main veins very distmct, tlie areolæ hidden ; npper surface with close small
clirty-white dots ; sori much immersed, in single rows between the main veins
8-9 between the midrib and edge.—P . crassinervium, Blume. Hh. Sp, Ô. p . 63. *
H a b . J a v a ,
338, P . (P)u 'm .) crassifoliiim, L. ; rhizome woody, short-creeping, the scales
ovate-acummate, dull-brown; st. 2-6 in. 1., strong, erect ; f r . 1-3 ft. 1. 1-5 in.
h i., narrowed gradually to hoth ends, the edge en tire ; teocture coriaceous,
the upper side with scattered smali white do ts; main veins very distinct the
intervening areolæ hidden ; sori in single rows between the main veins 2-9^in a
row between the midrib and edge.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p . 62.
H a b W e st In d ie s an d Mexico to Bra z il an d P e ru , common.—V e ry variab le in th e
b re a d th of th e frond and compactness of th e sori. P . a n o c a r pm (Kze.) a n d P . v itta ria
(M e tt.) a re n o t more th a n J - l in. b r., w ith th e sori in 2 to 4 rows ; P. albo-pimctatissi-
M , J . fern., IS a glaucous much -d o tted form, w ith less d istin ctly -raised veins th an
_ 339. P . (P h ym .) memhranacmm, Don ; rhizome stout, the scales ovate, spreading,
membranous, lurid-green ; st. 1-4 in. I., firm, erect ; fr. 1-3 ft. 1 2-6 in lutile
edge entire or repand, both ends narrowed gradu'allv : textiZe very thii!’
membranous ; main veins distinct, with very copious fiáe areolæ with freé
veinlets between them ; sori mostly in two rather "irregular rows near the main
yeins.--/3 P . grandifohwn, a \\.-, f r . la rg e r; sori more copious and scattered
irregularly.—H k . Sp. 5. p .7 0 .
H a b . N . In d ia (up to 5-6,000 ft.) to Ceylon, common.
_ 340. P. (P h ym .) heterocarpum, Blume (non Mett.) ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping
the scales squarrose, linear, d ull-brown; st. 3-4 in. L, firm, e r e c t;/» . 1-2
ft. 1., 1 J-3 in. hr., entire, narrowed to both ends very g rad u a lly ; textitre firm ■
both sides naked ; main vems distinct to the edge ; areolæ co'pious with free
veinlets ; son in rows of 4 to 6 near tlie main veins.—P . Zollinoerlaiium, K z e . -
P . Aippellu, Blume ; son smaller, scattered irreg u la rly H k . Sp. 5. p . 72.
H a b . N . In d ia , Ceylon, J a v a Borneo, P h ilip p in e s .—L ik e th e la st in h ab it, b u t firmer
in te x tu re , an d th e two forms of each corresponding to one an o th er.
341. P (P h ym .) irioides, Lam. ; rhizome stout, the scales dark-hrown, ovate
obtuse ; / » sessile or subsessile, 1-3 ft. i., 1-3 in. br., narrowed graduallv to both
ends the edge entire ; toi«»o subcoriaceous ; both sides n a k e d ; main U««s fine,
but distinct to the edge, connected by cross veinlets larger th an the others with
copious-fine areolæ m the interspaces, including free veinlets; sori very small
i « ’ ®® tad in - e g u l a r ly .- « / . Sp. 5. p . 67. P il. E x . t. 4. Microsorium,
Z a t e t i - t i t t e t e K g i : ( ¿ .¿ ¿ C o ï t ,® '
¡ "'"«dy, the scales ovate, dullb
io v n , / r . l - 3 f t. 1., 3-4 in. hr., the point acute or bluntish, the lower p a rt broadly
winged to the vei'v base ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; main veins very
tein’t e s ’to X®" t T arched veinlets, with copious fine areolæ with free
t t e t t e l e nearly
H a b . M alay Is le s .—V e ry n e a r th e la st, b u t th e veins more d istmct.
