upper part of the frond, the edges of which are more or iess inflexed.—Bieciinum,
W illd. M. graminifoiia, Hh. Sp. 5. p . 124.
Hab. West Indies and Guatemala to South Brazil.
9. M. (P le u r.) immersa. Fée ; f r . cæspitose, 2-3 in. 1., I J lin. br., tapering
downwards into an indistinct stem ; habit and veins of tlie preceding, but the
sori sunk in a deep central longitudinal cavity, and in all our specimens confined
to tlie central third of the trique trous frond.—Hk . Sjo. 5. p . 126.
to be from
Hab. Cuba, Venezuela, and Guiana.—P. myrtillifolia, Fée, supposed
Mexico, has a subspathulate frond 7-8 lin. 1., with the short sorus in a de]
the point,
depression near
G e n . 62. G y m n o g r a m m e , Dess.
Sori arising from the veins over the under surface of tlie frond, linear or linear-
oblong, simple or forked. A. considerable genus, principally tropical, including
plants o f very various habit and venation. T ab . C. f. 62.
Series 1. Hab it and mode of growth of Aspidiece. Sori oblong or linear-
ohlong, not forked. Sp. 1-13.
§ Leptogramme, J . Sm. Veins fre e. Differs from Euphegopteris only by its
elongated sori. Sp. 1-11.
* Frond S p . 1 - 9 .
1. G. (Lept.) pilosa, Mart. & Gal. ; st. 3-4 in. 1., slender, villose, scaly a t the
base ; f r . 6-8 in. 1.,^ lJ -2 in. br., lanceolate ; pinnæ lanceolate, 1 in. 1., J in. br.,
the lower ones slightly b lu n tly lobed, the lowest scarcely reduced ; texture
herbaceous ; rachis and both sides pilose ; vans pinnate in the lohes, with
8 simple veinlets on a side ; sori irregular.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 141.
Hab, Mexico.—A doubtful plant ; perhaps a small slender form of 0. diplazioides,
more hairy than usual.
_ 2. G. (Lept.) asplenioides, Kaulf. ; caud. stout, suberect ; st. tufted, 2-6 in. 1.,
villose, and the lower p a rt scaly ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., bipinnatifid ; pinnæ
lJ -2 in. 1., J - J in. br., horizontal, sessile, linear, varying from subentire to cut
more th an halfway down to the rachis in the lower part, the lowest lobe on the
upper side produced and the lower side ra th e r tru n c a te ; raxhis and both sides
slightly pubescent ; texture firm-herbaceous ; veinlets slightly pinnate in the
lobes ; sori oblong.—H k . Sp. B .p . 132.
Hab. Panama to Peru and S. Brazil.
3. G. (Lept.) Totta, Schlecht ; rhizome decumbent ; st. suhtufted, 6-12 in. 1.,
slightly scaly below ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-10 iu. hr., bipinnatifid ; p innæ la n ceolate,
3-5 in. 1., |-1 in. hr., with b lu n t entire lohes lJ -2 lin. br., which reach
about halfway down ; textwre herhaceous ; raehis and hoth sides finely villose ;
vemlets pinnate in the lohes, with 6-6 veinlets on a side, with the linear-ohlong
sori medial.—f t / . Sp. 5. p . 138. G. Lowei, H k . é Gr. Ic. t. 138.
Hab. Cape Colony, Guinea Coast, Madeira, Azores, Abyssinia, Himalayas, Neilgherries,
Ceylon, Java, Japan, Hong-Kong, Corea.
4. G. (Lept.) vilhsa, L ink ; st, 6-9 in. ]., firm, stramineous, densely clothed
with soft spreading greyish hairs ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-10 in. hr., bipinnatifid;
mnnm 3-5 in. 1., | in. br., cut more th a n halfway down into subfalcate entire
.obes 2 lin. br., the lower ones not reduced, narrowed a I t th e base ; texture
herbaceous ; rachis and both sides densely villose ; veins pinnate in the lobes,
with 8-10 simple veinlets on a side, the sori in the lower p a rt of each.
