I il
ï Í
12. A. Schlimmse, Fée ; rhizome thick, woody, wide-scandent, the scales hroad,
ovate, dull-brown ; st. 4-8 in. h, firm, erect, slightly scaly ; barren f r . 9-12 in. 1.,
] J in. hr., the point bluntish, the lower th ird narrowed very gradually ; texture
subcoriaceous ; hoth sides naked, the edge narrow, cartilaginous, quite distinct
from the frond ; veins fine, very close, u sua lly once forked ; fertile f r . similar to
the barren one.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 202.
Hab. N. Granada, Schlim, 622 ; Ecuador, Sprnce.—Resembles flaccidum in texture,
but tbe fronds are much less narrowed in the upper part, and distinctly stalked.
13. A. palustre, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, not th ick b u t woody, the scales
long, linear, bright-brown ; St. 1-2 in. 1., firm, clothed with liuear scales ; barren
f r . often 1 ft. 1., 1-2 in. hr., the point acute, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually
; texture herbaceous ; hoth sides naked ; veins raised, close, simple or
once forked ; fertile f r . (in all our specimens) soriferous only in the upper part,
much narrower th a n the others.—I lk . Sp. 5. p. 214.
Hab. Guinea Coast; gathered by Barter and Mann.—Distinguished by its herbaceous
texture and very prominent veins, A plant collected in Berbice by Schomburgk is
perhaps the same, but our specimens are barren only.
14. A. stenopteris, Klotzsch ; rhizome woody, the scales small, ovate, dull-
hrown ; St. scarcely any ; barren f r . 12-18 in. L, J - f in. hr., the point acute, the
lower p a rt narrowed very gradually ; texture papyraceous ; botli sides naked,
except th a t the lower pa rt of the midrib beneath has a few small dark-brown
linear scales ; veins fine, simple or forked, often 1 line apart, falling short of
the edge ; fextile f r . narrower, and on a longer stem th an the barren one.—
Hk . Sp. 5. p . 213.
H ab . Columbia, Moritz, 234 ; V en ezu e la, Fendler, 282.—D is tin g u ish e d by its th ia
te x tu re , long narrow frond, and d is ta n t veins. A n au th e n tic specimen o f A . brachyneu-
ron, Eé e, from Guadeloupe, is smaller in size, b u t does n o t othe rwise differ.
16. A. Ilerminieri, Bory ; rhizmne stout, woodiq short-creeping, the scales
dense, linear, reddish-hrown, J-1 in. 1. ; S t . tufted, very short or none ; barren
f r . 1 J-3 ft. 1., 1-1J in. h r., the point acuminate, the lower p a rt narrowed very
gradually ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked, the upper one with a metallic
gloss ; veins immersed, indistinct, usually once forked ; fertile f r . short-stalked,
3-4 in. 1., 1-1J in. br.—l i k . Sp. B .p . 216.
H a h . Cuba to B ra z il.—D istin g u ish ed by its very la rg e sword-shaped b a rren fronds of
coriaoeous te x tu re , a s trik in g c o n tra s t to its small subsessile oblong fe rtile ones.
16. A. lin g u a , R a d d i; rhizmne firm, wide-creeping, the scales small, ovate,
dark-brown ; S t . 6-12 in. 1., stramineous, firm, erect, nearly naked ; barren f r .
6 9 in. 1., 2 3 in. br., the point acute, the base narrowed suddenly ; texture coriaceous
; both sides nearly' naked, the edge thickened ; veins subparallel, simple
or once forked ; fertile f r . much narrower th an the barren one.—A. latifolium.
I lk . Sp. 6. p . 202 {in p a rt).
H ab . W e s t In d ie s to B ra z il an d P e ru .—Differs from la tifo lium in tb e rhizome, scales,
a n d shape of th e frond. W e c an n o t d istin g u ish from th is an a u th e n tic a te d specimen of
A . scandens, F ee, th o u g h a p la n t from L inden (74) is th in n e r iu te x tu re , w ith fin e r veins
an d a satiny gloss.
17. A. laridum. Fée ; rhizmne woody, tlie scales linear, dark-hrown, crisped ;
St. of barren frond 1-2 in., of the fertile 8-4 in. 1. ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr.,
oblong-spathulate, blunt or suhacute, tlie edge thickened and slightly scaly, the
h a ft narrowed very gradually into the stem ; texture very coriaceous ; hoth sides
nearly naked ; veins subparallel, usua lly once forked ; edge of fertile frond flat or
slightly iuflexed.—A. Sclioniburgkii, H k . S p . S. p . 200. {in p a rt) é Griseb. non
Hab. Trinidad and Guiana.—Differs only from A. latifolium by its blunter fronds of
subspathulate outline, with the edge slightly scaly.
