entire or slightly crenated pimiw J in. hr., dilated a t the base, tlie lower ones
narrowed down gradually to a wing to the raehis ; texture subcoriaceous ; raxhis
and both sides naked or slightly villose ; veinlets oblique, simule or forked : sori
few', scattered.—Hk. Sp. 4. p . 195.
Hab. Sandwich Isles and Sumatra.—Very near the next.
• B. H k . & Arn. ; f r . subsessile, flaccid, pendulous, G-12
7 I ' i 01' qi’ite to tlie racliis into acute slightly
sinuated h o rip n ta l or even rather decurved pinnce j in. br., wliich are dilated Jt
the base, the lower ones sliorter and broader; t e t e r c subcoriaceous ; raehis ani
both sides nearly naked ; veinlets simple or forked ; sori iu rows close to the
midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 195.
Hab. Sumatra, Sandwich Isles, Peru.—The alliance of tbis is with the two preceding,
y Blume ; si. tufted, I in. or more 1., rigid, naked or villose ;
/ r . 8-12 m t l j - 2 in. br., cut down to the rachis throughout into entire close
subhorizontal \m%avpm næ 1 - lJ lin. br., dilated at the base, the lower ones short
and b lu n t; texture subcoriaceous; raclns naked or h isp id ; both sides naked-
vemlets simple ; sori sunk in a cavity, 4 to 0 on each side, the edge of the fertilé
pmnæ sometimes undulated.—« / . Sp. 4. p. 190, (in p a r t). Cryptosorus F'ee
Hab South India, Ceylon Malaya, Philippines.-Forms tbe genus Ocelopteris, A.Br,,
and witli P . papillosum, Thylacopteris of Kunze.
• Mett. ; st. tufted, very short, naked ; f r . 4-6 in. 1 1-11
m.^br., cut do wn to tlie racliis throughout into erecto-patent blunt crenated pinnie
iin. b r . ; texture subconaceous; rachis and botli sides naked ; veinlets simple •
son slightly immersed, filling nearly the whole space between the niidrib and
m . 'B r i t \ F v d X t X ’ P- Thwaitesii, Beddome,
8 9 0 0 .-A smaller and less coriaceous
plant than the last, with the son indistinctly immersed.
_ ISO. p . sfisecundo-disseaum, Zolling. ; st. tufted, ¿ - J in. 1. ; f r . 4-8 in. 1. 7-1
m. br., cut down nearly to the racliis into numerous close subdimidiate oblong
^«««« which are quite entire or only slightly toothed towards the point on the outei
side, but cut down nearly to the raclus on the inner side into 4 to 6 oblono- fobes •
texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; both sides clotlied with soft spreading yellowish
hairs ; vems abbreviated ; son close to the midrib.—J « « . Fil. In d . 2. p.' 220.
Hab. Java, Zollinger, 1578.—Cbaracterized in tbe group by its subdimidiate pinnæ.
h a f a l fr ¿ ¿ f î ’ ? 'ï“L Y- fr clothed with soft yellowish
s i i X l / l e n ' f t S ’ iT erecto-patent, blunt,
•ÎF i lower ones reduced ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous • hoth
sides clothed with soft yellowish hairs ; veins simple, very short ; sori 1 to 3 on
each side, close to the midrib.—Hk. S p . 4, p . 188.
Hab. Ceylon, Malay Isles, and Philippines.
152. P. suhfalcatum Blume ; st. densely tufted, under 1 in. 1., th in ly clothed
with soft spreading hairs ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br. ; pinnoe close, spreading,
tim decurrent a t the has?