H a b . Braz il.
5. G. (Lept.) polypodioides, Spreng. ; rhizome creeping ; st. 6-9 in. 1., firm,
glossy, naked ; f r . 1 ft. 1., 6-9 in. br., bipinnatifid ; pinnæ lanceolate, 3-6 in. 1.,
1 in. br., cut two-thirds of the way down into entire falcate lobes J in. br., the
lower ones not reduced and with an entire wing a t the base ; texture herbaceous ;
rachis and hoth sides naked ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 8-10 simple veinlets
on a side, with the linear-oblong sori down the centre of each.—H k . Sp. 6.
p. 140.
H a b . Brazil.
6. G. (Lept.) diplazioides, Desv. ; st, tufted, 3-4 in. I., glossjq scaly below ;
f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br., bipinnatifid ; central pinnæ 3-4 in. 1., f - J in. br., cut
ha lf to two-thirds of the way down into blunt entire lobes 2 lin. br., the lower
pinnæ reduced gradually ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and both sides naked or
slightly pilose ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 6-9 simple veinlets on a side, the
sori oblong, often reaching nearly from the midiib to the edge.—G. Linkiana,
Kze. H k . Sp. 6. p . 140. G. rupestris, Kze. H k . I. c.
Hab. Mexico and West Indies to Peru and South Brazil,—Pheg.
Mem. 11-12. t. 14, must probably be referred here.
7. G. (Lept.) grandis, Baker ; st. tufted, 1 J-2 ft. 1., strong, naked, scaly only
at the very base ; f r . 3-4 ft. L , IJ -2 ft. br., bipinnatifid ; pinnæ 8-12 in. 1.,
I J i i i . br., cut three-quarters of the way down to the rachis into ohlong falcate
finely serrated lobes 3-4 lin. br. ; lowest pinnæ not reduced; ie.rtore subcoriaceous
; rachis and both sides naked ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with about
12 simple veinlets on a side ; sori linear, close to the midrib.
Hab. Andes of Columbia, Holton 29, Linden 540 ; Ecuador, Spruce 5286.
8. G. (Lept.) gracilis, Heward ; st. 2-4 in. 1., glossy, scaly ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 1 ft.
or more br., bipinnatifid ; central pinnæ 4-8 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., cut down very
nearly to the rachis throughout into entire slightly falcate lobes lJ -2 lin. br.,
th e lowei’"'pinnæ distant and dwindling down very gradually ; textnre herbaceous
or subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sidxs naked ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with
10-15 veinlets on a side ; sori nearer the edge th an the midrib.—Hk. Sp. 6.
p . 139. t. 292.—?, G. cousiitiilis, Fée ; f r . smaller ; texture herbaceous ; veinlets
6-8 o n a side.
Hab. Jamaica ; (3, Guadeloupe, L ’llerminier.
9. G. (Lept.) aurita, H k . ; rhizome creeping; st. 1 ft. 1., naked, glossy,
cbesnut-hrown ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br., bipinnatifid or bipinnate ; pinnæ in
distant pairs, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into lanceolate entire or
crenate loties, the lowest on one or both sides longer th an the rest and pinnatifid ;
texture subcoriaceous ; raehis glossy, castaneous ; both sides naked ; veinlets
forked ; sori oblong, sometimes produced on both forks.—H k . Sp. B. p . 141.
2nd Cent. t. 74.
Hab. North India, up to 6,000 ft.—This has altogether the habit and texture of Polypodium
«« Frond tripinnatifid. Sp. 10-11.
10. G. (Lept.) decurrenti-alata, I lk . ; st. 18 in. 1., brown, M'eak, slightly scaly
downwards ; f r . 18 in. 1., 1 ft. hr., subdeitoid ; lower pinnæ the largest, lan ceolate,
6 in. 1., 2 in. hr., cut down to the rachis below into oblong bluntly lobed
3 B
: II