immersed, an d th e edge of th e frond n o t th ick en ed ; F. Ka rsten ia n a M e tt,, to have
sessile fronds au d more d is ta n t veins ; an d V. Ru izia n a , F é e , superficial s o n an d a fla tte
n ed stem.
6. V. (Tæniop.) stricta, Carm. ; f r . 18 in. 1., J in. br., narrowed below to a
compressed stem ; texture th ic k ; stout, continued to the apex ; the so «
occupying the whole space between it and the much reflexed edge. ntc. bp. b.
p . 182.
H ab . T ristan d ’A cu n h a .
7. V. (Tæniop.) f eW a , Sw. ; /» . 6-18 in. 1., J - f in. hr., narrowed gradually
downwards to a stout compressed stem, wliich passes into the frond gradually,
the edge often reflexed; texture firm, a distinct raised m i/n /ru n n in g from tne
base to the apex ; veins immersed, parallel, very oblique ; sori in a broad slightly
intramarginal line in a slight furrow, the edge of the frond a t first wrapped ovei
it.—Hh. Sj>. 5. p. 178.
H ab . J a p a n , W e s t In d ie s, an d F lo rid a to P e ru an d B ra z il ; Hima layas,
Malaccas, Mascaren Isles, G u in ea Coast, Zambesi-land, N a ta l, Cape Colony.—Ot M. fl ée s
species we include h e re lineata ?fradi filifo lia ( T r o p i c a l America),/eorwosa (Hindostán),
tenera an d sarmentosa (South Africa), and guineensis (Guinea).
8. V . (Tæniop.) remota, Fée ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., f - J in. hr., narrowed
to the base or a short compressed stem ; texture moderately firm ; midrib dark-
coloured and distinct below, b u t often lost before it reaches the apex ; veins
immersed, very oblique ; son'in a broad superficial distinctly intrama rginal line,
w ith the edge not at all w*rapped over it.—Hh. Sp. 5. p. 185.
H a b W e s t In d ie s to E c u a d o r.—Distinguished from th e o th e r A m e ric an species b y its
b ro ad e r fla t frond an d th e position o f th e sori. I t is v e ry lik e Tænitis angusUfoha in
g en e ra l h ab it, b u t th e veins a re free.
Í). V. (Tæniop.) scolopendrina, Thw. ; / r . 12-18 in. 1., f f m . h r . , the point
acute, the edge entire, the loAver p a rt narrowed very gradually to the base ;
texture thick ; midrib thick, blackish, grooved in front below, sometimes neariy
lost upwards; veins oblique, fine, simple, p a ra lle l; son in broad continuous
submarginal lines, with the firm unaltered edge of the frond a t first wrapped
over it.—V. Forbesii and zeylanica, Fee. Hh. Sp. 5. p . 177.
H ab . N ew Guinea, P h ilip p in e a n d M a la y an Isles, N e ilg h e rrie s , Ceylon, Seychelles,
M ozambique.— 7 . loricea, F ée, ap p e ars to be closely allied, b u t th e H im a lay an p la n t
m en tio n ed in “ Sp. F i l .” is re fe rre d to 7 scolopendrina b y M e tten iu s . T b e la rg e s t and
fin e st of th e group.
G e n . 57. T æ n i t i s , S w .
S o ri l i n e a r , b u t t h e l i n e s o m e t im e s i n t e r r u p t e d , c e n t r a l o r s u b m a r g i n a l . A
small genus o f not very closely allied species, all tropical. Some of the^ species
scarcely differ from T æ n io p s i s in fr u it, hut in all those placed here the veins anastomose.
T a b . V I. f ig . 67.
1. T.
* Fronds simple. Sp. 1-3.
u.. H k . ; rUzome creeping; st. 2-3 in. L, slender, glossy, n a k e d ;
f r . 1 j-2 in. 1., f f in. br., ovate-oblong, the point b lu n t, mucronate, the edge
entire, the base rounded ; texture coriaceous ; areolæ large, oblique ; sori in a
continuous line j in. from the edge.—H h . Sp. 5. p. 186. 2nd Cent. t. 94.
