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B. Bxinvolucratæ. Sori without an T r i b e s 11-13. G e n . 48-61.
T ribe 11. P olypodieæ.
Sori on the hack o f the lobes, round or rarely oblong, not more than twice as long
as broad. Gen. 48.
Gen . 48. P o ly p o d ium , L .
Characters of the Tribe.
The largest genus, including plants o f two different modes o f growth, each series
including a number o f species o f each o f the different kinds o f venation and from all
climaies. T ab. V. f. 48.
* Desmobryoid series. Hahit and mode o f growth o f Aspidiew, i. e. stems
continuous with the caudex, and sori always medial on the veins. Fhegoptens,
Mett. Sp. 1-90.
§ Euphegopteris. Venation o f Lastrea, i.e . veins fre e. Sp. 1-66. T ab. 48.
Fig. C.
* F in noe entire or lobed less than halfway down to the midrib. Sp. 1-7.
1. P . (Pheg.) cordatum, H k . ; st. very short, slender, stramineous, pubescent ;
f r . 3-4 in. 1., 1 in. hr., ohlong-lanceolate ; pinnæ ohlong, entire, blunt, 2 lin. hr.,
rounded a t the base and stalked, the lower ones reduced ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and under side finely pubescent ; veinlets of the pinnæ usually simple, with
medial sori.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 233.
Hab. Cuba.—Probably a free-veined form of P. reptans, with wbioh Mettenius
unites it.
2. P . (Pheg.) hastæfolium, Sw. ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1.,wiry, deciduously sc aly;
f r . 6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br. ; pinnoe blunt, entire, J in. br., with a sharp distinct
auricle on botli sides a t the base, those of the lower half of the frond reduced
gradually ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis villose ; under side nearly naked ;
veinlets forked, with the sori below the middle.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 232.
Hab. West Indies.
3. P. (Pheg.) flavo-punctatum, Kaulf. ; st. lJ -2 ft. 1., slightly scaly towards
the base ; f r . 2-3 ft. or more 1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnæ 6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ iu. br., the
apex acuminate, the edge crenate or inciso-dentate, the lower ones sliglitly
stalked, 2 in. apart, the lowest not reduced; texture papyraceo-herhaceous;
rachis naked or slightly scaly, both sides naked ; main veins only about 2 lin. apart,
with 3-4 veinlets on each side, all except the upper ones uniting ; sori medial.—
?, F . Frionitis, Kunze ; pinnæ lobed from a quarter to a th ird of the way down
to the midrib.—Hk . Sp. 4. p . 239.
Hab. W. Indies and Mexico to Peru and Brazil—Neph. Imrayarmm, Hk. Sp. 4.
p. 86. t. 242. A., is evidently the same plant, and I cannot see an involucre. The name
is derived from minute pellucid yellow dots, which are scattered over the frond. I t may
be P. rotundifolium, Willd. (Plumier, t. 88).
4. P . (Pheg.) Sancta-Gahrieli, Hk. ; St. 18 in. 1., firm, erect, brownish, glossy,
scaly only a t the base ; f r . 2 ft. 1., nearly 1 ft. br. ; pinnæ spreading, the lowest
stalked, 6-6 in. 1., J - f in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge b lu n tly lobed to a
depth of a line, the base on the upper side with a distinct rhomhoidal auricle ;
texture herhaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; veinlets 2-3 on a side ; sori
copious.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 233.
Hab. St. Gabriel, Amazon Valley, Spruce, 2153.—Very near the last, of which it may
be a form.
6. P . (Pheg.) alleopterum, Kunze ; St. I J ft. 1. ; f r . I j ft. 1., 1 ft. hr., ovate-
oblong, slightly narrowed helow ; pinnæ 6 in. 1., I j in. br., the edge inciso-
crenate, with subfalcate acute or obtuse lobes, the base unequal, the lower pinnæ
stalked ; texture papyraceo-herhaceous ; raehis and both sides naked ;
ri large,2-5 on a side ; sori close to the: mmaaiinn veins.—Meit. Fheg. p . 19.
Hab. Columbia.
6. P. (Pheg.) Tijwccanum, R a d d i; st, 1 - lJ ft. 1., stout, erect, densely clothed
with fibrillose brown scales ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; lower pinnæ stalked,
6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., cut about halfway down to the rachis into blunt entire
lobes J in. br., lower ones not reduced ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachises
scaly ; under side naked ; veinlets 6-9 on a side, simple, with the sori below the
middle.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 239.
Hab. Guiana, Brazil, and Peru.
7. P . (Plieg.) Walkeræ, H k . ; St. 12-18 in. 1., strong, erect, substramineous,
deciduously scaly ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; lower pinnæ distinctly
stalked, 6-12 in. 1., 1 in. br., acuminate, the edge crenated or slightly or deeply
lobed ; texture coriaceous ; rachis slightly scaly ; under surface quite naked,
glossy ; veins immersed, in free pinnated groups, with 6-6 very oblique vemlets
on a side ; the smi distant from the midrib of each.—Lik. Sp. 4. p . 234.—?, U-
pinnatum ; lower pinnæ 1 ft. 1., with distinct unequal-sided pinnatifid pinnl.
cuneate a t the base.
Hab. Ceylon.—A doubtful plant ; a is probably a form of Aspidium caducum, without
an involucre ; whilst ? comes near to A. aristatum y, but is without spinose teeth.
The various forms are figured by Capt. Beddome, t. 234-5.
** F in noe cut more than halfway down to the rachis into close, regular, subentire
lohes. Sp. 8-24. Veinlets all simple except in 20-24.
8. P . (Pheg.) paucijhrum, H k . ; St. tufted, 6-8 in. 1., firm, polished, hrownish,
naked ; f r , 8-10 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., lanceolate ; lower pin noe distinctly stalked,
2-3 in. i., I in. hr., cut halfway down or more into close, broad, blu n t lohes,
lowest not reduced ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; raehis and under side a little
hairy ; veinlets simple, 4-5 on a side, with a few sori near their apex.—R k . Sp. 4.
p. 242.
Hab. Surinam, Eostmarm, 64.
9. P. (Pheg.) deflexmn. Baker ; caxtd. erect, the scales ovate, dull-brown ; st.
2-3 in. 1., slender, naked, stramineous ; f r . 8-12 in. 1., 2 in. br. ; pinnæ 1 in. 1.,
Ï in. hr. ; lanceolate-acuminate, cut down to the rachis into pointed lin e p -
oblong lobes f lin. br., the lower pinnæ deflexed, very distant and dwindling
down gradually to mere auricles ; texture herbaceous ; rachis naked, stramineous ;
both sides slightly hairy ; veins 4-6 on each side ; sori nearer the midrib th an the
edge.—Phegop. Mett. F il. Nov. Gran. 241. Nephrodium, Fresl.
Hab. New Granada, Lindig, 321.—H a b it of N. Beddomei.
10. P . (Pheg.) obtusilobum, Desv. ; St. densely tufted, about 1 ft. 1., slender,
nearly naked ; f r . 2 ft. or more 1., 8-10 in. br. ; p innæ 4-6 in. 1., | - J in. br.,
narrowed gradually from the base to the point, cut down nearly to the rachis
into entire slightly falcate lobes J in. hr. ; lower pinnæ reduced gradually ;
texture herhaceous ; rachises naked or slightly pubescent ; veinlets 8-9 on a side ;
sori small, medial.
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