■ I r i
= Blume ; st. tufted, short, wiry, 1-2 in. 1., clothed with
soft spreading hairs f r . G-9 in. 1., 1^-2 in. b r . ; close, 2 l i l . br! ¿ t dT™
to a narrow rachis mto linear very regular erecto-patent lohes • texture suh
K T r T e T ’l fn I fT " ‘’ /lU®se ; hoth sides n a k e d ; veiniets simple'
4. S ’p Z f f ‘fi'“ fi°fi'®®’ placed a t their bale!
Hab. Java.
211. P . myriofiyllum, M e tt.; st. flexuose, wiry, 4-G in. 1., denselv clothed witb
long soft spreading brown hairs ; / r . flaccid, p L d e n t, 1 fa 1, 3 fo hi "
, flexuose. .r in. hv. nut ........1 . } -I. - ^ , V. ’ J . ¿ r^w f " " 'V r T-’ r i shVI tfa i r ® ' " “ fl sliorter ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and under sic l
o b t l l I c ¿ ¿ f i t w t a s ! " " p ’ 1 “A"®!' loflu ; broader th an the
2 l! tenuisectum, i f t . S p . 4. p . 227. (in p a rt). 2nd
tto T J; ; ; s r £ £ / ) ; 'A i 7 ; 'A f ' l 7 v ' " ' i r ‘T”
Hab. Ecuador and Brazil.
a ? s s s ' ? = 8 ï s S s s =
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson, 97.
Hab. Cuba, Linden, Wvight.
A 5 S . ' f i fr. £ . ' " ¿ £ i s f £ - r i t o fitoi i A
Hab. Andes of Peru, Cruchshanhs.
Hab. Saudwicli Isles, Tahiti, Malay M e s .-A . Gaud., is a form with
forked or subpinnatifid lobes ; P. Ilillelrandii, Hk. Sp. 4. p. 228, is probably a luxuriant
form of this species ; the pinnæ are 3 in. I., and the sori sometimes 2 to a lobe, and not
quite terminal.
217. P . athyrimdes, H k . ; st. 2-3 in. 1., firm, wiry, slightly h a iry ; f r . 8-12 in.
1., 2 in. br. ; p innæ close, linear-lanceolate, j in. hr., cut] halfway down to the
rachis into close oblong lohes ; lower pinnæ reduced very gradually ; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, slightly villose ; both sides n early naked ; veinlets
simple, 1 to each lobe ; sori oblong, copious.—H k .. Sp.S 4. p . 224.“ t. 277.- - -
Hab. Peru, Matthews, 1103.
218. P . murarum, H k . ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, densely clothed with
linear scales ; st. 4-8 in. 1., wiry, glossy, naked ; f r . 4-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr.,
ovate-lanceolate ; pinnæ quite distinct, the lower ones varying from linear and
nearly entire to lanceolate ( | in. b r.) and deeply pinnatifid ; texture coriaceous ;
vmns hidden ; under surface th in ly coated with scales ; sori large, in two long
rows.—H k . S p . 4. p . 21G. Ic. t. 70.
Hab. Andes of Columbia aud Ecuador.
219. P . mierophyllinum, Mett. ; St. 3 - 4 in. 1 . , slender, flexuose, naked ; f r .
pendent, 3-4 in. 1., |-1 in. br. ; p in næ erecto-patent, flexuose, J in. br., cut
down to the rachis into close regular obovate lobes J lin. br. ; texture subcoriaceous
; rachis and under side slightly villose ; vemlets immersed, 1 to each
lobe ; sori 1 to each lobe.
Hab. Peru, Lechler.
220. P.
****** Fronds tri-.
Blume ;
Sp. 220-224.
St. 1-3 in. 1., clothed with spreading ferruginous
hairs ; f r . 8 in. 1., I J in. br. ; pinnæ | in. 1., ovate-lanceolate, cu t down to the
rachis into linear-ohlong or spatlmlate toothed or pinnatifid pinnl. J in. 1. ;
te te rc firn i, subcoriaceous ; under surface slightly hairy ; veinlets simple or forked ;
sori terminal.—Mett. Poly. p. S4.
Hab. Java, Zollinger, 1723, fide Mettenius.
221. P . onustum, H k . ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, densely clothed with
grey adpressed scales ; St. 4-6 in. 1., wiry, erect, naked or slightly scaly ; f r .
G-12 in. 1., 3-6 in. hr., ovate ; lower pinnæ lanceolate or suhdeltoid, cut down to
a winged racliis into pinnatifid rhomboidal lobes ; texture thick, coriaceous ;
under surface with scattered scales ; sori large, prominent, often 1 to each lobe.—
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 216. Ic. t. 749.
Hab. Andes of Columbia and Ecuador.
222. P . Friedrichsthalianum, Kze. ; rhizmne stout, wide-creeping, clothed with
grey adpressed scales ; st. 3-4 in. 1., w iiy , erect, deciduously scaly ; f r . flaccid,
12-18 in. 1., 3-4 in. br. ; pinnæ very numerous, imbricated, deltoid, the largest
2 in. L, 1 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into deeply pinnatifid blunt linear
pAnnl. with short blunt lohes ; rachis and under side densely scaly ; sori small,
1 to each lobe.—/ f t . Sp. 4 .p . 217.
Hab. Mexico and Guatemala.
223. P . dareoeforme, H k . ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, clothed with dense
linear pale-hrown scales ; st. 6-9 in. 1., naked, glossy ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 8-12 in. hr.,
subdeitoid ; lower ?>«««« 4-0 in. 1., IJ—2 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid ; pinnl. oblong-
lanceolate, the segm. with forked or entire linear distant ult. divisions ; texture
; t
f t