, i
48. P O L Y P O D I U M ,
differ essentially. P. mlspathulatum, Brack., from the Society Isles, is said to have
partially-immei'sed sori placed as near the edge as the midrib, and small subspathulate
sterile fronds.
94. P. pseudo-gmmmitis, G a u d .; rhizome wide-creeping ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., about
1 lin. br., tbe point bluntish, the lower p a rt tapering gradually into the short
stem, the edge slightly undulated ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ;
veins simple, immersed ; sori large, subglobose, scattered, close to the midrib, but
often projecting over the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 165.
Hab. Sandwich Islands.
95. P . ligulatum, Baker ; St. short, slender, naked, tufted ; f r . 6-6 in. 1., J in.
br., ligulate, narrowed gradually towards both ends, the edge very slightly
re p a n d ; texture subcoriaceous; 'both sides n a k e d ; veins forked ; sori round,
distant, close to the midrib.
Hab. Fiji, Brackenridge.—Like the preceding, but the texture thinner, the veins
forked, and sori a space from the margin.
black, slightly furfuraceous below ; simple, very shorthand indistinct ; sori
round, tending slightly towards oblong, in a long row on each side close to the
Hab. Penang, Mactier.—likes the last in general habit, but quite different in the
97. V. jungermannioides, Klotzsch ; st. densely tufted, short, slender, ebeneous ;
f r . 2-3 in. I., lJ -2 lin. br., ligulate, the point blunt, the lower p a rt narrowed
gradually and the edge slightly repand ; texture subcoriaceous ; hoth sides th in ly
clothed with soft spreading hairs ; veins forked ; sori round, distant from one
another in a line close to the midrib.—H k . S p . i . p . 166.
Hab. Guatemala to Peru and Chili.
98. P . hirtellum, B l .; rhizome short-creeping, scaly ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., 2-3 lin. br.,
the point bluntish, the edge entire, the lower p a rt tapering gradually into the
short stem ; texture subcoriaceous ; both surfaces th in ly clothed with long, soft,
brown hairs ; veins h id d e n ; sori in two close rows nearer the midrib th an the
edge.—7 ft. Sp. 4. p . 166.
Hab. Jay,a.—P. lasiosorum, Hk., is probably a form of the same plant, with a smaller
frond and longer stem,
99. P . hirtum, H k . ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., densely clothed with soft spreading
h a ir s ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., in. hr., narrowed gradually downwards, the point
bluntish, the edge entire ; texture subcoriaceous, the surface, especially the edge
and midrib, ciliated like the stem ; veins with one short fork near the base ; sori
round, in long rows close to the midrib.—H k . Sp. 4, p . 170. t. 273. A. P . Itein-
wardtii, Mett.
rsrnn, Blume, judging from
Hab. Luzon, Cuming, 222 ; Java, Zollinger, 1791.—P.
tbe figure, is like this, but quite naked.
100. P . setigerum, B lum e ; st. densely tufted, 2-3 in. 1., densely clothed with
long soft spreading ferruginous h a ir s ; f r . 8-12 in. 1., | - j in. hr., the point acute,
the lower p a rt narrowed ra th e r suddenly, the edge entire ; texture subcoriaceous ;
both sides th in ly clothed with long soft hairs like the stem ; veins pinnate ; sori
round, in long rows close to the midrib.—i f t . Sp. 4. p . 171. 2nd Gent. t. 41.
Hab. Java.
101. P . zeylanicum, M e tt,; rhizome strong, wide-creeping, clothed with broad
grey scales ; st. 1 in. or more 1., clothed with soft spreading hairs ; f r . 8-12 in.
I., J - f in. hr., the point acuminate, the base narrowed very gradually, the edge
slightly undulated ; texiture coriaceous, both sides naked ; veins forked, oblique ;
sori round, in long rows midway between the midrib and edge.—Hk . Sp. 4.
p. 169. t. 272. B.
Hab. Ceylon.
102. P . samoense, Baker ; st. tufted, 1 in. or less 1., slender, brown, clothed
with soft spreading brown hairs ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 2-3 lin. hr., the point bluntish,
the edge nearly entire, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually ; texture
subcoriaceous ; the rachis green, the surfaces very nearly naked ; veins once
or even twice forked ; the sori small and sometimes on the point of both
veinlets, forming an irregular wavy line near the edge.
Hab. Samoa, Powell, 111.
103. P. chrysolepis, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, densely clothed with reddish-
brown squarrose scales ; st, I in. or more apart, 1 in. or more 1., scaly ; f r . 2-3
in. 1., J in. hr., the point acute, the edge entire, the lower p a rt narrowed very
g rad u a lly ; texture thick, coriaceous; both surfaces clothed with small, pale,
ovate-acuminate deciduous scales attached by the centre of the disk ; . veins
forked ; sori large, round, in rows nearer the midrib th an the edge.—Hk . Sp. 4.
p .f r S . Ic. P l . t . 721.
Hab. Andes of Quito, Jameson, 37.—Scales like those of Lepicystis.
t t Sori ohlong. Sp. 104-111. Grammitis, Auct.
104. P . (Gram.) bisulcatim, H k . ; r/iiftoiwe wide-creeping, scaly ;/®. resembling
the stem of a rush, 6-9 in. 1., less th an 1 lin. thick, with 5 furrows, of which
the two deepest bear the close prominent oval sori; veins invisible.—H k . Sp.
4. ?>. 164. 2nd Cent. t. 98. Holcosorus pentagonus, Jfoore. '
Hab. Borneo ; discovered by Mr. T. Lobb.
105. P . (Gram.) gramineum, S w .; rhizome short-creeping, sc a ly ; st. subtufted,
slender, 1-2 in. 1., finely villose ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., J in. br., ligulate,
narrowed rather suddenly into the stem, the edge entire ; texture coriaceous ;
both sides nearly naked ; veins oblique, forked ; sori oval or oblong, placed
nearly end to end, with a space between them, in two rows, which reach from the
niidrib nearly to the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 165.
Hab. West Indies, Guiana.—The Javan 0. ccespitosa, Blume, is said to differ by its
immersed sori and setigerous capsules, and is considered a distinct species by
106. P . (Gram.) Poppigianum, Mett. ; S t . tufted, clothed a t the base with
lanceolate sc ales; f r . 1 in. 1., J in. hr., lanceolate-spathulate, obtuse, entire ;
texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins immersed, forked ; sori oblong, close
to the midrib.—H k . Sp. i . p . 168.
Hab. Cape Colony, Poppig, fide
107. P. (Gram.) marginellum, Sw. ; st. densely tufted ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., lJ -2 lin.
br., ligulate, blu n t a t the point, tapering gradually downwards into the short
ste in ; texture coriaceous ; both surfaces naked or slightly hairy, the frond
margined with a distmct black line ; veins oblique, simple ; sori close, copious,
oval or oblong, in rows nearer the midrib th an the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 164.
Hab. West Indies and Guatemala to Guiana and Peru ; St. Helena, Cape Verdes.
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