; I
1 . A. hkohioides, Hk. pimmte ; coviaceo-memhraiiaceous _
(i- 1 2 in. 1 . lanceolate, suddenly acuminate and serrate at the apex ; so n (inixei
with co])ious long liairs) scattered in very irregular lines near the costa, sometimes
extendilig towards the m a r g i n . - / / / . Sp. l . p . 35. Metaxya, P r . Polypod, U
1*. ParUeri, J lk . & Gr. Ic. F . t. 282.
Hab. W. lud. and Trop. America.—Remarkable for the large nearly entire pinnæ.
2 A pheqopteroides, H k . ; caud. 3 ft. 1. ; St. unarmed, short, 3-4 in. h, dotliel
witii large lanceolate, glossy, black scaks having a pale margin _; /r . 1 tt. ,
siihcoriaceous, hlack-green above, paler beneath, villous on both sides, especial!,
beneath, with long sjireading hairs, broad-lanceolate, acunimate, pinnatihd a!
the apex, lowest ones reilexed ; pinnæ sessile, 3-4 in. 1., 8-9 lines w., obloiig,
shortly and bluntly acuminated, deeply nearly to the costa pmnatihd ; loh
oblong, very obtuse, entire, the margin a little recurved ; m n s forked ; son a
tlie fork in a line between the costule and the margin ; rachis and costæ beneatli
shaggy with whitish hairs, mixed with brownish, narrow scales.
Ha°b. Tarapota, E. Peru, Spnce, ii. 4020.—A very peculiar species from the sbovtnes
of the stipes, the simply pinnato-piniiatifid frond (resembling some Lastrea or Phegoptmi],
and the hairy clothing, brown and shaggy beiiealb.
■ 3. A. pakolata. Mart. ; “f r . bipinnato-pa rtite, on both sides, h u t especlalb
beneath, pubescent ; veins and veinlets beneatli densely clothed with ovate, wli*
scaks ■ St. and rachis aculeate ; common and partial rachis, and veins strigilloa
above ; pinnce llnear-ohlong, shortly acuminated ; pinnl. linear shortly acumi.
iiated, pinnatifid, the apex se rra ted ; sc^rm. Imear-oblong, subfalcate,_ toothed iii
the uiiper margin ; the ult. ones confluent, so as to form serrated pinnæ ; son
4-8, in the lower p a rt of the segm., arranged m 2 rows, Crypt. Bras. t. 43.
/ / / . Sp. 1. p . 44. Als. Sellowiana, Kl. Cyathea, / r. H k . Sp. 1. p . 23. A. feror,
y H k . Sp. l .p . 41.
Hab. Brazil ; N. Granada ; Peru, Leehle,; n. 2190 ; Spruce, n. 4822.-Very faitbfullj
represented by Martius, and equally faithfully described ; but in my specimens the
scales (paleolæ) are tawny and copious only on the immature fronds.
remote, petiolate, 5-6 in , h, 6-6 Hnes ® S c f ‘X o 7 ' h " t o ’ ' 7 7 X 7 ;
X 'e n t h æ ’ X r p h 7 a t e 7
Hab. Organ Mountains, Brazil.
R A vrocera Klf. • st. aculeated and paleaceous below with very J^rge and
8 . A. ?’ * 1 , „n scales ; f r . submembranaceous, bipinnate,
exceedingly glossy, apex • p r im , pinnæ 1 ft. 1 . or more, the rachis winged
2 l a truncated sessile base 4-6 lines w oblong-
Hk. Sp. 1. p. 39. A. armigera, Kse. H k . Sp. l . p . 39.
-, n. 344
4 A Tænitis I lk . ; fr . ample, coriaceo-inembranaceous, bipinnate ;
dist’ant,’ 3 - 6 in. 1 ., lanceilate, acuminate, glabrous, subentire, petioled ;
articulated on the rachis ; sori in a single series, equidistant between the costi
and the margin, mixed with long, copious hairs.—/ / / . Sp. l . p . 36. A. excelsa,
Mart. Gr. B ra s. t. 27 and 87. Tricliopteris, P r .
Hab. Brazil.
6 A. eleqans. Mart. ; St. aculeated ; f r . bipinnate, carnoso-coriaceous ;
distant 2 - 2 4 in. 1 ., linear-lanceolate, suddenly acute, obtuse a t the base, petioleii,
sliMitly ferruginously woolly and subpaleaceous beneath ; sm-i in 2 or 3 series,
fonnlng an unequal, broad, and more or less interrupted series nearer the costa
th an the margin.—t o i . P I. Gr. Bras. p . 63 and 08. H k . Sp. 1. p . 8 6 .
Hab. Brazil ; apparently rare.
6 . A. marginalis, Kl. ; f r . ample, subcoriaceous, glabrous, bipinnate ; piim.
pinnce 12-14 in. 1 ., 4 | in. w., pinnated, pinnatifid a t the apex, oblong, acuminate;
pinnl. approximate, truncated a t the base, quite sessile, oblong, subfalcato-obtuse,
entire, subsinuate a t tlie margin ; sori in a single line, forming a flexuose ooRh'
nuoiis series a little within the margin ; prim, rachis very paleaceous.—A /, n
L in n , IB, 542.
Hab. Brit. Guiana, R. Schomhwgh, n. 1129.—A well-marked and very distinct species,
** Bi-tripinnate or decompound. Sp. 6-63.
Hab.'Trap'. Americii, frequent ; Brazil, Spsuce, n. 2115 ; Venezuela,
and 491 ; B. Peru, Spruce, n. 4716.
Q A Srhiedeana P r. • “ fr - ample submembranaceous, bipinnato-pmnatifid ;
aculeolate ; st. aculeate ; caud. arboreous. - K s p in U n n . 13. p . 14J
1 .» . 48. P o l y p o d . iScAZecAi.; a «A ls . pungens, AZ/.
deeply pinnatifid, and with blunter lobes.
in A armata P r. • “ /- .b ip in n a to -p a r tite ; sZ. aculeate ; of the
p 73. Z. 49 (A. Swartziana). Hook. Sp. 1. p . 40. Polypod. Sw.
which i t can be d istin g u ish ed from some of its allies.
11 A Gardneri, H k . ; aculeate; everywhere clothed with brownish woolly
hairs' - iin n l. lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, deeply pinnatifid piono. veiw
paleaceous with numerous small, búllate scales^ b en e a th ; „ ¡ „ „ J ie s - Í
obtuse entire covered with sori even to the acuminated apices of the pmnules.
f t / S k 1 .7 less hairy. Cyathea nigrescens, K l. in Hb. nostr. ^
7. A. Miersii, H k . ; raehis aculeate ; f r . firm-meiiiliranaceous, bipinnate,
glabrous ; prim, pinnce 2 ft. or more 1 ., pinnated to the very apex ;
IT 1, . Gsraccas Birshell.— VeTY hairy ; b u t my specimens are unsatisfactory.
g re a t confusion.
12 A asnera Br. ; s Z. and r a c to strongly aculeated, »«am (sometimes strongly
a c u L fe d too an7 7 ;àriiaZ raehis above strigillose, slightly scaly beneath and on