entire or cleft, the outer edge crenate or dentate ; textnre subcoriaceous ; fertile
f r . J in. hr., orbicular.—/ f t . Sp. 5. p . 262. Ic. t. 96.—/3, A . tripartitum, I lk . ;
barren f r . 2-3 times diehotoinously forked, with cuneate or ligulate ult. divisions.
— m . £ Gr. t. 118.
Ilab. New Granada to Peru.
86. A. (Rbip.) peltatim, S w .; rhizome slender, wide-creeping; st. distant,
slender, 1-3 in. 1., scaly th ro u g h o u t; barren f r . 1-2 in. each way, repeatedly
dichotomously forked, with narrow linear ultimate divisions J - J lin. b r . ; " .....
subcoriaceous ; fe r tile f r . J in. hr., often 2-lobed.—I lk . S p . 5. p . 252.
Hab. Mexico and West Indies to Peru and Brazil.
mOUSly ..XU.. ..X.XUXX... .„xuxx„ ,.......... .......
f in. hr., 2-lobed.—i l k . Sp. 6. p. 263. H k . f i Gr. t. 119.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson, Spruce.
§§ Veins anastomosing. Sp. 88-132.
* Veins united only near the margin. Sp. 88-90.
t Fronds ¿ Aconiopteris, Fresl. Sp. 88-89. Fig. 00. p, 9.
88. A. (Aeon.) subdiaphanum, H k . & Gr. ; eaud. woody, erect ; st. tufted, 2-6
in. 1., firm, erect, scaly ; barren f r . 4-8 in. 1., 1 -IJ in. br., both ends narrowed,
the edge entire ; textwre subcoriaceous ; veins beneath very prominent, united by
a zigzag veinlet ju s t within tbe edge ; fertile f r . much narrower, on a longer
stem.—H k . Sp. b .p . 266. I lk . £ Gr. t. 105.
Hab. St. Helena.
89. A. (Aeon.) gorgoneum, Kaulf. ; st. tufted, firm, erect, 1-2 in. 1., passing
gradually into the barren f r . , which is 6-15 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., the point acute,
the lower two-thirds narrowed very graduaUy, the edge entire ; texture subcoriaceous
; surfaees naked ; veins united hy a straight veinlet ju s t within the
margin ; fe rtile f r . smaller, narrower, on a st. 6 in. or more 1.—H k . Sp. 6.
p . 264.
Hab. Sandwich and Society Isles.—Habit of A. latifolium.
f t Fronds pinnate. Olfersia, R a ddi. Sp. 90. Fig. 60. m, n, o.
90. A. (Olf.) cervinum, Sw. ; rhizome woody, creeping, densely clothed with
long linear scales ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., scaly downwards ; barren f r . 2-4 ft. 1.,
simply pinnate ; pinnæ 4-9 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., entire or nearly so, unequal a t the
base ; texture coriaceous, naked ; veins prominent, united ju s t witliin the edge
by a straight veinlet ; fertile pinnæ distant, linear-lanceolate, bipinnate, with
short spreading subcylindrical pinnl.—H k . £ Gr. t. 81. Fil. E x . t. 43.—¡3, O.
corcovadensis, Raddi ; fertile f r . simply pinnate only, the pinnæ unbranched.
—Hk . Sp. b. p . 254.
Hab. Cuba and Mexico to South Brazil and Peru.—The extremes look very different,
but are connected by intermediates. There is a form with the barren pinnæ deeply
* Stenosemia, Fresl. Veins forming one or two rows o f areolæ against the
ihs, the rest fre e . Sp. 91. Fig. 00. r, s.
91. A. (Steno.) auritum, Sw. ; caud. erect, woody; sterile f r . vtilh. a St. 6-9
in. ]., deltoid, 8-12 in. each way, ternate, the central segm. deeply pinnatifid.
with lanceolate entire lobes, the lateral ones unequal-sided, with elongated lobed
lanceolate-oblong lower pinnl. not reaching down to the rachis ; texture papyraceous
; both sides naked ; fertile f r . with a St. 12-18 in. 1., deltoid, with distant
linear pinnæ J_lin. hr., the upper ones simple, the lower pinnatifid.—H k . Sp. 5.
