point acute, the edge finely not spinosely serrated, the upper side b lu n tly
auricled, the lower obliquely truncate a t the base ; texture very coriaceous ;
rachis usually s c a ly ; mins inconspicuous; sori in two long rows. H k .S p . i .
p . 10. F il. E x . t. 53.
H.ab. Madeira.—P. maderense, Johnst. (Ann. N. H. April, 1866), is said to be intermediate
between this and P. angulare.
7. A. (Polyst.) acrostichoides, Swz. ; si. 6-8 in. h, densely clothed below with
pale-hro-svn lanceolate scales ; f r . 1J-2 ft. 1., 3-6 in. hr., the pinnæ of the lower
h a lf barren, 2-3 in. 1., J in. hr., spinoso-serrated throughont, auricled a t the
base above, the pinnæ of the upper half fertile, much smaller ; texture subcoriaceous
; rachis straw-coloured, usually ra th e r scaly ; veinlets in groups of
four ; sori occupying the whole under side of the fertile pinnæ.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 9.
Hab. Can.ida to Florida and the Mississippi.—A. Sckweinitzii, Beck, is a form with
lobed pinnæ.
8. A. (Polyst.) lepidocaulon, H k . ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., weak, densely clothed
with large cordate brown scales ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 4-6 in. hr., sometimes
elongated and radicant a t the point ; jo«««« 2-3 i n .l ., J - j in. br., lanceolate-
falcate, not toothed, the two sides unequal, the upper ones witli a trian g u la r
auricle at the base ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis densely scaly like the stipe,
lower surface with scattered scales ; veins obscure, sometimes slightly connected
; sori principally in two rows a short space from the midrib.—Hk . Sp. 4.
p . 12. t. 217.
Hab. Japan and Tsus-Sima.—Habit and texture of A. falcatum, but the veins only
casually joined, and the rachis densely scaly.
9. A. (Polyst.) Lonchitis, Swz. ; st. densely tufted, 1-4 in. 1., ebeneous and
clothed with large lanceolate pale-brown scales at the b a s e ;/® . 12-18 in. 1.,
1-2 in. hr., pinnate throughout ; pinnæ J-1 in. 1., J - f in. br., ovate-rhomhoidal,
subfalcate, the two sides unequal, the point mucronate, the edge spinuloso-
serrated, the upper side sha rply auricled at the base, the lower obliquely
truncate ; rachis nearly naked ; texture coriaceous ; sori usually in two rows.—
H k . Sp. 4. p . 8. B rit. F . t. 9.
Hab. Arctic Europe to Portugal, Naples, Greece, Himalayas, and Davuria ; Greenland,
and mountains of the N. United States, and British America.
10. A. (Polyst.) mucronatum, Swz. ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., stout, erect, densely
clothed with large reddish-brown lanceolate scales ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., lJ -2 in.
hr., pinnate throughout ; pinnæ very numerous, often imbricated, |-1 in. 1.,
J - f in. br., subrhomboidal, unequal-sided, the point mucronate, the edge subentire
or slightly lobed, distinctly auricled a t the base on the upper side ;
texture very coriaceous ; raehis stiff and densely scaly ; sori in a long row on
each side the midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 9. t. 216.
Hab. West Indies.—Very like the preceding in appearance and texture.
11. A. (Po ly st.) Laehenense, H k . ; St. densely tufted, 2-4 in. 1., stout,
ebeneous, and clothed with large lanceolate scales below ; f r . 4-8 in. 1., J - j in.
hr., pinnate throughout ; pinnoe J - f in. 1., 2-3 lin. hr., ovate-deltoid, the two
sides equal, the point bluntish, the edge spinoso-serrated, bluntly lobed below
halfway down ; texture coriaceous ; rachis stramineous, fibrillose ; sori often
covering the whole under side of the pinnæ.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 8. t. 212.
Hab. Sikkim, Himalayas (13-16,000 ft.) ; gathered by Drs. Hooker, Thomson, and
J2, A, (Polyst.) triangulum, Swz. ; st. tufted, 2-6 in. 1., with large dark-
brown scales a t the base ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 1^-2 in. br. ; pinnoe numerous
sessile, the lower ones distant, the central ones |-1 in. h, in. hr., suhdeltoid
but the lower side obliquely truncate, apex mucronate, edge subentire or slightly
lobed with blunt or spinose teeth, one or both sides auricled a t the base ; texture
coriaceous ; raclm slightly scaly ; veins flabellate ; sori principally in two rows
near the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 14. r r j
H ab , W e st In d ie s.—P . ilicifoUu
, Fée, appears to be a form with elongated fronds
ro o tin g a t th e p o in t.
