222 38. A S P L E N I U M , § § § D A R E A .
162. A. (Darea) damlUoides, I lk . ; st. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., firm, naked ; f r . 4-6 in. 1.,
2-3 in. br., deltoid, quadripinnate, with 0-9 pinnæ on each side, the lowest much
the largest, 2-3 in. 1., 1-1 i in. hr., deltoid; pinnl. deltoid, witli a broadly-winged
rachis and lower segm. again pinnatifid, with curved divaricate lateral divisions,
1 -U lin. 1., 4 lin. br. ; texticre thick, coriaceous; colour bright-green ; rac/m
compressed ; vems one to each division ; sori copious, quite lateral, oblong, often
occupying the whole upper side of the ult. divisions.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 212.
2nd Cent. F. t. 40. Humata dareoidea, Mett.
Hab. Japan, Tsus-Sima, Loo Choo, Hong-Kong, Formosa.—The species of all the
group that comes nearest to Davallia.
Baker ; st. scattered, 2-4 in. 1., naked, firm, erect,
ffi’stant pinnl. J Imt br. ; textnre subcoriaceous ; rachis flaccid, naked,
compressed ; veins one to each pinnl. ; sori sometimes J in. 1., with very narrow
Hab. Sierra del Crystal, Guinea Coast, Mann, 1636.
164. A. (Darea) Richardi, H k . fil. ; st. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., firm, erect, greenish,
scaly throughout ; f r . 5-6 in. 1., 2 in. br., with 12 or more close-placed lanceolate
erecto-patent pinnce on each side, which are cu t down to a winded rachis into
numerous ovate-rhomboidal p innl., which are again deeply pinnatifid with
linear-mucronate segm. 1 lin. or less h ; texture coriaceons; raclm firm, compressed
; one vein in each segm. ; sori oblong,—/ / / . Sp. 3. p . 197- R* F k t. 911.
Hab. New Zealand.—This seems to be nearest some of the dwarf tripinnatifid forms
0Î flaccidum.
Fronds ample, 1-3 f t . I. Sp. 165-177.
165. A. flaccidum, Forst. ; S t. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., stout, greenish, naked ;
f r . 1-3 ft. h, 4-8 in. br., often pendent, with numerous close or distant lanceolate
p i n n c e , which are 4-8 in. h, J - f in. hr., sometimes ra th e r rigid and recurved,
sometimes quite flaccid and drooping like the main raphis, sometimes deeply
pinnatifid but more often cut down to the thick rachis in oblique or subfalcate
narrow linear lobes ; t e x t u r e thick, subcoriaceous ; r a c h i s naked, pale-green like
the frond, compressed upwards ; v e i n s obscure, one in each lobe ; s o r i in the
divided form quite marginal.—H k . Sp. 3. p. 205.
Hab. New Zealand, Australia, Van Diemen’s Land ; and gathered lately also by Dr.
Hillebrand in the Sandwich Islands, and Mr. Sanderson in Natal,—A very variable
166. A. (Darea) rutoefoUum, Kiinze ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., compressed,
greenish, naked ; f r . 6-15 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., with 12-20 p in noe ^ on each side,
the lowest subdeltoid, 2 in. or more 1., cut down to the rachis into nuinerous
erecto-patent distant p innl. on each side, the lowest on the upper side again cut
down into erecto-patent linear segm., the lowest on the under side suppressed ;
texture coriaceous ; rachis compressed ; colour pale-green ; sori small, marginal.
— H k . Sp. 3. p . 206. A. stans, Kze. A. prolongatum, H k . Sp. 3. p . 205.
2nd Gent. t. 42.
Hab. Cape Colony northward to Natal and Zambesi Land ; Himalayas, Ceylon, Japan,
and Fiji.
167. A. (Darea) Borhonicum, H k . ; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, greyish ;
f r . 6-16 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr., with 12-20 distant erecto-patent pinnoe on each side,
which are U -2 in. 1., J - f in. hr., truncate at the base on the lower side, regularly
cut down throughout into distant, linear, curved pinnl. J lin. hr., the lowest on
the upper side larger and again pinnatifid or palmate ; texture coriaceons ; colour
pale-green ; rachis thick, flaccid, compressed u pw a rd s; one vem and sorus to
each segm., the latter marginal.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 207.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.—Very near the preceding.
s i d e , l - ' — o “ *• - ‘ f B —- . J -----------------— — r ■ , 1 • ■ . 1* side, regularly cut down throughout to a broadly-wmged rachis mto linear
erecto-patent pinnl. J lin. hr., with their own breadth between them, the lowest
u sua lly once forked ; texture coriaceous; colour pale-green ; rac/«.? compressed ;
one vein and sorus to each segm., the latter marginal.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 209. A.
Veitchianum, Moore.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo.—A. Sampsoni, Hance, gathered
by Mr. Sampson about 100 miles west of Canton, of which our only specimen has lanceolate
fronds not more than i in. 1„ under 1 in. hr., and ovate-oblong pmnæ o n ? cut
down to the rachis at the base, is probably a reduced form. I t has been suggest^ that
this bears the same relation to ieBerM»! that woegtiaie does to hneatum, A. decorum, Kunze,
being a connecting link.
169. A. (Dare a) Thunbergii, Kunze ; S t. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., firm, naked,
greyish ■ f r . 9-15 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr., oblong-lanceolate, acuininate, with numerous
pinnæ oi’i each side, the largest 2 in. 1., 1 in. hr., bluntish a t the point, truncate
a t the base on the lower side, regularly cut down throughout to a hroadly-
winged rachis into blu n t pinnls. 1 line br., the lowest larger and often again
pinnatifid ; texture herbaceous ; rachis compressed and flaccid upwards ; vems
and sori one in each segm.—Hh. Sp. 3. p . 208.
Hab. Natal ; and a similar plant, with longer stems and narrower pinnæ and pinnules,
was gathered by G. Mann at Fernando P o .- Habit of the two preceding, but texture
different. Perhaps a Dareoid form of A. erectum.
170 A. (Dare a) viviparum, Pre sl ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, greenish,
deciduously fibrillose ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br., with numerous close-placed
erecto-patent pinnæ on each side, which are 4-6 in. 1., la -2 m. br., cut down to
a compressed rachis into numerous pinnatifid pinnl., the lower segm. ot which
are again forked ; ult. divisions J - f in. 1., J Iin. br. ; texture^ herbaceous ; rcwMs
firm erect, often viviparous ; one vein to each division ; so n solitary, marginal.
—« / . Sp. F il. S. p . 215.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.
171. A. (Dare a) Novæ-Galedoniæ, H k . ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect,
naked ; > . 9-12 in. 1., 6-9 in. b r., suhdeltoid, tripinnate ; lower pinnæ av.& pmn l.
deltoid’; segm. rigid, scarcely flattened, J in. or more 1., distantly placed and
erecto-patent ; texture coriaceous ; rachis firm, erect ; solitary m each
segm. ; sori long, linear, marginal.—H k . Sp. 3. p. 213. Ic. P I. t. 911.
Hab. New Caledonia ; gatliered by C. Moore, Vieillard, and Deplanche.
172. A. (Darea) dimorplium, K u n z e ; 5#. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ;
2-3 ft 1 12-15 in. br., ovate-deltoid, sterile and fertile ones different or combined ;
lower pinnoe ovate-deltoid, 6-8 in .l ., 2 i n . b r . ; sterile pinnl. ovate-rhomboidal,
1 in. or more 1., 4 in. br., bluntly toothed and the base on the lower side
obliquely tru n c a te ; fertile ones the same size, b u t cut down to the rachis mto