è t b t i r i l l o ii'-jdLll.Y reduced ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; both sides
( » * ¿ 2 ) ’ tooth.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 193
sboXt hÎrr^aÎfiKraèdXjX fi™-
153. p . decipiens, H k . ; si. tufted, slender, wiry, short, naked or villose ; f r .
flaccid, pendent, 1 ft. 1., 2 in. or more br, ; pinnæ 1-2 in. 1., distinct, entire, I lin. hr.,
pinnatihd ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; ebeneous racliis and both surfaces
naked ; veinlets 1 to each lobe ; soi'i copious.—/ ? / . Sp. 4. p. 231. t. 279. B.
P. pilipes, MeU. non H k .
Hab. West Indies to Peru.—The alliance of this is with the preceding species rather
than with P. pilipes, which is much more coriaceous in texture, with an indistinct rachis.
154. P . subsessile, Baker \ st, scarcely any ; /
pinnæ distant, linear, bluntish, about 1 lin. br., entire or slightly crenate, dilated
suddenly a t the base so as to be almost or quite connected, the lower ones reduced
to a mere zigzag wing to the rachis ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis black ;
both sides naked or even glossy ; veinlets simple ; sori in 2 long rows.—P. pte-
ropus, H k . Sp. 4. p . 192. t. 275 B. non Blume.
Hab. Columbia, Guiana, and Ecuador.
155. P . farinosum, PIk. ; st. 1 in. or less 1., wiry, flexuose ; f r . pendent, 4-5
in. 1., 1 j-2 in. br. ; pinnoe close, 1 in. or more h, 2-3 lin. br., the point b lu n t, the
edge obscurely undulated, the base dilated and then narrowed ; texture subcoriaceous
; both sides with white meal ; veinlets immersed, forked ; sori copious.—
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 223. 2nd Cent. t. 47.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson.
156. P . curvatum, Sw. ; rhizome stout, scaly ; st, 3-4 in. I., naked, glossy, dark-
brown \ f r , 12-18 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., pendent, cut dowm to the curved and flexuose
rachis into close linear crenated pinnoe 1 j-2 lin. hr., which are decurrent a t the
base ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis finely pubescent ; both sides naked ; veinlets
obscure, 1- or 2-forked ; sori bright-yellow, in 2 long rows.—H k . Sp, 4. p . 201.
P. curvans, Mett.
Hab. Jamaica to Ecuador and Peru.—This has a good deal the appearance and texture
of P. pectinatum, but is pendent and remarkably flexuose.
157. P . pendulum, Sw. ; caud. suberect, scaly ; f r . flaccid, pendulous, 6-12
in. or more L, 1-2 in. br., subsessile or short-stalked, cut down nearly or quite to
the rachis into blu n t entire pinnæ 1 j-2 lin. hr., which are dilated a t the base, the
lower p a rt narrowed into a mere decurrent wnng to the rachis ; texture subcoriaceous
; rachis naked or villose ; both sides naked ; veinlets forked ; sori slightly
immersed, forming a row on each side close to the midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 194.
Hab. West Indies to Brazil and Peru.
158. P . suspensum, L. ; st. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., da rk chesnut-browm, clothed with
soft spreadmg hairs ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 1 j-3 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into
horizontal entire acute or bluntish pinnæ 1 j-3 lin. hr., dilated at the base, the
lower ones not gradually reduced ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous ;
rachis and under side more or less clotlied with ferruginous hairs ; veinlets forked ;
sori in long rows close to the midrib.—Hk. Sp. 4. p . 196.
Hab. Mexico and Cuba to South Brazil and Ecuador.—This has often an erect stem,
with a very decided curve at the top (Plum. t. 102). P. asplenifolium, L., is larger in
size, densely clothed with long rough reddish hairs, the pinnæ broader, and the lower
ones reduced. P. molUssimum, Fée, is like the type in habit, but very soft, with the
veins simple, and the lower pinnæ much reduced.
159. P . melanopus, Gr. & H k . ; st. 3-4 in. 1., slender, black, naked, bent so that
the frond hangs dowm \ f r . 7-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into linear
bluntish faintly crenated pinnæ j in. br., the lower ones slightly reduced ; texture
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