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Both have the stem usually jointed a short distance above the base, as in J . Smith’s
Ari/ii'Opterzs. N. tenuis, Moore, is a imiall form, and N. I'epens of Brackenridge apparently
belongs in part to this, and in part to N. ramosa.
6. N. Moore; st. furfuraceous ; f r . 2 - 3 'ft. Ì., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnoe
4-G in. 1., f - j in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge crenated to a depth of 1 lin.,
the base slightly unequal ; textitre suiicoriaceous ; rachis and under surface
furfuraceous ; sori in the crenations ; invol. firm, reniform.—I lk . Sp. 4. p . 155.
Hab. Java and Celebes.—Resembles exaltata in habit, but the pinnæ are distinctly
crenated, and the sori placed at the tip of the lobes.
7. N. davallioides, Kze. ; caiid. short, stoloniferous ; st. tufted, 1 ft. or more 1.,
scaly towards the base ; f r . drooping, 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; lower pinnoe
barren, 4-8 in. 1., J-1 in. br., the apex acuminate, the edge inciso-crenate to a
depth of 1 lin. or less, fertile pinnæ narrower, the lohes deeper and hearing each
a single sorus at the point ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis furfuraceous, both
sides nearly naked ; invol. reniform.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 155. F il. Ex. t. 60.
Hab. Java.—Clearly distinguished by its pinnatifid fertile pinnæ, with the sori at the
tip of tbe lobes. Oiphioglossum acuminatum, Hout., is the oldest name.
Gen. 46. Cav.
Sori round, inserted in a row near the base or below the centre of the compact
free veinlets. Invol. reniform. A small genus, almost restricted to the Tropics,
distinguished from Nephrodium mainly hy hahit, with wide-creepinq scandent shoots,
h inted stems, and entire lanceolate-elliptical fronds. T ab. V. f. 46.
1. 0 . neriiformis, Cav. ; shoots w’oody, suherect, clothed with adpressed scales ;
st. J-1 in. 1., with the jo in t below the middle ; / n 6-18 in. L, |- 1 J in. hr.,
scattered, or in opposite pairs, or often in terminal whorls, narrowed gradually
towards both ends ; texture generally subcoriaceous and both sides naked ; sori
in two rather irregular rows near the midrib ; invol. oblique.—I l k . Sp. 4. p . 156.
{ in p a r t). F il .E x .t .0 8 .
Hab. America—N. Granada and Guiana to Brazil aud Peru ; Fiji, N. Guinea, Samoa,
Aneiteum, N. India (up to 6,000 ft.), Philippines, Malaccas, Guinea Coast.—A variable
plant, but we cannot distinguish clearly more than one species with firm suberect shoots.
0. phyllarthron, Kze., is a form with small, rigid, sessile fronds ; 0. micans, Kze. ;
0. hirta, Brack. ; 0. mollis, Pre sl; 0. Trujulensis, Karst. ; 0. hirtella, Miquel; and
0. pilosa, Hk., are S. American plants, with thinner and more or less pilose fronds, and
with the sori often in an irregular wavy line not close to the midrib, as in 0. articulata.
2. 0 . muscefolia, Kunze ; shoots firm, wide-climbing, clothed with adpressed
scales, curving upwards to where it bears the fronds singly or in tu fts of 2 to 5,
and then downwards ; st. J-1 in. 1, jointed close to the base ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 1-1J in.
br., narrowed gradually towards both ends ; telture subcoriaceous, naked or
the midrib slightly pilose ; sori in two irregular rows near the midrib ; invol.
oblique.—MeU. F il. In d . p . 240.
Hab. Ceylon and Malay Isles.—Well distinguisbed from the preceding by its different
mode of growth. 0. Moritzii, Kunze, is a form with more scattered fronds and sub-
squarrose scales.
3. 0 . articulata, Cav. ; shoots firm, suberect, wide-climbing, clothed with
linear-subulate adpressed sc a le s; st. scattered, sometimes opposite b u t not
whorled, 1-2 in. 1., with the jo in t close to the b a s e ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., lJ -2 in. h r . ;
texture subcoriaceous ; midrib beneath slightly scaly ; sori in two irregular
rows, often some distance from the midrib.—O. neriiformis, I lk . Sp. 4. p . 156.
(in p a r t) .—?, 0 . WelwitzcMi, Baker ; «Aoofe weaker,wide-trailing ; scales linear-
subulate, squarrose.
Hab. Natal, Mascaren Isles, Seychelles, Guinea Coast; f t Angola, Dr. Welwitzsch.—
The typical plant is about midway in mode of growth between species 1 and 4 ; /3 has
the trailing shoots and spreading scales of nodosa, but in other respects agrees with
4. 0 . nodosa, P r e s l ; shoots trailing horizontally, densely clothed with linear-
subulate spreading scales ; st. scattered, 2-6 in. 1., often elieneous, articulated
not far from the base ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 1J-2J in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge
entire ; toaure subcoriaceous, both sides glossy ; son scattered, placed neariy
all in the inner ha lf of the frond ; invol. J lin. hr.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 167.
Hab. West Indies and G u ian a .—Distinguished from all the other species by its trailing
shoots, satiny gloss, and copious irregularly-scattered sori.
5. 0 . Wallichii, H k . ; shoots trailing horizontally, the scales fibrillose,
spreading, ferruginous ; St. close or scattered, J-2 in. 1., jointed close to the
base • f r . 6-12 in. 1., j - l j in. br., the apex acuminate ; texture papyraceo-
herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; rachis naked or scaly ; both sides naked ; son m
single rows close to the midrib ; invol. J lin. hr., ciliated, opening towards the
edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p. 168.
Hab. N. India, up to 7,000 ft.
6. 0 . Cumingii, J . S m .; shoots trailing horizontally, clothed wfitli adpressed
linear scales ; S t . close or scattered, 2-3 in. 1., articulated near the base ; f r . 12-18
in. 1. I J in. br., narrowed gradually towards both ends ; texture herbaceous ;
raehis aud both sides slightly p u b e sc en t; sari in two irregular rows near, h u t
not close to, the midiib ; invol. firm, oblique.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 155. 0 . chinensis,
H a n c e f f , O. Sihhaldi, G rev .; texture th in n e r ; surfaces more h a n y ; son in
very irregular wavy lines not so near the midrib.—A n n . Na t. Hist. 2 ser. 1.
p. 327.
Hab Canton, Assam, Philippines, Neilgherries, and Ma laya.-Var. longipes,
from Moulmein, has stems 4-5 in 1., articulated near the middle. /3, Tahiti ; gathered
by Sibbald and Bidwell. Probably this occurs in Tropical Australia, as there are specimens
amongst Leichhardt’s plants.
G e n . 47. F a d y e n i a , Hook.
Sori oblong, in two series near the midrib, termina ting free veinlets. InvoL
large, subreniform, attached by the centre, free all round the edge.' A single
West Indian species. T ab . V. f. 47.
1. F. prolifera, H k . ; f r . entire, dimorphous, the sterile ones f-1 in. hr.,
elongated and rooting a t the apex, the fertile one ligulate, narrowed helow,
6-9 in. 1. i f in. br. ; veins anastomosing copiously ; texture subconaceous ;
smi filling up nearly tlie whole space between midrib and edge.—/ f t . bp. 4.
p. ICO. Pil. E x . t. 36.
Hab. Cuba and Jamaica.
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