iobes^^ ™«"^rane, a t first covering the whole sorus, breaking down into irregula,
Hab. Sarawak, Borneo, Thos Lobb, n. 166.—Apparently a very distinct species, whicl
I only possess from the above locality. j i , w/nu
40. _C. assimihs, H k . ; caud. 20 ft. h ig h ; st. bright chestnut, slightly muricatel
and fringed on one side with long, ferruginous scales; f r . ample, coriaceo-mem.
branaceous, birtripmnate ; prim, pinnæ nearly 1 ft. 1 ., 3 - 4 in. w., broad-obloiit
acuminate, priiolate, glabrous ; pmnl. and prim, sup.pinnæ deeply, almost to ths
costa, pinnatifid (lowest inf. lobe always the smallest), from 4-S'lines 1 oblon»
very obtuse, subfalcate, coarsely toothed ; sup. rachis and underside of the costa
subsquamose ; veins simple or once or twice forked ; sori dorsal or, in the axis of
tlie fork, subglobose ; mvol. at first entire, very th in and filmy, breaking down
into very irregular lobes. g uuwu
.Hab. Hills, Sarawak, Borneo, T. Lobb, n. 168.-This has much the general aspect
lAvolucre of (Gymnosphera, BL), but is more compound, and has the true
41. C. Lolbiana, H k . ; f r . ample, subcoriaceous, pinnate, pinnatifid a t the
acuminated apex, everywhere smooth, glabrous, and destitute of scales ; pinnm
petiolate ; inferior ones (the largest of our specimens) 0 - 1 0 in, 1 2 -2 i in w
oblong, deeply acuminate nearly to the rachis, pinnatifid, or pinnate only a t tliè
very base ; lowest inferior pinnl. always the smallest ; lobes or pinnl. horizontal
spreading, obtuse, obscurely se rra ted ; super, p innæ gradually smaller, obtuse’
sessile ; veins distinct, approximate, simple or forked ; seyri globose, dorsal or
ra re ly m the axil of the veins, in 2 rows, one on each side the costule ; in v k a
very th in , delicate membrane, a t first investing the whole sorus, a t length deliquescent,
as it were, a t the summit, and breaking down irregularly. °
Hab Sarawak, Borneo, T. Lobb.—M j largest pinuæ have a very close affinity with
those oiAlsopihila alternmis; but here is a most distinct though almost filmy involucre.
42. C. hymenodes, Mett. ; glabrous ; prim, rachis dark purple-brown subas-
perous ; pm n l. 3 in. 1., oblong, acuminate, sessile, subcoriaceous, dark lurid oreeii
oil both sides ; costæ beneath minutely and sparsely scaly ; lohes very compact
so as to close the sinus, oblong-falcate, very obtn'se, obscurely serrate ; son at
the base of the lobes, few, close to the costule ; “ invol. membranaceous fraMle
soon breaking down and falling away.”—Mett. in Mieq. A n n . Mus. Bot. L B a t
p . 67.
. Sumatra, Korthals. — My authentic specimen has the sori far advanced and
imperfect. May it not rather be an Alsophila I
43. C. orientons, Moore (name only) ; raelmes scarcely punctato-muricate ■ fr
anqile, coriaceous, black-green, paler beneatli, glabrous, bi-tripinnate : prim, pinnæ
2 ft. 1. •,pmnl. 3-4 in. 1., 6-7 lines w., sessile, oblong-lanceolate, suddenly caudato-
aouminate (acumen serrated), deeply near to the costa pinnatifid ; costæ beneath
ferrugmeo-furfuraceous ; lobes linear-oblong, subfalcate, the margin serrated ami
recurved ; son copious, close to the costule which they quite conceal • invol dark-
ffi-own, firm-membranaceous, persistent, cupshaped, subglobose, rich chestnut-
brown, the mouth a little contracted, perfectly orbicular and even at the ed<>-e —
Mett. m Miq. A n n . Bot. L . Bat. \ . p . ,38. C. arborea ^ pallida, Hassh. “ ’
Hab. Java, Zippel, Zollinger, De Vriese, n. 98,118, 130.—I t is no wonder that Hasskarl
was disposed to consider this a var. of G. arborea, of the W. Indies ; the involucre forms
fegmentary^® becoming
44. C. armhnoidea, H k . ; all the rachises dark-coloured and opaque, muricated
with short, black, sharp spines, and clothed with ru sty tomentum ; f r . tripinnate
hrm-coriaceous, glabrous above, cobwebby beneath ; seeeynd. pinnæ 4 -4 ^ in. 1 .’
2 111. oblong, pinnate, pinnatifid only near the narrow acuminated apex ; pinnl.
Peninsula. Sp. 40-55.
46. C. Lindsayana, H k . 5
branaceous, glabrous, j . -pinnæ 2 ft. 1 ., pinnate nearly to
î “ £ , J I ” .' " . ' 2 r , — — S Z » - r
formed involucre is much more permanent.
i i Ü P ^
S ^ p e tim rn iin rShises are often pale-brown.-See C. affinis. our «. 64.
48. C. Gunninghami, H k . Î .; caud. 12-15 ft. 1. ; t t è
mineous and a s p e ro u s ;/» . subcoriaceous, Mit flaccid ( soft, withe „
í . z = ”Vi,í,'sí;;í7 ¿•.t.iA “ “ ” r r i / i l
I in e a i obtuse, p in n k f id some way down with great "
veins lorked ; sori one to each lobe,_rather v^w t ^ T l f r i y
invol. a t first entire, globose, very thin, f ¿ ¿ r r a de as In S X “; eosle
represented in the leones plant. I. c.