!' iPT -
m ' in
-4 in. 1. ; f r . G-18 in. 1., 8-0 in. br., fully pinnate, or the rachis very
vin»ed above, ovate-acuminate iu general outline, the rachis hairy ; lower
vatà-lanceolate. nearlv pinnate, 2-4 in. I. ; pitail. divided down to a
naked, 2-4
slightly w ing,». ------, ----------------------------- . , : , , i - *
»¿»«oe ovate-lanceolate,nearly I .;pmn l.a
narrow wing and segm. again pinnatifid about halfway down, margins finely
hairy ; substance finely membranaceous, several fine vems in each ultimate
semuent • sori 1 to 4 to a pinnule, tube quite sunk, mouth slightly spreading
wfth two lateral projections. — H k . Sp. 1. p . 140. T. macroclados, Kunze.
Ï . Lindeni, Presl.
Hab. Cuba and Jamaica.—Differs from all the following species by its membranaceous
70. T. rigidum, Swartz ; S t . tufted, erect, wiry, 2-8 in. 1., naked or very
sliriitly winged above ; f r . 2-8 in. 1., 2-6 in. br., deltoid or ovate-acuminate, tri-
o r \u a d ri-p in n a tifid , the main rachis usually only slightly winged towards the
top ; lower pinnæ 2-3 in. 1., erecto-patent, ovate or lanceolate-rhomboidal, cut
down to a rachis which is very narrowly winged throughout or free below ;
pin n l. deeply pinnatifid, with deeply toothed or even pinnatifid linear lobes ;
texture subcoriaceous, colour dark-green, nearly black when dry, nearly naked,
often sliglitly crisped ; sori 2 to 12 to a pinnule, small, axillary, the tube more
or less exserted, the mouth slightly dilated.—i f t . S p. Fil. p . 133. Beddomi,
F il. In d . t. 8. Sturm, Brasil, t. 1 8 ./. 12. Ï . strictum, H k . £ Gr. le. F il. t. 122.
—f t T. elongatum, Cunning. ; f r . deltoid, segments broader, pinnæ and pinnules
often imbricated ; invol. slightly two-lipped.—/ f t . Sp. 1. p . 134. Ic. PI. t. 701.
Hab. Tropical America, Cuba, and Me,xico southward to Peru and Eio Janeiro ; Polynesian
islands, New Zealand, Japan, Malayan Peninsula, S. China, S. Hindostán, Ceylon,
Mascaren Isles, Natal, Cape Colony, Angola, Fernando Po.—Here belong numerous
species of Van den Bosch, inoludiiig Mandioocanum, obscmm, Brega, Bmvmi, aeralleie-
folium, tamarisciforme, Jiavofuscescens, pumilum, dentatum, and longicollum.
71. T. meifoUum, B o ry ; St. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., strong, erect, more or less
fibrillose, and the tu ft densely so a t the crown ; f r . 9-18 in. 1., 4-8 in. br., ovate,
quadri-pinnatifid, the main rachis only slightly winged towards the apex ; lower
pinnoe 4-6 in. 1., 1 - 1 4 in. hr., lanceolate-acuminate ; pinnl. with numerous segm.,
which are again cu t down into slightly flattened ultimate divisions, about
1 lin. 1. ; texture suhrigid, surface nalred, a single costa only in ead i segment ;
sori 2 to 12 to a pinnule, small, the involucre short, turbinate. H k . Sp. 1. p.
137. T. apiifolium, Presl. T. Bauerianum, Endl. T. exaltatum. Brack.—
B, T. polyanthos, H k . ; sori larger ; invol. g in. deep, 1 lin. br., cupshaped, twolipped.—
I l k . Sp. \ . p . 138. Ic. PI. t. 703.
Hab. Philippine Islands, J a v a , Polynesian Islands, and Norfolk Island.—This resembles
T. maximum in general outline, but the habit is more graceful, the texture more delicate,
and the involucres are muoh smaller and shorter, verging upon those of Hymemphyltwm.
72. T. maximum, Blume ; rhizome stout, creeping ; st. strong, erect, 3-6 in. 1. ;
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., ovate, quadripinnatifid ; p innæ erecto-patent, ovate-
lanceolate, the largest 4-6 in. L, 2 in. br. ; pinnl. lanceolate-deltoid, 1 in. or
more 1., cu t down to the rachis into segm., which are again deeply pinnatifid ;
ultimate segm. 11-2 lin. 1., slightly flattened, texture suhrigid, surface naked,
dark-green ; a central costa only in each segment ; sori 2 to 8 to a pinnule ;
invol. cylindrical, the mouth dilated, b u t not two-lipped.—H k . Sp. \ . p . 137. I .
anceps, /3, H k . Sp. 1. p . 136, t. 40. C. 3. T. intermedium, V .D .B .
Hab. Java, Borneo, and Polynesian Islands.—A larger plant than T. rigidum, with
more divided pinnæ and narrower segments.
