I If
p . 189.
fine, simple ; sori 6-9 in a row, on each side near the midrib.—« / , Sp. 4.
Hab. y enezuela,/ciîÆffl’, 212.—Desvanx's plant thus named appears to be P. mltratmi,
from which this differs by its distinctly separated pinnæ, the largest more than an inch
long, narrowed gradually from the base to the point.
198. P . spomdoUfis K-ic.-, rUzome stout, wide-creeping, clothed with grey
¿ t i n scales ; scaly ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-3 in. b r.‘;
¿ m fl uiitish, entire or slightly crenate, 2-3 lin. br., narrowed
towards both end^ the lowest not reduced ; t e te r e subcoriaceous ; rachis v/irv,
¿ 2Ï2“"
witttrlotefXtrnt “ ¿ ¿ ¿ “¿ “ rtoil"
199. P . pleheium Schlecht. ; rUzome stout, wide-creeping, clothed with small
giey scales ; st. 4-8 m. I., strong, erect, castaneous, nearly naked ; f r . 6-12 in 1
3-6 in. hr., ovate-deltoid ; cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into spreading
entire or obscurely crenated pinnm j - f in. br., the lowest not reduced! textu4
obscure ;
fi"® ®P®®-> 1" go“®-lflabit
Y f ' i "'"le-creeping, the scales linear,
racbi's L T ’ I “ ■ r*®''®! ’ ""fi'®'! ? A - fi fil- !•’ 3 i i'l-raclus into Imear-lanceolate obscurely crenated?«««««, j - f filnr-. i hcr.u, t ddiolawtend taot tthi el
papHaceo-lmrbac“e"o®u®s ; raelrn sTlen“d e“r,'® v illose ; bfiol‘t®h lsoi"d'®es® !s lPig"h“t’ ldye hflaexireyd •; vteeixntluertes
i t o X l l r m S fi ^'-Igl'fi-yollow, oval, in two lon^ r o ¥ s . - 5 / / . “
Hab. Mexico, Bartweg, 415.
12X R 'iifl H k . ; si. 4-6 in, 1., stout, erect, villose u p w a r d s ;/- ,
12-18 m l., 4-6 m.^ br. ; ?)«««« horizontal, 2 in. 1., j in. hr., the edge entire both
ddeennsreellyl npluTbeesslceeXntt!; vei• ns *i mm'"e‘r'®se d, in d is"t.“inI’coto; risaocrei ofuilsl;i nragc uUps nanedar biyo tthh seu wrfahcoeles
space between edge and midrib.—« / . le . t. 121. ^
Hab. Peru, «aiifews.-Placed by Moore in GoniophleKum.
202. P. ptiberuhm, Schlecht. ; rhizome wide-creeping, scaly • st. 0-8 in 1 firm
naked, polished ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-8 in. b r . ; lower fin n w 3 in 1.: | i l l hi’, the’
edge i i ie g u la i? crenate, the base distinctly auricled on hoth sides • toaure
d i S t . “ ®"®° “ ‘fi Guatemala.-Very near the last, but the position of the sori
Hab. Mexico, Guatemala, and Cuba.—The Mexican P. subsert-atum, M. & G., is probably
the s.ame, but in our specimens from Mettenius the fronds are much more elongated,
and the pinnæ more numerous.
204. P . sororium, II. B. K. ; rUzome stout, wide-creeping, densely clothed with
small pale-hrown scales ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 0-9 in.
br. ; lower pinnce the largest, sessile, 4-6 in. 1., J - j in. br., the apex acuminate,
the edge entire or obscurely undulated ; texture papyraceo-herhaceous ; rachis
and both sides naked ; veins fine, very distinct, pinnated ; sori in distinct rows
nearer the midrib th an the edge.—I l k . Sp. 4. p . 219.
Hab. Cuba and Mexico southward to Peru.—According to Mettenius, Goniophlebium
datum. Fée, is a form of this with the veins sometimes united.
205. V.fra te rn um , C. & S. ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales ovate-acuminate,
bright ferrnginous ; st. 4-8 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 0-9 in. hr.,
lower pinnæ 1 iu. apart, 4-5 in. 1., narrow-ed a t both ends, the edge obscurely
crenated ; textitre subcoriaceons ; both sides naked ; veins close, pinnate ; sori
medial, uniserial, slightly immersed. — MeU. Pol. p. 03. P . Ilenchmanni,
J . Sm.
Hab. Mexico.—Mettenius describes a closely allied P. harpoplajllum, Zenk., from the
Neilgherries, with whioh we are not acquainted. Goniophl. revertens. Fée, appears to be
a form with the groups of veins sometimes joined.
206. P.
legionarium, Baker ; si. 6 in. or more 1., firm, erect, glossy, naked ;
/ r .H - 2 ñ . . fr 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; lower pinnce the largest, sessile, 0-8 in: 1., J - j in.
,.... .................... .................... ....................
br., broadly crenate, the base rounded ; texture herbaceous ; hoth sides finely
villose ; veinlets in pinnated groups of 2-3 on a side ; sori large, in long distinct
rows nearer the inidrib th an tlie edge.—P . macrodon, H k . Sp. 4. p. 218. {non
Hab. Guatemala, Salvin.
207. P . tenellum, Forst. ; rUzome wide-climbing, woody, scaly when young ;.
St. 2-3 in. 1., firm, nearly naked, jointed near the base ; f r . pendent, 1-2 ft. or
more 1., 2-4 in. br. ; pinnce 2-3 in. 1., J in. hr., narrowed to both ends, entire or
obscurely crenated ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ;
»e««s 2-3 forked ; sori in rows near the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 2 \7 . Artliropteris,
J . Sm.
Hab. Australia, New Zealand, and adjacent islands.—A very distinct species.
***** Fronds bipinnatifid or bipinnate. Sp. 208-219.
208. P . hymenophylloides, Kaulf. ; rUzome fibrous, very slender ; st. 1 in. or
less 1., densely tufted, very slender ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., in. br. ; pinnæ close,
usually dimidiate, cu t down to a broadly-winged raehis into a few small oblong
lobes ; texture pellucido-herbaceous ; rachis and both sides finely glandular ;
veinlets 1 to each lobe ; sori terminal.—H k . Sp, 4. p . 228. Adenophorus, U k . i)’’
Gr. Ic. t. 176.
Hab. Sandwich Isles and Sumatra.—A very distinct species, resembling a Ilymeno-
phyllum iu habit and texture.
209. P . fa lla x , Schlecht ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, inuch-hranched,
clotlied with fine brown tomentum ; st. distant, slender, J-1 in. 1., nearly naked ;
fr . 1 - lJ in. 1., J in. hr., witli a few distinct pinnce on eacii side, the lowest the
largest and deeply pinnatifid with linear lobes ; texture coriaceons ; under surface
witli minute scattered scales ; sori large, prominent, often 1 only to a pinna.—•
« / . Sp. 4. p. 215.
Hab. Mexico.—Fronds often more than an inch apart on a long thread-like rhizome.
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