b u t smaller ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; main veins distinct to tlie
edge, parallel, with copious fine areolæ betn-een them, with free included veinlets
; son m a single row, nearer the midrib th an the edge.—« / . Sp. 6. p . 74.
H a b . J a p a n to Formosa.
350. P . (Phym.) pteropns, Blume ; rUsome wide-creeping, hvpogæous, the
emergent portions clothed with blackish lanceolate-subulate scales"- ri? 4-6 in 1
sometimes scaly ; f r . varying from olilong-lanceolate entire to ternate or pin?
iiatifid, with a large terminal lobe 4-9 in. 1., 1-2 in. hr., and 2 smaller ones on
each side ; texture tliiii Imt firm ; colour dark-green ; both sides naked : areolw
fine copious, t h y i i a in veins not distinct to the edge; sori small, s c a tte re d .-
P . tridactylon. Wall. IU . Sp. 6. p . 75.
n n S tew S e J '* '* '" Malaccas, P h ilip p in es, H o n g -K o n g , Formosa.—Often grows
t+ Dipteris, Fronds flahellate, in two halves, which are deeply lobed
from the circumference in the direction o fth e base. Sp. 361-353.
351. P . (Dipt ) Fipteris, B lum e ; St. strong, 3-6 ft. 1.; f r . 1-3 ft. I., and
much broader, tlie mam lobes reaching three-qnai-ters of the way down, tiie
edges sharply tootlied ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper smfaee dark-green, lower
vei-y glaucous ; main veins very prominent, dichotomously forked ; areolæ
copious ;_ son very minute, scattered in egularly, especially plentiful near tlie
mam veins, confluent, not gummy.—P . Horsfieldii, B . B r . IU . Sp. 6. p. 99
1 . conjugatum, A a a lf. (not Lam.). ^
H a b Malaccas and P olynesian Islands, as fa r e a st as F iji.—This an d th e n e x t are v e ry
d is tin c t in h a b it from th e re s t of th e genus.
352. P . (Dipt.) Wallichii, R. Br. ; ri. strong, 2-3 ft. i. • f r . 1-8 ft. 1. and
much broader the mam lobes reaching three-ciuarters of the way down, the
edges not toothed, tlie ultimate lobes acuminate ; texture coriaceous ; upper
surface dai-k-green, lower dirty-white or subfen-ugiiious ; main veins very
prominent, dichotomously forked ; areolce copious ; sori small, generally in distinct
raws, not confluent but distributed equally over the surface, often gummy.—
±ifc. ¡5p. 5. p . 99. 7 o J
H ab . N . In d ia , su b tro p ic a l region.
L om a n im , I lk . ; st. 1 ft. or more 1. ; f r . 1 ft. 1. and as broad,
the main lobes reaohing down to the base, 3 or 4 times dichotomously forked,
the ultimate ones Imeai- acuminate, entire ; texture coriaceous ; midrib only
prominent p areolæ principally in one large costal series with 1 sorus in e a ch .--
J lk . bp. 5. p . 100.
H a b M o u n t Ophir, Malay an P e n in su la an d S arawak, Borneo, T. Lobb.—A v e ry dia-
tm c t p lan t, differing from th e p reced in g by its v e ry deep n a rrow lobes an d few solitary
*** Fronds deeply pinnatifid. Sp. 854-383.
t Fronds uniform, or the barren ones not drynarioid. Sp. 3,54-372.
354. P . (P h ym .) leueosporum, Klotzsch ; rhizome woody, wide-creeiiing, the
scales lanceolate, black in the centre, with a scariose border ; ri. 2-8 in. 1. firm
erect, fui-furaceous ; f r 4-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., the upper p a rt bluntly sin’uated!
the^ lower cut more tlian halfway down into blunt lobes j - f in. br. ; text.m’e
coriaceous ; upper s i^ a c e sliglitly, lower densely coated with minuté fuifu -
laceous scales; veins ludden ; sori large, prominent, uniserial.—Hk. Sp. 5. p . 76.
H ab . Columbia.—H a b it an d scales o f Lepicystis an d P . lanceolatum.
