82. P . (Dicty.) megalocarpum, H k . ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br., the upper
p a rt deeply pinnatifid, with lanceolate pinnatifid lobes, below this 6 pairs of
distinct pinnæ, the lowest C-9 in. 1., 3 in. br, with entire blunt oblong lobes
¿ in .b r ., reaching more than halfway down ; texture subcoriaceous; under surface
glossY ; areolæ copious, without free veinlets ; sori large, in two distinct rows.—
m . S p . 5 . p .W 2 .
Hab. Java, T. Zohh.—This has a good deal the general habit of difforme, but the
ultimate lobes are longer and narrower, and the sori very different.
83. P . (Dicty.) ferrugineum. Baker ; st. I J f t . 1., clothed densely below, and
less so above, with ferruginons down and large lanceolate ferruginous scales ;
f r . 12-15 in. 1., 8 in. br., the lovvest p innæ much the largest, deltoid, with distinct
lanceolate pinnl., those of the lower side cut down to the raehis into ohlong
sinuated or pinnatifid lobes ; texttire thinly herbaceous ; under surface sprinkled
with ferruginous h a ir s ; areolæ confined to a single costal series without free
veinlets ; sm-i biserial.—Phegop. Mett. F il. Ind. p . 224.
Hab. New Guinea, Zippelim.
84.^ P. (Dicty.) tenerifrons, H k . ; rhizome creeping, fragile ; st. very slender,
3-12 in. 1. ; f r . 6-12 in. each way, deltoid, the upper pa rt pinnatifid, below this
1-3 distinct pinnæ, the lovvest much the largest, deltoid, the lovvest side produced
■with deeply pinnatifid lanceolate lobes 2-3 in. 1. ; texture very thin, colour
bright-green ; areolæ copious, without free veinlets ; sori in rows near the main
veins.—/ f t . Sp. 5. p . 104.
Hab. Moulmein, Parish, 92.
85. P . (Dicty.) macrodon, Reinw. ; rhizome decumbent ; st. 1 ft. or more 1.,
slightly scaly below ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br., the apex deeply pinnatifid,
below this numerous lanceolate p innæ, the lovvest sometimes 1 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br.,
cut down to a narrow wing on the racliis into pinnatifid, close, lanceolate pinnl. ;
texture th in ; hoth sides naked ; areolæ copious, without free veinlets ; sori small,
in rows near the main veins.—P. Cumingianum, / f t . Sp. 5. p . 103.
Hab. Philippines, Malaccas, Solomon Isles, Fiji.
86. P . (D ic ty .) Cameroonianmn, H k . ; st. 4 ft. 1., glossy ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft. br.,
the upper p a rt pinnatifid, with deep lanceolate lobes ; lower pinna; deltoid, more
th an 1 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br., cut down below nearly to the rachis into pinnatifid
lanceolate lohes ; texture herbaceous, both sides naked ; areolæ copious, with free
veinlets (.sori iu rows near the main veins.—Hlc. Sp. S. p . 104.
Hab. Cameroon Mountains, M a n n , 1362.—I t is by no means clear that tbis and tbe
two preceding are distinct from one another, and from Neph. cicutarium.
** Sori copious, scattered irregularly. Sp. 87-90.
87. P . (Dicty.) Brongniartii, B o ry ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br., the apex
pinnatifid, with deep, lanceolate, repand lobes ; below tbis numerous distinct
pinnæ, the lowest 6-9 in. 1., lanceolate, cut three-quarters of the way down
throughout into acute, subentire, lanceolate lohes J-1 J in. 1., ¿ - f in. br. ; texture
subcoriaceous ; areolæ copious, vvitii a few free veinlets ; sori rather small and
quite confined to the margin of the lobes.—/ft-. <§). 5. p . 103.
Hab. Malay Isles and Philippines.—Habit of P. difforme, but -B-ell distinguished by its
marginal sori.
