2 8 4
ii¿'arer the inidrib than tbe edge ; invol. thin, fugacious.-—Aspid. Blume ! {non
Muhl.) ; N. Blumei, H k . {in p>art).
H ab . N . In d ia to Ceylon, P h ilip p in e s, Malaccas, an d J a p a n .
125. N. (Last.) lepigerum, B a k e r; si. 12-18 in. 1., angular, clothed only at
the |l)ase vvith long, linear-subulate scales ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., lJ -2 ft. br. ; lower
pinnoi often 1 ft. 1., 6 in. br. ; lowest pinnl. much the largest, sometimes
compound, the others lanceolate, cut down to the rachis into broadly-toothed or
entire, blunt, linear-oblong segm., the latte r 2 lin. br. ; rachises and costæ
beneath ratlier densely clothed with linear scales ; texture herbaceous, the rest of
the surface naked ; sori small, copious, nearer the edge th an the midrib ; invol.
H a b . Isle of Bonin ; received from tb e Im p e ria l Acad em y of S t. P e te rsb u rg , and th e
LT. S. E x p ed itio n of 1 8 5 3 -6 .—Differs from th e p reced in g by its la rg e r lobes, d istin c t
lin e a r basal scales, an d scaly u n d e r surface.
loG. N. (Last.) oUusilohum, Baker ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., firm, erect, densely clothed
with large, ovate, concolorous scales ; f i \ 3-4 ft. ]., lJ -2 ft. br. ; lower pinnæ
often 1 ft. L, G in. br. ; pmnl. lanceolate, most of the segm. of the lower ones
distmct, ovate-oblong, cut down to the racliis into oblong-rhomboidal entire
lobes, the largest J in. deep, in. br. ; texture herbaceous, turning blackish when
dried ; rachises slightly scaly, the npper ones, and especially the under surface,
more or iess glandular ; lower veinlets of the entire lobes forked ; sori medial.
H ab . Ceylon, J )r. Thivaites, C. P . 3142.—M o st lik e N . intermedium in size an d
c u ttin g , b u t th e scales different, th e u n d e r side very g lan d u lar, an d th e te x tu re th in n e r.
187. N. (Last.) Boryanum, Baker (non I lk .) ; st. 2-3 ft. 1., stramineous or
brownisli, deciduously scaly ; f r . ample, 6-8 ft. 1., 2-3 ft. br. ; lower pinnæ
12-18 in. I., G in. br. ; pinnl. lanceolate, 3-4 in. L, cut down to a winged rachis
into blunt, spreading, more or less toothed lobes 2-3 lin. br. ; herbaceous ;
rachises and under side naked ; veinlets simple or forked ; sori in rovvs near the
midrib.—N. divisum, H k . Sp. á .p . 133.
H ab . H im a lay as (up to 7,000 ft.), Madras, Moulmein, J a v a , Bourbon. See rem ark s
u n d e r N . Bojeri.—This is a well-marked p lan t, an d o u r Mascaren examples q u ite agree
w ith those from In d ia .
138. N. (L a st.) catopteron. I lk . ; st. 3-4 ft. 1., pubescent ; / r . 4-G ft. 1., 2-3 ft. hr.,
l o v v e r 12-18 in. ]., oblong-lanceolate, vvith close lanceolate or subdeltoid,
with some of tbe pinnk of the lovver side compound ; segm. ol)long, bluntish,
about J in. 1., J in. br., more or less deeply pinnatifid ; texture herbaceous ;
rachises and both surfaces villose ; veinlets forked ; sori copious ; invol. firm.—
H k . Sp. 4. p . 137. A. odoratum, MeU. {non W illd .)
H a b . Cape Colony to N a ta l, Mascaren Isles, an d G u in e a Coast. Specimens from
F e rn an d o P o a re q u ite n ak e d on b o th sides, an d h ave a very d is tin c tly m a rk ed win g to
th e rachis o f th e pinnules.
189. N. (Last.) setigerum, B a k e r; rhizome creeping; st. 1-2 ft. 1., naked
npvv’ards or scaly throughout ; f r . 1-8 ft. 1. ; lowest pinnce the largest, often
8-12 in. 1., 4-G in. br. ; pinnl. close, linear-lanceolate, 1-3 in. 1., in. br., cut
down to the rachis into close pinnatifid lobes not more th an 1 lin. br. in tlie
broadest form ; texture herbaceous ; main rachis straw-coloured, naked, or more
or less fibrillose ; rachises of tbe pinnl. and under side finely villose ; soi'i minute,
copious, often 8-12 to a lobe '; very fugacious.—Cheilanthes, Blume.—N.
tenericaule, H k . Sp. 4. p . 142. t. 209. Aspid. uliginosum, Kze. MeU,
H a b . J a p a n , China, an d N . In d ia to Ceylon an d Malay, an d P o ly n e sia as fa r ea st
a s th e Society Is le s .—A common p la n t within its ran g e, very variable in size an d v e s titure.
