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midrib, villose ; veins in groups of 8-10 on a side, whloli are sligbtly united or
quite free.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 04. 2 » / Gent. t. 25.
Hab. Guatemala, Shinnei'; Andes of Ecuador, Spruce, 5298.
160. N. Wrightii, H k . ; rhizome creeping ; st. 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, greyish ;
f r . 6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., lanceolate-oblong, cut down nearly to the raohis above
and quite below into close, oblong, entire, or auricled, spreading lobes ¿ -J in. br. ;
texture coriaceous ; rachis and under surface villose ; veinlets in groups of 10-18
on a side, sometimes forked ; sori submarginal.—« / . Sp. i . p . 04. t. 239.
Hab. Cuba, Wright, 824.
157. N. seolopendrioides, H k . ; S t . tufted, 2-4 in. 1., scaly ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1.,
1-2 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, the point acute, central lobes reaching nearly
down to the rachis, oblong, nearly entire, close or with a space between them,
lower ones quite free and gradually smaller ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ;
rachis and under side finely h a iry ; veinlets of the lobes forked or sometimes
slightly pinnate and the groups joining ; invol. very fugacious.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 05.
F il. E x . t. 18. I^olypod. L .
Hab. West Indies.—We include bere Goniopt. strigosa, ferctx, affinis, and domingensis
of Eée.
168. N. incistm, Baker ; si. tufted, 2-6 in. 1., stramineous, scaly below ; / r .
1 ft. or more 1., |- 1 J in. br., linear-oblong, lobes triangula r or lanceolate, often
not reaching more th an one-third down to the rachis, the frond narrowed very
gradually below so as to form a scarcely cut wing to the stem ; texture subcoriaceous
; under surface finely villose ; veins in simply pinnated groups of
6-12 on a side ; invol. very fugacious.—Polypod. Sw. F . steiiopteris, « / . Sp. 4.
p . 65.
Hab. West Indies and New Granada.
** Fronds large, pinnate ; rhizome wide-creeping. Sp. 169-176.
b Lower p innoe hardly, i f at all, reduced. Sp. 159-170.
169. N. Otaria, B a k e r ; st. 6-12 in. 1., substramineous;/®. 1 ft. or more 1.,
■with a linear-oblong termina l p inna 4-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., the apex acuminate,
the margin with finely serrated lanceolate lobes reaching J - J of the way down,
and 3-6 distant spreading similar lateral ones on each side, the lower ones
stalked ; texture th in ly herbaceous ; rachis and both surfaces naked ; veins
pinnate in each lobe, the groups united from about midway from the midrib to
the edge ; veinlets 6-8 on each side, with sometimes a sorus on each.—N. aristatum,
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 62. t. 238. Anisocampium, Presi.
Hab. Philippines, Neilgherries, Ceylon.
160. N. distans, H k . ; S t . 1 ft. or more L, firm, erect, brownish, slightly
villose ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 8-10 in. br. ; pinnæ spreading, 3-4 in. I., | in. br., very
slightly lobed, the lower ones rather smaller th an the others ; texture papyraceo-
herbaceous ; rachis and midrib beneath villose and veins slightly so ; veim
pinnate in the lobes, with 5-6 vemlets on a side ; rows of sori filling up nearly
the whole space between the midrib and the nex t row ; caps, naked. « / . Sp. 4.
p. 76.
Hab. Madagascar, Boivin ; Johanna Island, Br. Kirle.—Thm in venation .and pinnæ
comes under Aiacopteris, Fée ; aud Hr. Kirk’s specimens show that it differs distinctly
from N. glandulosnm by its strong wide-creeping rhizome.
161. N. varians, F é e ; st. 1 ft. 1., smooth, with linear, blackish scales at the
hase ; f r . 1 ft. 1., 10 in. br., with 13-15 pinnæ on each side, the lower ones 5 in.
