypolepis, see page 130. Mettenius regards our two varieties
as distinct species.
49. P . (Pheg.) prasinum, B a k e r; st. 2 ft. or more 1., densely clothed below
with long, squarrose, Unear-subulate scales, naked and glossy u pw p d s ; f r . 5-6
f t 1. 2 ft. or more br. ; lower pinnce often 1 ft. 1., 4-6 in. br. ; pm n l, distinct,
lanceolate, cut halfway down to the rachis into close blu n t lobes ; texture
herhaceous; co?»«® bright-green ; ®acA«s slightly scaly, both sides naked ; vamlets
about 4 on a side in the lobes ; sori close to the midrib,—P . punctatum, opruce,
H k . Sp. i . p . 262. (non Thunb.).
Hab. Andes of Peru and Ecuador.
60. P . (Pheg.) Sandvicense, H k . & Arn. ; st. 2 ft. 1., stout, glossy, naked ; f r .
3-4 ft. or more 1., 2 ft. or more br. ; lowest pinnce 12-18 in. 1., 6-8 in. hr. ; pmn l.
lanceolate, spreading, S-4 in. 1., 1) in. hr. ; segm. with a space between them
ovate-lanceolate, truncate on the lower side, deeply pmnatihd, with erectoÿiatent
linear-oblong entire or toothed lohes ; rachis glossy, castaneous ; both fid e s
naked ; veinlas forked ; scyri usually 1 near the base of each lobe.—« / , bp. 4.
p . 267.
Hab. Sandwich and Society Isles.—The New Hebridean P. Aneitense, Hk. Sp. 4.
p. 268, is apparently the same species.
51. P . (Pheg.) connexum, Kaulf. ; st. 3-4 ft. 1., firm, naked ; f r . deltoid,
tripinnatifid, 3-4 ft. or more i., 2 ft. or more br. ; lower pinnoe lanceolate-
deltoid, 8-12 in. 1. ; p innl. 3-4 in. 1., | in. br., cut down nearly to the rachis into
oblong, entire or slightly crenate iobes j in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; raclns and
both sides naked ; veinlets of the iobes 6-6 on a side, the lower ones often forked ;
sori medial.—H k . S p . 4. p . 261.
Hab. Brazil.
52. P . (Pheg.) splendidum, Kaulf. ; trunk subarborescent ; st. 2 ft. or more 1.,
strong, glabrous, angular ; f r . 4-6 ft. or more 1., 2-3 ft. br. ; lower pinnoe 12-18
in. 1., 6-8 in. br., with distinct lanceolate pinnl. with close, blunt, entire lobes
j in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and midrib beneath slightly villose ; vdnlets
of the lobes simple, often obscure.— P . macropterum, Kaulf. ; p innoe Un-
ceolate, 6-9 in. L, 2 in. br., with entire ohlong-falcate lobes j - f in. br., reaching
down three-quarters of the way to the midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 258.
Hab. Brazil, frequent.
53. P . (Pheg.) Vogelii, H k . ; S t . lJ -2 ft. 1., naked, suhstramineous, with long
linear scales at the base ; f r . ample, probably 4 ft. or more I., 2 ft. hr. ; lowest
pinnce 1 ft. 1., the pinnl. of the low'er side much the largest, and the lowest larger
than the others, w'hich are lanceolate, 4-6 in. L, I J in. h r., cut down nearly to
the rachis into ohlong toothed lobes U i in. hr. ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis
naked ; under side only slightly hairy on the main veins ; veinlets of the lobes
forked ; sori medial.—« / . Sp, i . p . 721. {in p a rt).
Hab. Fernando Po, Vogel,—This comes near P . connexum, but the sori are larger, and
the texture is thicker. The Cape Verde plant is a large form of A. P ilix -m a s . Gymno-
gramma subsimilis, Hk. Sp. 5. p. 142. t. 293, is apparently this species, with the sori
not-fully developed.
64. P . (Pheg.) nigritianum, Baker ; st. lJ -2 ft. 1., naked, or upwards suh-
villose ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft. or more br. ; lower pinnce 1 ft, 1., the pinnl. of the
lower side lanceolate, 4-8 in. ]., lJ -2 in. hr., cut down to the rachis below into
distinct oblong unequal-sided segm. with deep close entire lobes ; texture herbaceous
; rachises of the pinnl. densely villose and under side less so ; veinlas
pinnate in the lower lohes ; sori submarginal.
Hab, Gathered by Barter in the Niger Expedition, and by Mann at Fernando Po.
55. P. (Pheg.) Keraudrenianum, Gaud. ; sl. J in. thick or more, stramineous
or brownish, polished ; f r . 12-16 ft. 1., suhscandent ; pinnce distant, the low'er
ones 1-3 ft. 1., 6-15 in. br. ; p innl. lanceolate, often deflexed, cut down nearly or
quite to the rachis into lanceolate or linear-ohlong entire or pinnatifid segm. ;
texture herhaceous ; rachises stramineous ; both sides naked or the under one
villose ; veinlets pellucid, forked ; sori suhmarginal.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 268.
Hab. Sandwich Isles and Java.—P. procerum. Brack., is evidently a form of this, which
varies much in cutting, and resembles P . distans on a large scale.
§§ Cyrtomiphlehium. Venation o f Cyrtomiim, i. e., with the contiguous groups
T ab. 48. Fig. f. Sp. 66.
66. P. (Cyrt.) dubium, H k . ; S t . tufted, 12-18 in. 1., densely clothed a t the
base with large firm scales, and upwards with smaller ones ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 6-12
in. hr. ; lower pinnm 3-6 in. 1., |- 1 J in. hr., unequal-sided, the apex acuminate,
the edge finely toothed, the inner edge on the upper side nearly parallel with the
stem, on the lower side oblique ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both sides nearly
naked ; sori copious, roundish or oblong.—« / . Sp, 6. p . 16.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador and Peru.—Exceedingly like some of tbe forms of A sp id ium
falcatum in habit and texture. The bipinnatifid plant placed bere in “ Species Eilioum”
appears to be a form of P . p la typ h y llum , with slightly anastomosing venation.
§§§ Goniopteris, Presl. Venation o f Eunephrodium, i. e., veins pinnate, with
the lower veinlets o f contiguous groups joining. Sp. 67-80. T a b . 48. f. e.
* P in næ entire or the edge slightly crenate. Sp. 57-64.
67. P . (Goniopt.) simplicifolium, H k . ; S t . tufted, strong, 2-4 in. 1., villose
npw'ards ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., with a lanceolate-acuminate entire apex 1 - lJ in. hr.,
and at the base 1-6 small blunt spreading entire distinct ?)*«««; texture siib-
coriaceous ; midrib beneath hispid, and the prominent veins slightly so ; main
veins 2 lin. apart, all the veinlets jo in in g ; sori m in u te .—H k . Sp. 6. p . 2.
Nephrodium, H k . 2nd Gent. t. 19. Abacopteris, Fée.
Hab. Philippines, I, 315 ; Fiji, 736.
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68. P. (Goniopt.) debile, B a k e r; st. slender, slightly hairy ; f r . G-12 in. L,
2 R