sori X to G, minute, axillary, the tu b e stalked the mouth t r u n c a te .-K . D. B.
Hym. Jav. t. 21. T. Pluma, H h . Ic. 1 I t. 997.
TTah Borneo Java Samoa, Bourbon.—A very singular plant, with the segments
sproriing “à aldrreltfons, I d not at all flattened. T. PU m a fii Hooker appears to
be a long narrow form of this species, in habit singularly resemblmg a bottle-brush.
Til T foenkulaceum B o ry ; si. nearly tufted, erect, wiry, 2-4 In. 1., naked or
tomentoèe- f r 4-8 in. 1., l i - 3 in. br., erect, rigid, ovate-lanceolate; main
naked or riig'itly winged above; low e r /»m æ spreading or ereeto-patent, 1-1,
1 1 cut down quite or very nearly to the raclns ; pm n l. regularly pinnatifid,
ivith simple o? S e d lin e a ï-filifoL segm., X - \\ Un. h , colour dark-green or
brownishiblack when dry, texture subconaceous ; sm 2 to 12 to a pmna, minute,
axillary, the mouth rather spreading h u t not two-lipped.—i f t . hp. 1. p . 135.
(in part).
Hnb Mauritius Bourbon, Borneo, and Rockingham Bay, Australia (T. sefilohum,
F. Mudler, MSS.)!—Intermediate between rigidum and longisetum, the segments rather
T r i b e 4. D a v a l l i e æ .
S o n marginal or suhmarginal, roundisfi ^
squamiform involucre, which is open at the a p e x , fastened broadly at the hase, and
open or fre e at the sides. G e n . 1 8 -1 9 .
G e n . IB. D a v a l l i a , Smith.
Sori intra - or suhmarginal, globose or tte 'V d L '
are four ’principal types in the shape o f the involucre (see fla lo ), o f which
Microlepia connects Eudavallia with Dicksonia and Odontoloma with Lmdsaya.
T a b . I I . f. 18.
8 Ilum a ta , Cav. Invol. ample, coriaceous, suborbicular o f renfrorm, attached f i a
T ^ J 1 nviA fsidp'i frp e St). 1 -H . Fronds in all coriaceous, usually
deltoid 3 to 6 inches long, more'or less distinctly dimorphous, the barren (mes
“ fla n once p in n J f id . A ll plants o f the Malayan islands one
la n d the M auritius. Sp. \ 2 i s am anomalous simply pinnate S . American
it, which seems best placed here.
* Barren fro n d s entire. Sp. 1-2.
1 D. (H um .) helerophylla. Sm ith ; rAiiome wide-creeping,
stalked, in. 1., br„glabrous ;texture conaceoiis,the
scaly ; f r . shortly
stalked 3-6 in 1 1 in. or., ^lauruus , —, -he sterile one ovate
“ eoDte, enttee’or slig h tlyL b ed a t the b a s e the fertile one narrowe^ deeply
sinuato-pinnatifid ; serri 2 to 10 to a l o h e . - f t / . Sp. 1. / . 162. M l. E x . t . 27.
m . é Gr. Ic. F il. t . 230.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula and Polynesian Islands.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula and Islands.
** Barren fronds pinnatifid. Sp. 3-11.
3. D. (H um .) parallela, Wallich ; rhizome creeping, scaly ; si. 2-4 in. 1., erect,
more or less scaly ; f r . 4-8 in. 1., 14-2 in. hr., ovate-lanceolate, cut down nearly
or quite to the rachis into long parallel linear-oblong entire bluntish or acute
lobes, the lowest pair sometimes auricled ; texture coriaceous ; sori oblique, in
two rows in the lobes, occupying the greater p a rt of the space between the costa
and margin.—Hk . Sp. \ . p . 153. t. 42. A. Pteroneiiron, Fée.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula and' Polynesian Islands.—Habit and size ot Polypodium
vulgare. Rachis sometimes densely scaly.
Smith ; creeping, scaly ; 4. D. (Hum.) ^ . S t . 2-4 in. 1., erect.
more or less scaly ; f r . 4-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, cut down nearly or
quite to the main rachis into long parallel linear-oblong, entire or inciso-
pinnatifid pinnæ, the lowest pair deeply pinnatifid on the lower side, witli lobes
sometimes 4 in. 1. ; texture coriaceous ; sori obliquely placed in two siibmarginal
rows.—Hk. Sp. 1. p. 163. Hk . é Gr. Ic. Fil. t. 139.
Hab. Tropical Polynesian Islands. — Quite similar to the preceding in size and
6. D. (H um .) sessilifolia, Bliime ; rhizome very long, wide-creeping, densely
clothed with rigid filiform s c a le s ;/" , subsessile, 2-4 in. 1., I - I 4 in. br., ovate-
lanceolate, cut down n early to the rachis into parallel linear-ohlong,^ entire or
sinuated lobes, the lower side of the lower one sometimes deeply pinnatifid ;
texture subcoriaceous ; sori in two rows in the lobes, occupying the greater
p a rt of the space between the costa and margin.—Ilk . Sp. 1. p . 164.—¡3, II.
polypodioides, Brack, t. 3 2 ; f r . stalked (st. 1-2 in. 1.), rather larger and more
Hab. Java, Celebes, and Fiji Islands.—Examples gathered by Milne in Fiji quite
connect the plant figured by Brackenridge with Bluine’s specimens.
6. D. (Hum.) pedata. Smith ; rhizome wide-creeping, scaly ; st. 2-4 in. I.,
rather scaly ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., 14-2 in. br. at the base, deltoid in general outline, cut
down nearly to the r a c h is ; upper segm. linear-ohlong, acute, erecto-patent,
inciso-dentate, the lower p a ir broader, deeply inciso-pinnatifid, especially on the
lower side ; texture coriaceous ; sori placed in rows on the teeth on both sides of
the lobes.—H k . Sp. 1. p . 54. t. 45. A. Gard. Ferns, t. 7.
Hab. Hindostán, from 2,000 ft. in Khasia southw.ard to Ceylon, Hongkong, Malayan
Peninsula, Java, Borneo, Queensland, Mascaren Isles.
7 . D. (H um .) alpina, Blume ; rhizome creeping, s c a ly ; S t . 2-4 in. 1.; f r . 2-3
in .l., I - I 4 in .b r., deltoid in general outline, upper segments of barren frond slightly
dentate, blunt at the apex of the fertile frond, distant, deeply and sharply
toothed, the lower ones cut nearly to the rachis with sharply-toothed lobes ;
texture coriaceous, lower pa rt of raciiis winged n a rrow ly ; sori ¡daced in the teeth
on both sides.—H k . Sp. X .p. 164. D. Belangeri, Bory. II. serrata. Brack.
Hab. Mergui and Ledong, Java, Borneo, and Polynesian Islands. — Very near
I), pedata, but smaller and rather more deeply cut. We have not seen the Javanese
B. Ungula, Kunze (Bot. Zeit. 1848, p. 215), which is said to bo very closely allied
to this.
8. D. (H um .) pusilla, Metten. ; rhizome creeping, scaly ; sf. 1 in. or less 1 .; f r .
I - I 4 in. 1., 4-j in. br., cordato-deltoid in outline, cut down to a narrowly-winged
rachis ; upper segm. linear-oblong, cuneate a t the base, deeply inciso-dentate.
lower pair broader, deeply inciso-pinnatifid on the lower side, teeth very acute ;