1,, I in. br., the point acuminate and toothed, the edge lower down bluntly lobed
j ’ of the way to the rachis, the base subcuneate ; rachis and both sides naked ;
veins pinnate in the lobes, with 3-4 veinlets on a side ; sari medial.—F ie , Fil.
Ant. t. 24.
Hab. Trinidad, Germain.
162. N. unitum, R. Br. (non Sieb.) ; S t . 12-18 in. 1., brownish, naked ; /®. 2 ft.
or more 1., 6-8 in. br. ; pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., J in. br., the edge cut from a_ third to
halfway down into spreading, triangula r, sharp-pointed lobes; lowovpinnæ not
dwindling down ; texture coriaceous ; veins pinnate in the broad lobes, with 6-8
veinlets on each side, ■with sori near the extremity principally in the lobes ; caps.
naked.—Polyp. L . fide Mett. Aspid. Mett. F il. In d . p . 230.—a, A . gongylodes,
Schk. ; rachis and under side naked.— ?, A . propinquum, R. Br. ; rachis and
under side villose.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 79.
Hab. Mexico and West Indies to Brazil aud Peru ; Polynesian Isles ; Hong-Kong
and Himalayas to Australia and New Zealand ; Mascaren Isles, Natal, Cape Colony,
Angola, Guinea Coast, Algiers,—We follow Mettenius in nomenclature, hut the unitum
of the Linnæan herbarium is Sieher’s plant, our cucuUatum.
163. N. sophoroides, Desv. ; St. 1 ft. or more 1., slender, substramineous,
pubescent ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-9 in. bv. ; pinnæ spreading, 4-6 in. 1., J - J in. br., the
apex acuminate, the edge cut about one-third of the way down into oblong-
triangular subfalcate lobes ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; raxhis and under
surface finely villose ; veins pinnate in groups, with 8-10 veinlets on a side,
with sori distant from the midrib ; caps, naked.—Polyp. Thunb. A. molle,
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 68 {in p a rt).
Hab. Japan to Hong-Kong and Formosa.—Very near the preceding in the shape of
its pinnæ and lobes, but smaller and thinner in texture, and less rigid.
164. N. pteroides, J . Sm. ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., slender, stramineous or greyish,
slightly scaly below ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr. ; pinnæ spreadmg, 4-8 in. ].,
j in. br., tlie a p e x ’acuminate, the edge cut one-third or halfway down into
oblong or subtriangular lobes ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; raclas and both
sides nearly naked ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 8-10 veinlets on each side ;
sori q u ite 'm a rg in a l and confined to the lobes.— Rotz. JN. terminaiis,
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 73. {in part).
Hab Himalayas, Neilgherries, Ceylon {Gardner, 1106), Malaccas, Philippines {Cummg,
48, 293), S. China, Queensland, Samoa.—This has, like the two preoedmg, oblong-trian-
gular lobes 1^-2 lin. br., not reaching more than one-third down, and differs from them
by having the sori quite confined to the lobes.
165. N. extensum, H k . ; S t . 1-2 ft. 1., naked or slightly pubescent, brownish ;
f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnæ 6-9 in. 1., f - J in. br., cut about two-
thirds down to the rachis into linear-oblong lobes ; low ox pmnæ scarcely shorter
than the rest ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; under surface naked or slightly
villose ; veinlets 6-8 on a side, often only the lowest pair united ; so n m rows,
nearly terminal in the veins, and not confined to the lobes.—/ / / , op. 4. p . iZ.
t. 24.0. A. {in part). A s p id .-5^. / A. couioneuron,
Hab. Ceylon (Gardner, 1362), N. India, M a l a c c a s , Neilgherries (Beddome,
Philippines (Cuming, 391).-This is joined to the preceding by Mettenius. The textui e
is more herbaceous, and the lobes are much narrower and deeper, with a considerable
space between them.
166. N. Serra, Desv. ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., firm, g l o s s y , substramineous ; f r .
2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnæ spreading, 6-12 in. 1., j - J in. hr., cut down
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