subcoriaceous ; raclm and both sides naked ;
S(yn in 2 long rows— H k . Sp. 4. p . 200. very distmct, once forked ;
loD ^ i may be a form of the last, but the pinnæ are
100. R.fiUUcum, Blume ; st. 3-S in. 1., tufted, villose ( f r . 12-15 in. 1., 2 in br
¿ l i t " l o s e horizontal entire b lu ltisi!
p m jB lg-2 hn. h i. ; texture coriaceous ; rac/its ciliated, the rest nearly naked ■
th X lid r ib .X
Hab. Borneo and Celebes.
161. V.griseum, Liebm. ; rhizmne stout, wide-creeping, scaly • st 4-6 in 1 naie
brown, polished, yillose ; f r . flaccid, 1-2 ft. or more 1., 3 ? in .l è . cut d o in 'to t t
lachis into entire acute or bluntish lanceolate pinnoe f r i m. hr.’ - texture herba-
r X V f X l t f l finely pubescent ; veins fine, close,
th e "l“ : l d
Hab. Mexico and Guatemala.
f r P - iL f “ *) Bk- ; 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, greyish, yillose throughout ;
V Í , U •’ 1 /te «® close, alternate, 1* in. 1., 4 - i in. br hlSntish
f i e e ' t e S t n t l t ''" 'I ’ " ’’e ehorfer and deflexed, quité
p . 221 ’ ^ " “ fi inconspicuous ; sori in mediai rows.—i f t . Sp. 4.
. Hab. Organ Mountains, Gardner, 122.
163._ V. pzlipes, R k . ; st. tufted, flexuose, 3-4 in. 1., densely clothed with soft
spreadmg hairs ( f r . pendent, 6-9 in. 1., 2-4 in. hr., cut down nearly to the rachis
r a X i X d b l t l I ’ I n nre often deeply pm n a tifid ; t e te r e coriaceous ;
l ? 2 S a f t Í 2 2 1 c « p io u s .-« /t. Sp. 4.
Hab. Peru, Matthews.
C. Fronds more than h a lf an inch broad, erect or suherect. Sp. 164-186.
J T r l r. i n netween them ; texture coriaceous ; veins hidden, forked ; upper
7 iu . i - - s . î r f c f . s'«“ ‘t o fr i-
Hab. Bolivia to Chili.—Habit and scales like those of P. ineanum.
minute scales «<. 2-4 m. 1., firm, erect, naked or slightly scaly ; f r . 3-5 in. I
Í i ¿ l i t r a i l l l T - ’ " " " i l *® the rachis into horizontal blunt entire p in n !
m lu ftid e i I X h X v ' I T ¿X®®" *fi®“ ? coriaceous ; ebeneous Var/«'.
Mexico, Seemann, 1941.—About midway between the last
166. P . rigescens, Bory ; rhizome stout, creeping, densely clothed with dull-
brown linear scales ; st, 1-3 in. 1., wiry or slightly villose, naked ; f r . 6-12 in. 1.,
I in. or more br., cut down to the rachis into close entire blu n t linear-oblong
pinnm j in. hr., the lower ones reduced ; rachis black, wiry ; hoth surfaces naked,
the under one sometimes glau co u s; veinlets h id d en ; sori in rows of 4 to 5 on
each side.—Hlc. Gr. Ic. t. 216.
Hab. Cuba to Chili and Brazil ; Bourbon, Fernando Po.—A plant from Dr. Spruce
has a rigid rhizome 2 ft. 1., clothed with large ovate-lanceolate scales, and the fronds are
quite sessile ; and another has frouds 18 in. 1., 2 in. br., with 6-9 sori in a row.
167. P . fuscatum, Blume ; st. tufted, 1-3 in. 1., densely clothed with soft spreading
hairs ; y r. 3-6 in. 1., j " l in. hr., cut down nearly or quite to the rachis
throughout into close entire obtuse pinnce j lin. hr., the lower ones shorter and
broader ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides tliinly clothed with soft
hairs ; veins obscure, simple ; sori forming a close row on each side the midrib, at
last filling nearly the whole surface.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 181.
Hab. Java and Ceylon.
168. P . (decorum,
B r a c k .; rhizome creeping, densely clothed with linear scales;
st, 1 in. or less ]
1., rigid, naked ; / r . 6-12 in. 1., j-1 in. hr., cut down nearly or quite
to the rachis into entire linear blunt pinnoe about 1 lin. br., the lower ones growing
gradually shorter and blunter ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked, or the racliis
hispid ; veins obscure ; sori immersed, in 2 rows of 4 to 6 each, filling up the
whole space'between the midrib and edge.—H k , Sp. 4. p. 179.
Hab. Ceylon, Malaya, and Philippines to Tahiti and Sandwich Isles.—This is referred
to P. nutans (Blume) by Mettenius, but the figure and description do not quite agree
with it.
169. P . hlechnoides, H k . ; rhizome stout, clothed with dense linear scales ; st.
2-3 in. 1., rigid, erect, naked ; f r . 8-12 in. 1., 1 - l j in. br., cut down very nearly
to the rachis throughout ; fertile confined to the upper ha lf of the frond,
longer and narrower th an the barren ones, which are bluntish, about j in. hr.,
growing gradually shorter and broader downwards ; texture coriaceous ; racliis
and both sides naked ; 5on oblong, immersed, in rows near the midrib.—H k .S p . 4.
2?. 180. Cryptosorus Seemanni, J . Sm,
Hab. Polynesian Islands and Queensland.
170. P . Lobhianum, Hk. ; rhizome short-creeping, stout, densely scaly ; / r . subsessile,
4-6 in. 1., f-1 j in. br. ; pinnæ numerous, close, j lin. br., the edge with
distinct rounded crenations, lower ones gradually reduced ; texture coriaceous ;
rachis wiry, ebeneous ; both sides quite naked ; veinlets simple, indistinct, 1 to
each lobe ; sori immersed, small, copious.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 226. t. 278. B.
Hab. Borneo, T. Lobb.—This and the three last are the most rigid in texture of the
171. P . argyratim, Bory ; rhizome stout, the scales linear, ferruginous ; st, 2-3
in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., 1 j-2 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into close
horizontal nearly entire pinnæ j in. hr., narrowed gradually upwards ; texture
subcoriaceous ; under surface coated when young with white meal, which disappears
as the plan t grows older, for the rest naked ; veinlets immersed ; sori
marginal, 4 to 8 on each side.—H k . Sp, 5. p . 198.
Hab. Bourbon and Mauritius.
172. P . Skinneri, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, clothed with broad pale adpressed
scales ; st. 2 in. 1., rigid, deciduously scal}'^ ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 1 j-2 in. hr., cut
down nearly or quite to the rachis into iinmerous close liorizontal linear slightly
crenated pinnoe not more th an 1 lin. hr., with a rounded sinus between th em ;
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