H in -1., lanceolate-acuminate, the liase cordate ; f r . dimorphous, the barren
te ten X / t e t e “ S*®’ lotad often halfway
down, the ferti e ones long-stalked, 2-3 ft. I., 1 ft. or more I,r., cut down nearly
Loth J te r 7 ta e?oto-patent lobes 6-9 in. h, J . i j i„, br. ; texture rigid';
htetee X 1 i to the edge, with 4-6 quadrangular areolæ
between them between the midrib and edge, enclosing each two large sori and
copious lesser areolæ H k . Sp. .5. p . 96. a ‘ aim
H a b . N . In d ia au d S. C hiua to Ceylon, Queensland, an d F iji.
? ta 'y ; “ ovate, with a short _acumen from a peltate base ; f r . tdai morplious, tlhine- b1a-.r rIenn-o oandelys
sessile, brown, lagid, b lu n tly lohed ; the fertile ones long-stalked, 2-3 ft. 1.,
lo’ltes - tete t e te te®'"® into entire erecto-patent lanceolate
lobes , texture iigid ; hoth sides naked ; m.am veins distinct to tlie edge, witii
sptetesorute^'fttete*'" them, with copious small scattered soi'i.—V.
l a s t o t i& t e l S t e t e t e i . * ® “ ® from the
rtgiànlum, Sw. ; rhizome stout, wide-creepino- the scales
^ 4 hi- d t e t e 't e i " " " ' • / ' ®'“ te'P'te"®’ “ ta ” ta sessile, 6-9 in. 1.,
one 2 4 f t ’ l 12 18 to J f t te"'! , '-® ''"®'''® '® ""‘ *"^8, the fertile
f t — ttetete?
H a b . Malaccas to Queensland an d F iji.
Sp. 384-389.
r £ £ i t e f t e ¥ ; “'“"
. ¿ . f i . Z f r S i . 'p j ' f r f £ A ! z i 'A : . t s - s ; r s t
p ftin i'P P i'ta s— H. angustatum, Blum e {P. Z in d le y am m , W.all ) .and
juglandifolium. Don ; rhizome stout, woody, the scales laree
ovate, bright-ferruginous ; ri. 1 ft. or more 1., firm, ereét, glotey ; / . U 2 ft X ’
1 ft. or more hr. ; pm næ m pairs 1-2 in. apart, 4-8 in. I. 1 -iM n 'in- tlie an",el
K T ® t e 't e 'ta n e d and wavy the l.ase rou n d ed ; ««iM-é’suhcoi-ia-
ceoiis , both fides naked ; main vems distinct to the edge - areolæ conious
hidden, with free vemlets; sori large, one between eacli m f t veto f o™ ite a’
raw neaiei the niidrih tlian tlie edge.—P . capiteilatum, Wall. H k . Sp. 5. p 90
basé - f- te te * te ’ ft'®- ; P»«»« narrower, very acuminate, narrowed at the
base, and the lower ones often a httle stalked.—I lk . I. c.
4 "P it.~ P le o p e Itis m o
t. 2U5, 13 e ith e r a form o f th is or v e ry closely allied. is, Beddome, Fil. Brit. Ind.
386. p . (Phym.) Lehmanni, Mett. ; rh
nae nw oodyi , wci.d...e..-.c..r..e..e..p..i.n...g..,. ..t..h..e.. ..s..c..a..l/e- s
long, rigid, filirillose, yellowish-brown ; ri. 6-9 iii.'l., firm, erect,“ naked ; f r .
1-2 ft. 1., 8-10 in. hr. -, pinnæ in distant pairs, 4-6 to. I., J - j in. hr., the apex
acuminate, the edge entire or sliglitly repand, the base rounded ; texture subconaceous
; rachis and both sides naked ; main veins distinct to the edge, with two
rows of sori 3-4 deep between tliem.—Melt. Polyp, p . 1 1 7 .
Hab. Burmah and Darjeeling, i
387. p . (Phym.) himalayen.se, Hk. ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, the scales
linear, squarrose, bright-brown ; ri. 1 ft. or more 1., firm, glossy ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1.,
8-12 m. hr., the ])tonæ in pairs 1-2 to. apart, 4-8 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., the point
aenminate, the edge scariose, wavy, the base rounded or even cordate ; texture
subcoriaceous; under ri»/acc fi nely pubescent; main very distinct ; areolæ
fine, close, with copious free veinlets ; sori in 1-2 rows of 3-4 each between the
mam veins.—/ f t . Sp. 6. p . 91. P . venustum, Wall.
^ H a b . iST. In d ia , u p to 7,600 f t.—M e tten iu s u n ites tbis w ith P . juglandifolium,, b u t th e
pmnæ a re much broader, w ith p rom in en t veins an d a d is tin c t scariose wavy edge.
388. P . (Phym.) leiorhizon, Wa ll. ; rhizome very thick, clothed with ovate
adpressed peltate scales ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., firm, erect ; f r . 2-4 ft. ]., 1-2 ft. br. ;
pinnæ narrow-ed at the base, the lower ones stalked, 6-12 in. 1., j - l j in. hr., tlie
apex acuminate, the edge entire ; texture subcoriaceous, surfaces naked ; areolæ
fine, uniform, with copious free veinlets ; sori slightly immersed, in a row near
the midrib on each side.—« / , Sp. 6 . p . 91. F il. E x . t. 25.
H ab . ISr. In d ia , u p to 5-7,000 ft.
389._P. (P h ym .) alho-squamatum, B lum e ; rhizome -wooAj, the scales long
(sometimes 1 in. 1.), dense, fibrillose, da rk -b row n ; ri. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect,
glossy ; f r . sometimes simple, u sua lly pinnate, 1-2 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr., with
several distant erecto-patent p in næ on each side, which are 6-10 in. L, J - | in.
br., the apex much acuminated, the edge slightly repand towards the point, tlie
base narrowed,^ the lower ones stalked ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper surface
with small wliite dots at the edge or all over ; ma in veins usually indistinct ;
sm-i in a single row midway between the midrib aud edge.—« / . ‘/ ^ . B .p . 92.
(r, F . t. 4 7 .
Hah. Malay Isles and Philippines.—P. varians, Blume, is a form with narrow pinnæ
and more distinct main veins.
I broad, usually linear.
T k i b e 12. G r a m m i t id e æ .
Sori on the back o f the lohes, more than twice as lonq
G e n . 49-69.
G e n . 49. J a m e s o n ia , Hk . S; Gr.
Sori oblong, placed on the flahellate veins on the back of the pinnæ remote
from the edge. A single A ndine species, placed by Mettenius in Gymnogramme.
T a b , 6. / . 49.
1. J . i m l r i c a t a , 11. & G. ; r h i z o m e woody, creeping, black, tortuose ; S t . wiry,
ebeneous, slender, 3-4 in. 1. ; f r . G-18 in. 1., 2-3 lin. br., simply pinnate ; p i n n æ
close, roundish, often spreading horizontally, the edge much incurved ; t e x t u r e
coriaceous ; r a c h i s and under s u r f a c e slightly villose.—l e . t . 178.—f t J . c a n e s c e n s ,
Kze., habit stouter, the long, silky, yellowish-brown hairs of the upper pa rt of
the frond often so dense th a t they quite hide the pinnæ.— y, J . v e r t i c a l i s , Kze. ;
ri. 1 ft. 1., rigid, wiry ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., f in. br. ; p i n n æ oblong-deltoid, 3 lin. 1.,
3 A