343. P. (Vbyxfi) fim m nÜ id e im ,M ía \\.( » W « o woody, Iiypngæous ; st. 1-6
. ., film, e ie c t, f i . 9-18 in. ]., 2-3 in. hr., narrowed to both ends, the edge
entire ; texture subcoriaceous ; hoth sides naked ; veins very distinct, tlie main
ones branching and becoming lost before they quite reach the edge, including
ji-regulai- ratlie r large areolæ with a fen- free veinlets ; sori in a very ii-i-egulai-
i-ow between each main vein, often confluent.—/ f t . Sp. 5. p . 73. Colysis, Presi.
Hab. N. India (up to 6,000 ft.) and Neilgherries.
344. P. (P h ym .) ensatum, Tliunb. ; rhizome fiim, wide-creeping, the scales
lanceolate, spreading, dull-brown ; st. 6-12 in. 1., erect, scaly below ; f r . 6-18
in. 1., 1 J-3 in. br.,-narrowed to both en d s ; texture subcoriaceous; both sides
naked ; main veins distinct nearly to tlie edge, the areolæ fine, close, copious and
free veinlets abundant ; scyri irregularly uniserial between tlie main veins, few,
b ut often confluent.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 72.
Hab. Japan and Tsus-Sima.
** Fronds variously lobed but not regularly pinnatifid or pinnate. Sp. 345-353.
t Fronds not in two halves. Sp. 345-360.
346. P . (P h ym .) crispatum, H k . ; st. tufted, slender, 1-2 in. ]., clothed with
soft spreading- hairs ; f r . pendent, 6-18 in. 1., J - | in. hr., ligulate, nearly entire
or b lu n tly lobed a q uarter or even halfway down to the midrib ; textnre subcoriaceous
; hoth sides thinly clothed with soft hairs ; veins in pinnated groups,
the veinlets forked and uniting witli those of the next group ; scyri dorsal, 2-6 to
each lobe, small, quite immersed.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 1. Glyphotæiiium, J . Sm.
Hab. Panama, Seemann, 995.—Differs from Phymatodes by its regular pinnated veins,
and from Goniopldebium by being without free veins, and by its dorsal sori.
346. P . (Pliym.) Labrusca, H k . ; eaud. woody, the scales large, linear, dark-
hrown ; St. 4-8 in. 1., firm, erect, scaly below ; /"-. 3-4 in. ]., 2J-3 in. in-., cordate-
ovate, with a deep basal sinus, the edge sinuated ; texture coriaceous ; both sides
naked ; main veins distinct to tlie ed,Q"e ; areolce fine, coiiious, distinct ; sori
small, cojiious, scattered ii-regularly.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p. 73. t. 286. B.
Hab. Borneo, Lobb.—A very distinct species, with fronds like the leaves of Tilis
tortuose, i
a t ‘ ■ ........ ........
4-6 in. 1., 2-4 lin. br., short-stalked, entire ; texture jiajiyi-aceous ; both sides
naked ; a midrib to each lobe, witli copious areolæ between, with free veinlets ;
sori large, oblong, placed end to end in a row on each side close to the midrib.—
H k .S p . 5. p. 78. Fil. E x . t. 52.
H ab . Ecu ad o r, Jameson, 789.
348. P. (Phym.) Spectrum, Kaulf. ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, the scales
black, subulate, deciduous ; st. distant, 3-4 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r . 6-9 in.
each way, cordate-liastate, the apex acuminate, the lateral lolies rounded or
acute, the basal lobes deep, sometimes imbricated, the edge not tootlied ; texture
firm ; both sides naked ; areolæ fine, witli copious free veinlets ; sm-i smali,
copious, scattered iri-egularly.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 74. Colysis, J . Sm.
H a b . Sandwich Isles an d S umatra.
349. P. (Phym.) hastatum, Thunb. ; rhizome firm, the scales linear, spreading,
bright-feri-uginoHS ; St. 2-4 in. 1., firm, erect, glossy ; / » . 4-6 in. 1., simple, lanceolate,
J-IJ in. bl-., 01- 8-lobed, with the lateral lobes like the terminal one
2 2
I; ’ ' i l