Blume ; St. tufted, erect, 1 ft. or more 1., the lower
the tipper pinnæ lanceolate, entire, or with broad blunt
halfway or more down to the rachis, the lower ones
88. P. (Dicty.)
p a rt scaly ; f r . 3-4 ftl
or falcate lohes reachin
often deltoid, with the lobes of the lower side prolonged, several inches long, and
pinnatifid ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; areolæ copious, with a few
free veinlets ; sori scattered, very copious.—P . irreguläre, Presl. H k . Sp. 6.
p. 106.
Hab. Malay Peninsula and Isles.—P. petrophyum, Blume, is said to differ by its longer
ultimate lobes and copious free veinlets.
89. P . (Dicty.) sparsiflorum, H k . ; rhizome thick, knotted ; si. 18 in. 1., scaly
towards the báse ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; p innæ distant, 7-8 in. 1.,
lJ-2 in. 1)1’., the apex acuminate, the edge slightly repand, the base narrowed,
the lovver ones stalked ; texture herbaceous ; both sides naked ; no distinct inain
veins; areolæ ra th e r large, without free ve in le ts; sori small, scattered irregularly.—
H k . Sp. 6. p . 92.
Hab. Sierra de Crystal and Old Calabar, West Tropical Africa, Mann.
90. P . (Dicty.) draconopterum, Hk. ; rhizome woody, the scales lanceolate,
dull-hrown ; st. 2-3 ft. 1., firm, erect, scaly below ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft. or more br.,
with a large oblong-acuminate termina l lobe, and several lateral ones on each
side, which do not reach down to the rachis, the lowest sometimes I J ft. 1., 4 in.
br., and forked ; texture papyraceous ; both sides naked ; main veins distinct to
the edge, connected by distinct transverse veinlets with copious areolæ with free
veinlets between ; sori minute, copious, scattered, often confluent.—I l k . Sp. 5.
p. 80.
Hab. New Granada to Ecuador.
«■»* Eremobryoid series. Stems articulated at the point o f junction with the
rhizome, and sori generally, but not always, terminal on the veins. Polypodium,
Mett. Sp. 91-389.
§§§§§ Eupolypodium. Veins fre e. Sp. 91-224. T a b . 48. Fig. a, b.
* Fronds entire. Sp. 91-111.
t Sori round. Sp. 91-103.
91. P . Sp'ucei, H k . ; st. tufted, very short, clothed with soft spreading hairs ;
fr. 1 in. 1., 1-1J lin. hr., blunt, narrowed gradually downwards, the edge entire ;
texture subcoriaceons ; both sides rather densely clothed witli long soft hairs ;
veins simple ; sori fevv-, round.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 172. 2nd Cent. t. 10.
Hab. E. Peru, Spnm, 4746.
92. P. parasitieum, M e tt.; f r . tufted, subsessile, 2-3 in. 1., lin. hr.,
narrowed very gradually below, the point bluntish, the edge entire or slightly
undulated ; iexture coriaceous ; both sides when young ra th e r th ick ly clothed
with long soft hairs ; veins immersed, forked ; sori roundish, in two rows,
ultimately confluent.—I lk . Sp. 4. p . 167.
Hab Neilgherries and Ceylon.—Probably this is the Javan P. pilosiusculum, Hk.
(Oi-ammÜÜ, Blume) ; and 0. adspersa, Blume, wbioh we have not seen, is apparently very
near it.
93 P . Hookeri, Brack. ; St. tufted, 1 in. or less 1., clothed with soft spreading
hairs • f r . 3-6 in. 1., ¿ - f in. br., the point acute or bluntish, the edge entire, the
lower’pa rt narrowed gradually ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides th in ly clothed
with soft hairs ; veins simple or forked ; sori round, in long rovvs close to the
midrib.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 171. P . setigerum, H k . ? A rn . {non Blume).
Hab Sandwich Isles, Fiji, Queensland, Philippines.-The Bourbon P. fiaumontii
Leperv., is evidently tbe same. An authentic example of P. conforme, Brack., does not
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