4. D, (Cibotium) C/iamissoi ; arborescent ; f r , bipinnate ; lower pinnoe ovate^
lanceolate, 12-18 in. 1., G-9 in, br. ; pinnl. linear-acuminate, cut^ down to tbe
racbîs below ; segm. oblong, bluntish, scarcely falcate ; texture coriaceous ; under
surface not glaucous, sometimes furfuraceous ; veins immersed ; lateral veins of
the segments usually once forked ; sori 2 to 12 to a lobe ; valves unequal, outer
one larger, suborbicular, inner one oblong.—Hh, Sp. Fil. 1. p . 83.
Hab. Oahu, Sandwich Islands.
5. D. (Cibotium) Schiedei ; arborescent ; f r . bipinnate, ovate-lanceolate, 12-18
in. 1., G-9 in. br. ; pinnl. linear, much acuminated, cut down nearly or quite to tbe
racliis ; lohes narrow, linear, acute, subfalcate ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper
surface shining, dark-green, under side glaucous or arachnoid ; veins not prominent
; lateral veins of the segments u sua lly once forked ; sori 2 to 12 to a lobe,
the valves short, hemispherical, nearly equal.—Flk. Sp. F il. 1. p . 84. t. 30. A.
Hab. Mexico and Guatemala.—AU the five species appear to resemble one another
very closely. The caudex of this is said by Galeotti to attain a height of from 10-15 ft.
§§ Eudicksonia. Involucre distinctly Z-valved, the outer valve formed by the apex
o f a segment. Sp. 6-17.
6. D. arborescens, L’H erit. ; arborescent ; f r . bipinnate ; lower pinnoe 12-18
in. h, 6-9 in. br. ; pinnl. linear, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis ; segm,
^ in. 1., i in. hr., oblong ; rachises tomentose tlironghout, the main one densely
clothed a t the base with linear ferruginous scales ; tex tu re very coriaceous ;
fertile pinnl. often conspicuously contracted ; sori 2 to 6 to a lobe, large, globose ;
valves transversely oblong, nearly equal.—H k . Sp. Fil. 1. p . 66. t. 22. A.
Hab. St. Helena, near the summit of Diana’s Peak ; caudex about 10 ft. high.
7. D. antárctica, Labill. ; arborescent ; f r . bipinnate ; lower pinnoe 12-18 in. 1.,
6 in. br. ; pinnl. linear-acuminate, cut down to the rachis except a t the apex ;
n. linear, acute, pinnatifid sometimes nearly to the rachis, in. 1., J in. br. ;
hises naked or tomentose ; texture coriaceous ; upper surface naked, under
naked or more or less hairy, not glaucous ; feHile pinnl. slightly contracted ; sori
2 to 12 to a lobe, J a line across ; valves suborbicular.—Hk. Sp, F il. 1. p . 66.
D. fibrosa, Colenso, H k . Sp, F il. 1. p . 68. t. 33. B-. D. lanata, Colenso, Hh. Sp.
F il. l . p . 69. t. 33. C.
Hab. E. Australia, Van Diemen’s Land, New Zealand, and New Caledonia.—Trunk
attaining 30-35 ft. ; fr. 2-3 yrds. 1., 2-2| ft. across ; stems densely clothed at the base with
silky yellowish-brown fibres ; segm. often so narrow that the two rows of sori are quite
8. D. chrysotricha, Moore ; arborescent ; f r . bipinnate ; lower pinnoe 12-18 in. L,
6-9 in. br. ; pinnl. linear, quite cut down to the rachis except towards the apex ;
segm, linear-oblong, deeply toothed, ^ in. 1., 2 lines br., bluntish ; main raehis
clothed with a thick coat of shining yellowish-brown hairs at the base ; rachis Cl
the pinnæ and pinnules asperous and rather thickly tomentose ; texture coriaceous
; fertile pinnl. slightly contracted ; sori 2 to 6 to a lobe, | a line across ;
suborbicular.—Balantium chrysotrichum, Hassk. Cibotium speciosum,
D. Blumei, Mett. D. magnificum, De Vriese.
Hab. Java, ascending to 11,000 ft.—Probably this is B. Javamca, Blume (Hk. Sp.
Fil, 1. p. 78), and if so, this is the oldest name.
9. H. Sellowiana, H k . ; arborescent ; f r . 6-8 ft. 1., 2-3 ft. br., lanceolate, bipinnate
; lower pinnoe 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br. ; pinnl. linear, quite cut down to the
rachis in the lower pa rt ; segm. J in. 1., less th an J in, br., linear-oblong, acute,
lobe , ^ -------- .
s te n ia n um , K lo t z s d i.
Hal). T ro p ic a l A™ ric a , from Guatemala I k d wUh'foug fokous
tke tkighs S tfie howUug
mo n k ey .”- ^ / ,™ . _ 1 2 -1 8 in . I.,
8-9 in br. * pinnl. of the barren iroim .
bicular.—/ i / . Sp. M l. 1. p . 08.
(0 Moore). Fronds about 1 yrd. 1., i yrd. across.
membrane ; valves of the invol. suborbicular, nearly equal.—ft* , fp -
i 23. A. 6 . tliyrsopteroides, Mett.
T Smhh r ttr io ts the name Diclcso'aia ; but the present is very distmot by the character
of tlT ttü èV o n d . connecting the others with Thyvsopterü ; but here sometimes there
are barren aud fertile segments lu the same pinnule.
1 9 T) Gidcita L’H e r it.; roots from a th ick rhizome, densely clothed with
t o i ^ d r s f S s ovt;:,’c(rt- lown ^ L c t s t ‘t r C e r ¿ - Y S é î
’ r,A . 'Ka+k Riivfflpps naked * fertile fr . so much contracted th a t tneie is veiy
S e ' ^ i m m t ^ l ^ t t e e ^ l h h A « , w L h are 1 line across, with reniform snh-
equal valves.—H k . Sp. M l. l . p . 70. Balantmm, Kaulf., J . Sm.
Hab. Madeira and the Azores ; so abundant that the dense woolly covering of the
rhizome has now become an article of commerce.
19 H coniifoHa. H k . ; fr. tr ip in n a te ; lower pinnæ 12-18 in. 1., 12 in. hr. ;
lowel- divisions of the pinnl. deltoid-acuminate, their segments cut down nearly
to the rachis, with ovate-rhomboidal,hluntish, deeply-toothed lohes ; to 8
baceous • upper surface naked, lower and the racAisos slightly hairy ; som 2 to 8
to a k h e ’, Lhne across ; m Z « /eq u a l, reniform,
—H k . Sp. F il. 1. p . 70. t. 24. A. D. Martiana, Klot. H k . Sp. M l. 1. p . 7 0 .
t. 24. B.
Hab. Jamaica and Columbia, southward to Bvazil.-A much more divided plant than
any of the preceding, with sharply-out acute ultimate segments, not more than ï -j in. I.,
I in. br.
14. D. diéiA, Gaud. ; f r . tri-quadripinnate ; lower pinnæ 1-2 ft. 1., 1 ft. hr. ;