184 34, B L E C H N U M , § E U B L E C H N U M .
rachis and both surfaces naked ; veins inconspicuous; sori in a short line close
Z Z inWriCoften on one side o n l y . - / « . 3. ?x. 45. B. polypodroides, Kze.
(L Mett. non Raddi.
Hab Tropical America from Panama and N. Granada to Brazil and P e ru .-A more
slendeè and narrower plant than B. umlaterale, with even the lowest pmnæ connected and
much less copious sori.
3. B. u m l a t e r a l e , Willd. ; c a u d . elongated, densely clothed at the crown with
linear pale-brown scales ; S t. slender, erect, 1-4 in. 1., slightly scaly below ; A ; T . "
opolate 6-12 in. 1., 14-2 in. br. ; p i n n oe numerous, spreadmg horizoutally, imeai,
4-1 in.’ 1., the central ones J - f in. br., the point usua lly mucronate, the edge
/ i t i r e or nearly so, the lower p a rt dilated to a broad base, the lower ones
broader, bluiite'r, and short ; t e x t u r e herbaceous, both surfaces and r«c/«s naked
or slightly hairy ; v e i n s inconspicuous ; s o r t m a line close to the midiiD.
B. polypodioides, liaddi. H k . Sp. 3. p. 45.
Hab. Tropical America from Mexico and the W. Indies southward to B®? / ‘T
S Brazil.—This comes very near the small forms of B. ocadentale, and we cannot, from
the description alone, distinguish B. triangulare, Link.
4 B. c a r t i l a g i n e u m , Swartz ; c a u d . oblique, densely clothed a t the crown with
blackish fibrillose scales ; S t. strong, erect, 4-6 in. 1., scaly and muricated m the
lower pai-t; f r . ovate-oblong, 1-2 ft. 1., 6-9 m. br. ; numerous, eiecton
atent linear 4-6 in, 1., i - J in. br., narrowed gradually towards the point, the
Fiar-iA finely’toothed, dilated and connected at the base, the lower ones not con-
spicuoiislv smaller than the others ; t e x t u r e coriaceous ; rac/m and both surfaces
naked ; v e i n s fine ; s o r i in a broad line close to the midrib.—/ « . Sp. 2. p . 43.
Hab. Temperate Australia. Very like B.
from which it is best distinguished
by its muricated stipe.
6. B. nitidum, Presl ; st. stout, erect, naked, 3-4 in. 1. ; f r . oblong-lanceolate,
1 ft or more 1., 4-6 in. br. ; pinnæ numerous, erecto-patent, subtalcate, lineai,
3-4 in. 1., i - i in. br., narrowed gradually towards the point, dilated and connected
at the base, the edge undulato-dentate, the acute and
not much smaller th an tlie rest ; texttire coriaceous, both surfaces and raclas
naked ; veins fine ; sori in a continuous line close to the midrib ; mvol. con-
spicuous.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 44. t. 55.
Hab S Brazil, Philippines, Marianne Islands, Isle of Gaudalcomar and Mislimee,
N Hin d o stán .-Near B. trasiliam, but a smaller plant, terminating abruptly below,
and the involucre more conspicuous. In some of the specimens (var. c o r i t r M t m a . S o o f i )
the pinnæ are contracted and the edge is much undulated. I t seems probable that the
B vltatum, figured by Brackenridge from Fiji, is the same abnormal form, wh dr m
some of M. Vieillard’s New Caledonian examples named by Mettenius, has completely
Lomarioid sori.
6. B. brasiliense, Desv. ; caud. erect, stout, subarborescent, 1 ft. or more 1.,
densely clothed a t the crown with dark-hrown fibrillose scales ; st. short, stout,
densely sc a ly ; / r . oblong-lanceolate, 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more b r narroivmg
downwards very gradually ; pinnæ close, erecto-patent, linear, 4-6 m. 1., „ in bi.,
narrowed gradually towards the point, very finely toothed, connected a t the
base, the lower ones short and b lu n t; coriaceous, both surfaces naked ,
veins fine ; rachis naked ; sori in a continuous line close to the midrib ; mvot.
narrow.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 43. t. 157. B. Corcovadense, Eaddt.
Hab. Brazil and Peru.
*** Freynds pinnate. Sp. 7-17.
7 B lonaifolium, I I. B. K. ; rhizome slender, creeping ; s t . firm, erect, nearly
I ’e d ’ g l i C r V r with a termina l pinna and 3-6 lateral ones on each side
naked, " V ' • / V d ' / T V a d u a lly towai^^ the point, narrowed
Ti è v T 's h K l y ètiükld àn d 'th en cordate at the base, tlie lower ones about 1 in.
: ;:r t ; ~
6 / on a side, sometimes 1 in. b r . -B . Scblimeiise.
“H.to Tro’pioal America from Mexico and the West I"«!'®® touTe!
p i ; —B m-aciU Kaulf, appears to differ from the type only by its ^tbev moie slender
a Z T l n i e rm e d i u J l i n K is more slender still, and
species 1. The veins occasionally form costal arches, as is the case also in .
and australe.
3 B Fendleri H k . ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping ; S t. 9 in. 1., slender, pale
at the base quite adnate but not connected with one another ;
¿ o u s • m e t e villose and both surfaces slightly so ; ft ? i / f
cos a i a T i e s halfway up the pinme ; sori in continuous lines close to the midnb,
¿Tth a pale broad Membranous slightly villose in v o lu c r e .- « / . Sp. 3. p . 48.
1 .168.
Hab Venezuela Fendler, 116. Brazil, Bwrehdl, 6460.-This has quite the general
habit of the preceding, of which it is not unlikely a form with more slender habit and
more anastomosing venation.
q B occidentale Linn. ; caud. stout, erect, clothed a t the crown with lan-
c e o k t e a c T l a r / a l e s ; / . 6-12 in. 1., erect, scaly f ’
o iQ ir , 1 4 . - 8 in br w i t h 1 2 - 2 4 lin e a r on e a c h s id e , \NmcU a i e ^ o m. i.,
r S l y « ® " ^ inconspicuous ; sori in a broad continuous line close to
the midrib.—-Hk, Sp. 3. p . 50.
Hab. America, cpmon^rom Mexico a ^
K ; K r r d , K T % K : a T l ¥ t « Kunze, a" form with a distinct acute
auricle at the base of the pinnæ on the upper side.
10. H arcuatum, C. G a y ; eaud. stout, suberect K m i t I r e c ' t T / v
with lanceolate acuminate d a tt-b row in a to r k - b r o w nn ssccaalieess ;; us v.. 6 - t t lix. x.,
a t t h r b a “s^'*’> . 12-18 in . L, I f f in . b r ., lin e a r - la n c e o l a te w ith v e ry ^^ ^ni^ rous
’• ■ iceolate falcate K ¿ ¿ f t / d ' o b t l /
Hab. Chili and Ciiiloe.-A more rigid plant than the last, with a narrower frond
narrowing gradually downwards.
n a l h ^ / K f H U i ? ) ' ‘ " 2? i i T t o . ! ^ ! l n ’c e t l ? t e , ¿ h i i Z - Z l t l N f i
Sm lte riil one¡ l - l ¿ ¡ n ’. 1., J - f in. br., lanceolate, falcate, narrowed gradually to
f t k ' il'; h