355. P. (P h ym .) trifldum, D o n ; rhizome siowi, the scales linear, squarrose,
briglit-feri-uginous ; St. fiO in. 1., firm, erect, glossy ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 6-8 in. hr.,
with a large linear terminal lobe and 1-6 similar ones on each side, which reach
down witliin j in. of the rachis and are 4-6 in, 1., J - l j in. hr., narrowed to the
point, the edge entire or obscurely repand ; texture coriaceous ; botli sides naked ;
main veins distinct to the edge, with transverse veinlets and copious fine areolæ
between them ; sori uniserial and 1 only between each main vein.—P . oxylobum.
Wall. I lk . Sp. S. p . 77.
H ab . N . In d ia (up to 7,000 ft.) to Ceylon.
356. P . (Phym.) malacodon, H k , ; rhizome ratlie r slender, the scales lan ceolate
acuminate, brown or nearly black ; ri. 4-6 in. k, slender, g lo s s y ;/» .
6-15 in. 1., 6-6 in. hr., with a linear or linear-oblong subentire or repand and
finely-toothed acuminate termina l lobe 3-4 in. 1., in, hr., and 1-4 smaller
lateral ones on each side, which are more or less confluent at the base ; texture
papyraceous or subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; main veins fine but distinct,
the areolæ fine and clearly visible, w ith copious free veinlets ; sori in a
single row on each side, nearer the midrib th an the edge.—Hk . Sp. 5. p . 87. P .
cyrtoloba, J . Sm.
H ab . N . In d ia , up to 12-13,000 f t.—V e ry n e a r th e la st, b u t th in n e r iu te x tu re , th e
p in næ deeper, an d often finely toothed.
3 6 / P . (P h ym .) incurvatum, BUiine; rhizome viooAy, the scales adpressed;
f r . dimorphous, the barren ones 6-9 in. eacli way, deltoid, ternate or jiiiinatifid,
with broad lanceolate-acuminate entire lohes, tiie stem firm, glossy, 6-9 in. 1. ;
fe rtile fr . larger, cnt down nearly or below quite to the rachis into erecto-patent
entire ijistant lobes 4-8 in. 1., j - f in. hr., the lowest sometimes forked, the st.
lJ -2 ft. 1. ; texture very coriaceous ; hotli sides naked ; main veins distinct to the
edge ; the uniserial sori quite immersed, aud forming prominent papillæ on the
upper surface.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 77.
H a b , Malaccas.—W e ll d istin g u ish ed by its v e ry coriaceous usu ally te rn a te b a rren
fro n d , w ith d eltoid lobes.
358. P. (Phym.) angustum, Mett. ; rhizome firm, the scales broivn, linear,
crisped ; st. 2-6 in. ]., firm, erect ; f r . 6-9 in. each way, with a linear terminal
lobe 4-6 in. 1., j - f in. hr., and severai similar erecto-patent lobes on each side,
which reach down nearly or fpiite to the rachis and are dilated at the base;
texture coriaceous ; under surface furfuraceous, with minute scattered peltate
scales ; veins obscure ; sori prominent, in a row on each side tlie midrib.—I lk .
Sp. 5. p. 76.
H ab . Mexico, Guatemala , W . In d ie s, S, Bra z il.—T h e original Pleopeltis of H um b o ld t.
T h e typical p la n t is sometimes su b d ig ita te ; P . sectifrons, Kze. {B r yn a r ia elástica, Fée),
is a more fully p in n a te form th a n u su al ; an d D , stenoloma. F ée, a form w ith th e lobes
o nly J in , b r.
369. P . (Phym.) insigne, Blume ; rhizome slender, the scales linear, dull-
hrown ; St. 2-4 in. 1., slender, erect, naked ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr,, with an
entire lanceolate-acuminate termina l lobe 2-3 in. 1., J in. or more br., and 2-4
similar ones on each side, which reach down within J in. of the rachis and below
them a long narrow decurrent wing to the stem ; texture finn-lierbaceous ; both
sides naked ; veins fine, irregular, with free veinlets ; sori small, scattered
irregularly.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 78.
H a b . J a v a , Ph ilip p in es, an d Malacca.
SCO. P . (P h ym .) pustulatum, Forst. ; rhizome woody, copiously branched,
wide-scandent, the scales linear, dark-hrown, squarrose ; st. 1.3 in. I. ; f r .
: rl