I t has received many names, of which tílurae’s is the oldest. Polypodium pallidum
and nemorale, Brack. Hk. Sp. 4. p. 266, are apparently only the ordinary form, with suppressed
or undeveloped involucres ; but Oapt. Beddome considers P. ormluni, Wallich,
as a distmct plant, distinguishable from this by its erect caudex and the constant absence
of an involucre.
140. N. (La.st.) sulglandulosum, B a k e r; st. 1 ft. 1., stout, polished, reddish-
brown, deciduously scaly throughout ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. br. ; lowest pinnce
much reduced, the largest lanceolate, 6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br. ; pinnl. spreading,
close, 1 in. 1., f in. hr., cut down nearly to the racliis into close, entire, blunt
lolies ; texture lierliaceous ; rachises of the pinnæ and under side villose and tlie
latter glandular ; sori small, about 6 to the larger lobes, placed midway between
the midiib and edge.—Aspidium, Mett.
Hab. Bourbon, Vieillard and Deplanche.—The alliance of this is close with the
141. N. (L a st.) Grisehachii, Baker ; st. 2-3 ft. 1., densely clothed a t the base
with lanceolate scales 1 in. or more 1., 1 - lJ lin. hr., which leave distinct
tuhercles when they fall ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft. or more br. ; lower pmnæ often
1 ft. 1., 6 in. br. ; pinnl. close, lanceolate, cut down nearly or quite to the raclus
into oblong-toothed segm. J in. hr. ; textnre herbaceous ; cohmr bright-green ;
raehis very slightly fibrillose and under side naked ; sori small, copious, medial ;
inwl. fugacious.—A. amplum, Griseb. {in part, not I I . B . K .) . N. amplum.
Ilk . Sp. 4. p . 264.
Hab. Cuba, 0. WrkjU, 1055.—This differs from the next principally in the scales.
142. N. (L a st.) amplum, Baker ; st. 2-3 ft. 1., densely clothed a t the base with
an entangled mass of soft, bright, silky scales ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft. or more br. ;
lower pinnæ often 1 ft. 1., 0 in. br. ; pinnl. close, lanceolate, cut down nearly or
quite to the rachis into obloiig, crenated or pinnatifid lobes 2-3 lin. br. ; texture
herbaceous* -.xtUIi c/t-Pf- fni-PnvHnpnn« «('■fllpc! • nnfler surface uflked
or slightly «
very fugacious. — iispiu. x í . xj. xí~.
N, Palatangaiium, H k . Sp. 4. p . 2G0.
Hab. West Indies southward to Ecuador, and a plant from Pitcairn’s Island is probably
the same.—As?), lutescens, Willd. (Plum. 84), is most likely this species.
143. N. (Last.) catocarpum, H k . ; St. l-J-2 ft. 1., densely clothed a t the base
with long, linear, pale-brown sc ales; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., l-J-2 ft. br., subdeitoid;
o TO it-. 1 A-ii i-n Lv. • niunL o.inso. ohlonv-lanceolate.
p. 259.
Hab. Venezuela.—A less compound plant than the last, with larger divisions and
different scales.
144. N. (Last.) fitrcatum, H k .; st. 2-3 ft. 1., densely clothed with a mass of
very narrow intertangled ferruginous scales ; f r . 3-6 ft. 1., 2 ft. or more br. ;
lower p im m 12-18 in. L, G-9 in. br., lanceolate or deltoid ; pm n l. lanceolate ;
seqm. oblong obtuse, cut down nearly to the rachis into close, entire lobes
1 j-2 lin. br. ; texture herbaceous ; all the rachises densely clothed with small
furfuraceous scales ; costæ beneath slightly ecaly ; sori copious, medial.—I lk .
Sp. 4. p. 3G.
Hab. Columbia to Peru.—-This has as large divisions as tbe last, but is much moi’e
compound and scaly, with the basal scales different. The Galapagos Polyp. p>aleaccum,
Hk. Sp. 4. p. 261, probably belongs here.
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