? . 257. F i l .E x . t . 3 \ .
Hab. Philippine, Malay, and Solomon Isles.—8. cicutaria, Presl, known only in a
barren state, is more deeply divided, with narrower lobes and more conspicuous main
veins, which are fulvo-viUose on the under surface.
Soromanes, Fie.
joining. Sp. 92. Fig. 00. t. u.
92. A. (Soro.) Coenopteris, Kze. ; »/iisome woody, wide-creeping, densely clothed
with long linear ferruginous scales ; st. 6-12 iu. 1., stramineous, scaly below ;
fertile f r . lJ - 3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br., simply pinnate ; pinnæ 4-8 in. 1., 1 - lJ
in. hr., ohlong-lanceolate, entire or toothed, especially towards the point, or
sometimes pinnatifid ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; fertile f r .
smaller and narrower, with pinnate pinnæ J-1 in. br.—I lk . Sp. b. p . 266. S.
serratifolium and integrifoUum, F'ee.
Hab. Mexico to South Brazil.—The venation is that of Cyclodium, and in some of the
forms the veins hardly unite at all.
Sp. 93-132,
Gymnopteris, Bernh. Fronds dimorphous. Main veins distinct nearly or
quite to the edge. Sp. 93-107. Fig. 60. v -x. aa. bh.
A. Barren fro n d entire. Sp. 93-95.
93. A. (Gym.) Linnæanum, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping ;. st. 1-2 in. 1.,
slightly fibrillose below ; barren f r . 4-8 in. 1., J in. bi’., narrowed gradually to
both ends, sometimes rooting at the point, the edge entire ; texture papyraceous ;
colour dark-green ; main veins fine, rather zigzag but distinct nearly to the edge ;
areolce copious, without free veinlets ; fertile f r . 3-4 in. 1., J in. h r., the St.
slender, 4-6 in. 1.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 278. 2nd Cent. t. 26.
Hab. Malay Isles.
94. A. (Gym.) gaboonense, Hk. ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping ; st. of barren
fr. 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, slightly scaly ; barren f r . 1 ft. 1., 3-4 in. hr., narrow-
ohlong, the apex sometimes proliferous, the edge subentire, the base narrowed
suddenly ; texture subcoriaceous ; surfaces naked ; main veins very distinct,
reaching nearly to the edge, with transverse veinlets, with copious intermediate
areolæ with a few free veinlets ; f e r tile f r . 4-6 in. 1., j-1 in. br., narrowed a t
both ends, the edge sinuated, the St. lJ -2 ft. 1.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 270.
Hab. Guinea Coast, Uann 1049 ; Angola (1,000-2,400 ft.), Welwitsch.—B am n frond
very like that of the next, but the fertiie one not Lomarioid.
96. A. (Gym.) v a r i a b i l e , Hk , ; r h i z o m e wide-creeping ; S t . of barren fr. 0-6 in. 1.;
b a r r e n f r . 6-18 in. 1., l-J-3 in. br., oblong-spathulate, with a very long gradually-
narrowed haft, the point blu n t or acute, the edge entire ; t e x t u r e papyraceo-
herhaceous ; s u r f a c e s naked ; main v e i n s raised, zigzag, reaohing nearly to the
edge, with copious fine a r e o l æ with free veinlets between them ; f e r t i l e f r . 6-12
in. 1., 2-3 lin. br., the S t . often 1 ft. ].—Gym. decurrens, H k . G. F. t . 6.—j3,
l a c i n i a t u m , H k . ; b a r r e n f r . deeply irregularly pinnatifid ; f e r t i l e f r . pinnate,
with a few Lomarioid pinnæ.—Hk . S p . b .p . 277.
Hab. Himalayas (up to 3,000 ft.) to Ceylon and J ava.
3 a
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