73. T. Prieurii, Kunze ; S t . stout, tufted (sometimes 2 lin. th ick below),
4-8 in. 1., naked or sliglitly tomentose, sometimes the upper p a rt winged ; f r .
12-18 in. 1., 6-12^ in. hr., broadly ovate, tri- or quadri-pinnatifid ; main rachis
very narrowly winged throughout or above only ; lower pinnæ 4-6 in. 1.,
ovate-rhomboidal, cut down to a n arrow? -winged racliis ; pinnl. again deeply
pinnatifid, with rather distant, long, linear, sharply-toothed or pinnatifid segm. ;
texture subcoriaceous (three layers of cells), colour dark-green, nearly black
when dry, surface a little hairy ; veins close, often more th an one in the ultimate
segments ; sori 2 to 12 to a pinnule, small, axillary, often recurved, tube free,
much dilated, not two-lipped.—T. anceps, a, H k . Syn. 1. p . 136. t. 40. C. {non
Wallich). T. Leprieurii, I lk . Gard. Ferns, 1.11. Davalliopsis, V. D. B .
Hab. West Indian Islands southward to Peru and Brazil.- -T. WeddelUi, elegans, and
opacum, V. D. B., apparently must be referred here.
74. T. giganteum, Bory ; rhizome wide-creeping, tomentose ; st. 4-6 in. 1.,
strong, erect ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., ovate, quadri-pinnatifid ; main rachis
hardly at all winged above ; lower pinnæ ovate-lanceolate, 6 - 8 in. 1., cut down to
the rachis ; pinnl. 1 in. 1., cut down very nearly to the rachis, the divisions
again deeply pinnatifid ; ultimate segm. linear, distinctly flattened, 1 lin. 1.,
4 lin. br., surface dark-green, naked, shining, texture between rigid and membranaceous
; a central vein only in each segment ; sori 2 to 2 0 to a pinnule,
axillary ; tube more or less exserted, mouth rather dilated, not two-lipped.-'-/ft.
Sp. l . p . 137. Ic. P I. t. 702. T. elatum, V. D . B .
Hab. Mauritius, Bourbon, Joanna Island, Malayan Archipelago and Fiji group.—A
handsome plant, distinctly quadri-pinnatifid, the most ample and divided species of the
genus, nearest T. meifolium, but neither so rigid or coriaceous, and with shorter ultimate
75. T. Sprucei, Baker ; st. nearly tufted, 1-3 in. 1., wiry, erect, naked, slightly
winged above ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., 14-2 in. hr., erect, ovate-deltoid, acuminate,
tripinnatifid ; main rachis very narrowly winged throughout ; pimiæ erecto-
patent, cut down to a very narrowly-winged rachis ; lower pinnl. deeply p in natifid,
with forked or even pinnatifid lower segm. ; ultimate segm. flat, linear,
14-2 lin. 1., texture sub-meinbranaceous, surface naked, da rk olive-green when
dry, a single vein only in each segment, cellules large ; sori 2 to 12 to a pinna,
tube small, nearly free, mouth slightly spreading.
Hab, North of Brazil, Spruce, 1399 aud 2838.—A more deeply divided plant than
T. gemmatum, with a suhdeltoid outline, more numerous sori, less rigid habit, and distinctly
flattened segments.
76. T.gemmatum, J Smith ; rhizome strong, wiry, tomentose, beset with numerous
long black wiry fibres ; st. 1-3 in. 1., naked, wiry, winged above ; f r . 2-6 in. 1.,
1 - 2 in. br., erect, suhrigid, ovate-oblong, bipinnatifid ; main rachis narrowly
winged ; pinnæ erecto-patent, cut down to a narrowly-winged rachis ; lower
pinnl. deeply forked with suhrigid, linear-filiform segm. 1 4 - 2 lin. 1 ., cellules
large ; sori 1 to 8 to a pinna, minute, axillary, the tube turbinate, stalked, the
mouth nearly truncate.—T. cellulosum, Sturm, H k . 2nd Cent. Ferns, t. 63. T.
filiforme, Sturm. T. longisetuin. Brack. T. Asæ-Grayi, V. D . B . Ï . foenicu-
laceiim, H k . Sp. 1. p. 136. (in part).
Hab. Venezuela, north of Brazil, Polynesian Islands, Java, Philippines, and Malayan
77. T. longisetuin, Bory ; rhizome strong, wiry, tomentose ; st. 1-4 in. 1., erect,
wiry, tomentose, not at all winged ; f r . 3-8 in. h, 1-2 in. hr., erect, suhrigid,
lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate ; main rachis quite free ; pinnæ spreading or
erecto-patent, I - I 4 in. 1., cut down to the rachis ; pinnl. cut down into numerous
filiform capillary segm. 1 4 - 2 lin. 1., colour dark-brown or blackish ; a central
costa only in the segments, not visible except under a high magnifying power ;