18. A. Sieberi, H k . & G r .; rhizome stout, woody, the scales J in. 1., linear-
subulate, nearly black ; St. 3-6 in. 1., firm, erect, stramineous, hardly at all
s c a ly ; /» . 3-12'in. 1., 1-3 in. hr., the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually, the
edge cartilaginous, entire ; texture coriaceous ; veins immersed, usually once
forked ; fe r tile f r . smaller th an the barren one.—Hk, Sp. 6. p . 197. H . <& G.
t. 237.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon ; and a similar plant, but with shorter and browner
scales, gathered by Mann at Fernando Po.—This has quite the habit of the next, but
the scales are different.
19. A. latifolium, Sw. ; rhizome thick, woody, often creeping, the scales lan ceolate,
crisped, da rk or light-brown; st. 6-J2 in. 1., firm, erect, stramineous,
naked or slightly scaly ; barren f r . 9-18 in. ]., 2-4 in .b r., the point acute, the
lower p a rt narrowed gradually, the edge entire, thickened and cartilaginous;
texture very coriaceous ; hoth sides naked or nearly so ; fertile f r . considerably
narrower th an the barren one.—I lk . Sp. 8. p . 202.
Hab. Mexico and Cuba to Brazil and Peru.—From this we cannot distinguish clearly
A. longifolium, Jacq., A. Sartorii, Liebm., A. Blanchetii and Tovarense, Mett., A. scal-
pellum. Mart., A. alismæfolium, Schomburgkii, Funckii, and andicola, Fée, and the
Javan A. callæfolium of Blume. A plant from the Seychelles is probably the same.
** Both surfaces nearly or quite naked, the edge o f the fro n d fringed.
Sp. 20-24.
20. A. stramineum, Mett. ; rhizome short, stout, the scales lanceolate-subulate,
often J in. 1., bright-brown ; st. 6-9 in. 1., stramineous, finally naked ; barren f r .
3-6 in . 1., f - l j in. br., narrowed gradually to hoth ends ; texture subcoriaceous ;
the margin ciliated but the scales deciduous ; fertile f r . 1 J-2 in. 1., J - | iu. hr.,
the S t . 2-4J in. 1.—Mett. F il. Nov. Gran. p . 200.
Hab. N. Granada, Lindig, 251.—Very near the next species.
21. A. melanopus, Kze. ; rhizome short-creeping, densely clothed with small
reddish-hrown linear scales ; st. 2-3 in. 1., densely clothed with linear spreading
d a rk chesnut-hrown scales ; barren f r . 6-8 in. 1., 2 in. hr., the apex acuminate,
the base rounded or subcuneate ; texture coriaceous ; veins lax, the margin
ciliated with similar scales ; fertile f r . 3-4 in. 1., f in. hr., on a longer stem.—
Mett. F il. 11. l i p s . p . 19. t. 1.
Hab. Venezuela.—This comes near the small forms of the next, and there are a few
scales on the lower part of the midrib beneath.
22. A. liybridum, Bory ; rhizome woody, the scales dense, J - J in. I., linear,
crisped, da rk chesnut-brown ; S t . suhtufted, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, with scattered
squarrose linear da rk scales; barren f r . 6-12 in. L, lJ -2 in. br., the ])oint
acuminate, the base ra th e r rounded ; t e x t u r e subcoriaceous ; both sides naked
except the midrib beneath, the edge ciliated with linear-subulate scales ; veins
immersed, u sua lly once forked ; fertile f r . much smaller than the others.—
¡3, A . Vulcani, Leperv. ; / » . ovate-oblong, cuspidate, 3-4 in. 1., J J m. hr.—i f t .
Sp. B. p . 231.
Hah. Mascaren Isles, Natal, Tristan d’Acunha, Cameroon Mountains, Fernando Po,
Mexico to Brazil—The scales here are from 1 to I J line long, and often fall quite away
as the frond matures. A. Lindbergii, Mett., from Brazil, appears to be identical with
I \
23. A. decurrens, Desv. ; rhizome woody, the large, ovate, dull-hrown ;