13. A. (Polyst.) auriculatum, Sw. ; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., scaly below or
throughorit ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 2-4 in. hr. ; p innæ numerous, subsessile, u sua lly
close, l - l j m. 1 f - J m. br., ovate-rhomboidal, falcate, the point acute, the edge
spinoso-serrated, not lobed, the upper one with a prominent auricle, the lower
one truncate m a horizontal line at the base; texture subcoriaceous; rachis
stramineous, slightly scaly ; lower veinlets-ivl groups of three ; sori in two rows
—? A . marginatum. Wall. ; texture more coriaceous, upper edge of the pinnae
shghtly lobed.--y, A . lentum, Don ; pinnæ cut into oblong mucronate lobes
about lialfvvay down to the rachis, the auricle sometimes quite free.—A. ocel-
\a \,um ,W a ll. H k . Sp. 4. p . W.
H a b . T h ro u g h o u t In d ia an d Ceylon, ascen d in g in th e H im a lay a s to 9,000 ft., Formosa.
— A . oMiquum Doa {cæspitosum. Wall.), agrees very n e a rly w ith a. T h e typical p la n t
looks distinct, b u t IS conne cted by g rad u a l in te rm e d ia te s w ith y, which is b arely d is tin guishable
from A . lobatum.
1 Y ' Y ,(P ° b s t.) ilieifolium, Don ; st. densely tufted, 2-4 in. 1., slender,
clothed with large scales throughout ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 1-2 in. br. ; pinnoe subdeitoid
or lanceolate, J-1 in. 1., the apex mucronate, cut down below to the
rachis into lanceolate or ovate-mucronate lobes; texture coriaceous; both
surfaces naked ; raehis slender, fibriilose ; veins immersed ; sori principallv in
two rows near the midrib.—A. stimulans, Kze. H k . Sp. 4. p . 12. t. 214,
H ab . N . In d ia , a scending to 9,000 f t.—Q u ite d o u b tfu lly d is tin c t from some o f th e
lorms oi a n n cu la tnm an d aculeatum.
J l ; ii. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., slender, strawrooloured,
nbiillose ; /®. 6 8 m. 1., | - 1 in .b r ., lanceolate-acuminate, narrowed gradually
■ T J ’ iP “ !’ ; P » «® i i n - 1., J i n . hr., ovate-deltoid, unequal-
Bided, the lower side the smallest and obliquely truncate a t the base, the edge
pinnatifid haltway down or more, the lobes with sharp mucronate teeth ■
texture subcoriaceous ; raxhis naked or fibrillose ; veins pinnate in the lowei
lobes ; son mostly one to each lobe— H k . Sp. 4. p . 7, 2nd Cent, t. 25,
H ab . H ima lay as, 7-13,000 ft.
J l ¥ viviparum, Fe'e; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1„ with large lanceolate
scales at the base, the lower ones nearly hlack in the centre ; f r . 12-18 in. 1.
4-b in. br. ; pm næ numerous, nearly lanceolate, the central ones 2 in. h, J - | in!
7 k’ I ■ mucronate, sometimes gemmiparous, the edge more or less deeply
lobed in the lower p a rt sometimes quire down to the rachis, the upper side
auucled, the lower obliquely tiu n c a te at the base ; texture very coriaceous • sori
m two or four rows.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 15.
m Z U Z -p te ro lep is , F ée, is a form w ith lo n g n a rrow pinnæ, th e plu -
nules o f th e lower h alf d is tin c t, th e lowest s lig h tly sta lk ed . This may be th e A . l
zzoides of Swartz, w ith which Moore jo in s it.
Is L Hk- ; St. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., wiry, clothed with hlackish
lanceolate scales below ; /®. 6-9 in. 1., 1-1J in. br. ; pinnce numerous, close,
* t • J - f in. br.j deeply tripa rtite, all the three lobes linear-lanceolate,