i f
' ¿ J
herbaceous ; rachis glossy, both sides naked ; veins 1 to each division, not
reaching the edge, h u t bearing the sori beneath the thickened apex.—/ f t . Sp. 4.
p . 250. 2nd Cent. t. 24.
Hab. Sikkim, Khasia, Moulmein.
p i . P . suhdigitatim, Blume ; st. tufted, firm, 1 ft. or more 1., stramineous,
naked or farfuraceous ; f r 2 ft. or more I., 12-18 in. br. ; lower pinnæ the
largest, C-£) in. I., 3 - i in. br. ; pinnl. lanceolate, often 2 in. 1., j in. hr., witii
dose spreading- ovate-lanceolate or rhomboidal segm,, with blu n t lobes or even
again pinnate, obliquely truncate on tlie lower side ; texture pellucido-herba-
ceons ; colour d a rk -g re en ; veinUs 1 to each ult. lobe, not reaching the edge
and the copious son terminal upon them.—P . davallioides, MeU. I lk . S p i i .
p . 2o0. Moiiachosorum, Kunze.
Hab N. India (up to 7-8,000 ft,), Malay Peninsula and Isles.—A beautiful and well-
iiiai'KeQ species.
§§§§§§ Gonioiffilehium, Blume. Veins forming ample regular areolæ, each with
a single dittinct fre e included veinlet, the sori terminal on the latter, often in the
costai_ areolæ only, hut sometimes also in the second or even third row. T a b . 48.
I. n. I, >5p. ZZo~2\i8‘
* Under surface not at all or slightly scaly. Sp. 22S-2G0.
i Fronds simple. Sp. 225-228.
225. V. (C o x y fri.) vacciniifolium, F . & L. ; rUzome slender, very wide-
cieeping, densely clothed with grey or ferruginous fibrillose scales ■ fr . sub-
sessile, dimorphous, entire, coriaceous, quite naked, the barren ones roundish or
ell.pticai, obtuse, 1-2 m 1 j - J in. hr., tlie fertile ones linear or ligulate, with
laige uiiiserial son.—I lk . S p . 6. p . 35. Craspedaria, U n k . Lopholepis, J . Sm.
Hab. Jamaica to Paraguay.
f ' very wide-creeping, slender,
scandent, clothed with squarrose fibrillose scales ; / r . dimorphous, the barren
1 n t h t e j ‘3 “ • 1-, 5 - | in. h r., the fertile ones narrower and longer,
I s scn'lv '“L t e ’ both sides naked or m o il or
l i k r V n 7 i-ml, confined to tlie large costal a r e o læ .-
W n 1 Vi Willd..; fertile f r . so narrow tlia t the sori project
bey ond the edge,--?, f i aurisetum, Raddi ; / r . small, sometimes nearly round
t te®*’®®!' T te ®''“ *® ®"®® densely fulvo-5. p . 33. Craspedaria, Fee. Lopholepis, J . Bm. villose. H k . Sp.
I ‘brougbout Tropical America, including the West Indies.-/tip7«);a»s,
rifizteu’e venation of GomophleJnum, with dimorphous fronds and a wide-trailing
227. P. (Gonioph.) nummularium, Mett. ; rhizome wide-creeping, slender the
f f / S f r - distant, the barren oL s“’s u T o ttfa .k r
imi’-ed i f r f ■ ’ n®" ®b°i't/lender stems; texture coriaceous; both
sides naked ; veins immersed, very obscure ; sterile f r . 3-4 in. 1., 1 in hr on
stalks nearly as l o n g . - / f t . Sp. 5. p . 39. Crypsinus, Fresl. ’ ® ’
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 121.
■ 228. P (Gonioph.) glaucophyllum, Kze. ; rUzome firm, wide-creepino- deciduv
- - f t e 'S f t S s s A i ï è t e S textuie toiiacLous, both sides n a k e d ; main veins lJ -2 lines apart, witli 4-6
areolæ in a series between the midrib and edge, with one sorus in each.—I lk . Sp.
i . p . 18.
Hab. West Indies and Columbia to Ecuador ; Guinea Coast,—P. semipinnatifidum,
Mett., is a variety with larger sori, and the frond not at all glaucous, aud sometimes
deeply lobed.
<-•* Fronds pinnatifid. Sp. 229-231.
229. P. (Gonioph.) Matthewsii, Mett. ; si. 4-6 in. 1., clothed with deciduous
soft spreading brown hairs ; f r . pendent, 6-18 in. 1., 2-5 in. hr., cut down nearly
to the rachis into numerous entire p in næ 1-3 in. 1., 2-3 lin. hr., with generally a
broad rounded sinus between them ; texture coriaceous ; under surface clothed
vvith hairs like those of the stem ; veins obscure ; areolæ and sori in a single
series.—i f t . S p . 6. p . 20.
Hab. Andes, from Columbia to Peru.—A well-marked species, characterized by its very
pendulous habit and coriaceous texture.
230. P . (Gonioph.) niponicum, Mett. ; st. stramineous ; f r . 5 in. 1., I j in. hr.,
sublaneeolate, cut down nearly to the rachis into about 20 pairs of spreading
linear-oblong entire obtuse pinnæ, of which the lowest are free, slightly reduced
and deflexed ; texture papyraceous ; both sides densely pubescent ; areolæ in a
single series; sori unknown.—Melt. Fil. In d . 2 .p . 222.
Hab. Japan, Siebold, Buerger.
231. P . (Gonioph.) amoenum. Wall. ; rhizome stout, densely clothed with
spreadmg fibrillose dull-brown scales ; St. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r . 1-2
ft. 1., G-12 in. hr., cut down nearly to the rachis into numerous entire or slightly-
toothed p innæ 3-0 in. 1., j - j in. br., narrowed gradually from the base to an
acute point, the lowest p a ir deflexed ; texture firm, herbaceous ; hoth sides
naked, or th e .ra ch is beneath ra th e r scaly ; areolæ and sori in a single series.—
Ilk . Sp. 5. p . 24.
Hab. N. India (up to 10,000 ft.) and Formosa.
-x-x* Vrmi,ds ninnate. Sp. 232—260.
A. F in næ close, dilated and casually confinent at the base. Sp. 232-244.
232. P. (Gonioph.) trilohum, Cav. ; rhizome stout, the scales ovate-acuminate,
reddish ; si. 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, glossy ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., subdeitoid, with a lineal-
entire or slightly toothed terminal pinna, and 1-3 similar distant ones on each
side, the lowest 3-4 in. 1., f - j in. hr., sometimes forked ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides naked ; sori and areolæ uniserial, the former oblong, quite
immersed.—H k . Sp. S. p. 22.
Hab. Chili.
233. P . (Gonioph.) ensiforme, Thunb. ; rhizome stout, the scales linear, ferruginous,
fimbriated ; si. 4-6 in. 1., stout, erect, naked ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 4-G in. hr.,
with a ligulate terminal p inna 8-4 in. 1., j in. hr., and several distant similar
erecto-patent ones on each side, which are decurrent at the base ; textnre very
thick ; both sides naked ; veins immersed ; areolæ uniserial, the sori large,
distinctly immersed.—I lk . Sp. 5. p. 23.
Hab. Cape Colony and Natal.
234. P . (Gonioph.) californicum, Kaulf. ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales
spreading, lanceolate, ferruginous ; st. 3-6 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ■' ' "( f r ". 1 6-in.9 in
3-5 in. hr., oblong-deltoid, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into entin
re or
finely-toothed pinnai 1J -2 J in. 1., § -J in. br.,“lowest not reduced; texture papyraceo