Hab. Borneo, T. Lohb.
. 2. T. angustifoUa, R. Br. ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., J - J in. br., narrowed very gradually
to an acute point and below to the base or a short stem ; texture subcoriaceous,
flaccid ; midrib distinct ; veins immersed, forming 2-3 rows of vertical hexagonal
areolæ, 3-4 times as long as broad between the midrib and edge ; sori sunk in a
groove a short distance from the edge.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 187. Pteropsis, Desv.
Hab. Cuba to N. Brazil and the Galapagos.
3. T. lanceolata, R. Br. ; rhizome creeping, very stout ; st. 1-2 in. 1., firm,
erect; fr . 6-12 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., narrowed graduaUy from the centre to hoth
ends, the edge entire but often crisped ; texture firm, coriaceous, naked ; midrff
d istin c t; a reote immersed, copious, small, with copious free veinlets ; sori in
continuous or interrupted lines near the edge of the contracted upper third or
quarter of the frond.—« / . Sp. 5. p . 186. Paltonium, Presl. Neurodium, F'ee.
Hab. West Indies and Guatemala.—Tbe Javan T. marginalis, Moore (T. Blumei, Hk.),
is said to be like this, but smaller in size, and without a midrib.
** Fronds compound. Sp. A-6.
4. T. furcata, Willd. ; rhizome subrepent, densely tomentose ; f r . 6-18 in. 1.,
once or twice dichotomously forked or subpinnatifid, the lobes linear, erecto-
patent, much acuminated, entire, 4-8 in, 1., J - J in. br. ; texture coriaceous ;
under surface thinly clothed with minute scales ; veins anastomosing without free
v e in le ts; sori submarginal, continuous or interrupted. — « / . Sp. B .p . 188.
Cuspiaria, Fée.
Hab. West Indies to Ecuador and the AmazonValley.—T. Desvauxii, Klotzsch (ff. semi-
pinnatifida, Fée), is a small variety with narrow lobes, unbranched primary veins, and
only a single row of areolæ.
5. T. hlechnoides, Swz. ; rhizome creeping ; St. 8-12 in. 1., firm, naked, glossy ;
f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 8-12 ill. br., simply pinnate ; ?»)«(» of barren frond 2-3 on each
side, 6-9 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, the point acuminate, the edge
thickened and wavy, the base cuneate, the lower ones stalked (fe r tile pinnæ
narrower and more numerous ; texture coriaceous ; areolæ copious, oblique,
without free veinlets ; sori in a continuous line about midway between the edge
and midrib.—(3 , T. interrupta. Wall. ; p in næ smaller ; sori interrupted and
much nearer the edge.—H k . £ Gr. t. 62. H k . Sp. 6, p . 188.
Hab. Malaccas and Philippines.
Gen . 68. Drymoglossum, Presl.
S o ri scarcely differing from those of Tænitis, b u t the fronds dimorphous.
T a b . V I. tig. 68.*
1. D. carnosum, H k . ; rhizmne filiform, wide-creeping ; f r . dimorphous, the
barren ones suborbicular or elliptical, 1-2 in. 1., |-1 in. br., the fertile ones
linear-spathulate, 2-3 in. 1., J in. br., both narrowed to the base or a short stem ;
texture coriaceous ; areolæ small, with copious free veinlets ; sori iu a line
midway between the edge and inidrib, when young covered with stalked peltate
scales.—(3, D. suheordalum. F é e ; f r . smaller, the barren ones roundish, subsessile
; texture thinner ; caps, mixed with hairs, not scales.—H k . Sp. B .p . 189.
Hab. Japan to Formosa, Hong-Kong, and the Himalayas.
* I t would be better to make two genera only out of this and the two preceding,
placing in one those species in which the line in front is submarginal, and in the other
those in which it is remote from the edge.
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