t ' A I Í
Hab. Madagascar, Mauritius, Maealisberg, Ceylon, Neilgherries (3-5,000 ft.).—This
comes near P. hastata in size and habit, but the segments are narrower, and the involucre
is that of this section.
20. P . (Alio.) andromedoefolia. F é e ; st. 6-9 in. 1., strong, erect, pale-brown,
naked, densely clothed at the base with linear subulate reddish-brown scales ; / r .
6-12 in. 1., 3-6 in. br., ovate, tri- or quadripinnate ; qnnnæ rigid, erecto-patent,
lanceolate-deltoid, the lowest with several linear oblong pinnl., the lower segm. of
which are sometimes slightly branched ; nit. divisions lJ -2 lin. 1., linear-oblong,
b lu n t with enrolled edges ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces naked,
tlie wrinkled invol. scarcely changed from the substance of the frond, and sometimes
nearly meeting edge to edge.—7 f t. Sp. 2. p. 149.—f t G. puheseens, Nutt. ;
rachis and pinnules pubescent.
Hab. California, southward along the Andes to Chili ; Cape Colony.
27. P . (Alio.) pulehella. Fée ; st. densely tufted, 2-3 in. I., wiry, erect, polished,
dark chesnut-brown, naked ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1-3 in. br., oblong, tripinnate ; lower
p innoe deltoid ; pinnl. lanceolate, the very deciduous ult. segm. oblong, blunt,
scarcely more th an 1 in. 1. by h a lf as broad ; rachis rigid and polished like the
stipe ; texture coriaceous, both surfaces green, naked, the edges of the fertile segments
much enrolled, and the broad invol. permanently rolled over the sori.—
H k .S p .2 .p . \ 5 9 .
Hab. Andes, from New Mexico southward to Peru.
28. P . (Alio.) consobrina, H k . ; st. strong, erect, 6-12 in. 1., naked, dark-brown,
polished ;/■ . 6-12 in. 1., 4-9 in. br., deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid ; lowest pinnoe
deltoid, with pinnl. of the lower side larger than the others, these latter usually
cut down into several lanceolate or deltoid pinnatifid segm. ; simple ult. divisions
linear-oblong, sometimes ¿ in. I. ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces
naked ; sori in a continuous line along the margins ; invol. moderately
broad, membranous, the edge of the segments often enrolled.—H k . Sp. 2. p 145
/ A. P . Bojeri, H k . Sp. 2. p . 146. t. 119. A. Cheil. Atherstonii, H k . Sp. 2.
Hab. Cape Colony, Kaffraria, Natal, Madagascar, and Cameroon Mountains.—P. Bojeri
appears to be a slender form with a slightly fibrillose racliis. Mettenius refers here
C. triangula, Kunze, but Drége’s specimens are in part G. multifida.
29. P . (Alio.) angustifoUa, Baker ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., strong, erect, naked,
da rk chesnut-brown, polished ; f r . 0-12 in. 1., 3-6 in .b r., deltoid-oblong, quadri-
pinnatifid ; 2 - 4 in. 1., lanceolate-deltoid ; often cut down to the
rachis into numerous linear segm. with enrolled edges, the terminal ones much
the largest ( J in . or m o re l.) ; rachis polished; texture subcoriaceous, both surfaces
pale-green, the u])per sliglitly hairy ; invol, broad, membranous, rolled
over the son.—Cheil., H . B , K , P . decomposita, H k , Sp, 2. p , 151. t. 119. B.
—/3, P , cuneata, J . Sm. ; ultimate segments oblong-acute, 4 in. 1., 4 in. br.,
cuneate a t the base.—Cheilanthes cuneata, L in k , H k . Sp, 2. p , 307.
Hab. North of Mexico southward to Venezuela.-
-C. clicerophylla, Kunze, seems to be
also a broad-leaved form of this.
30. P . (Alio.) glauca, J . Sm. ; ^¡f. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., strong, erect, polished,
dark chesnut-brown, naked ; f r , 3-4 in. each way, deltoid, quadripinnatifid :
Lowest pin noe much the largest and the pinnl. on the lower side larger th an the
others, lanceolate-deltoid, cut down to the rachis into segm. which are again cut
down to the rachis below ; ult. divisions about ^ in. 1., linear-oblong, with
enrolled edges, more or less crenate ; texture coriaceous, upper surface green
and naked, lower surface and tlie rachis tomentose ; invol. coriaceous, rolled
down over the sori— Pteris, Gav. Swartz. Cheil., Mett. P . hirsuta, Hh. Sp. 2.
p. 153.
Hab. Chili an d Mexico.
31. P . (Alio.) m a r g i n a t a , Baker ; s t . tufted, 3-9 in. L, strong, erect,
chesnut-brown naked, slightly fibrillose towards the base ; / ' . 4-8 m. 1., 3-6 m.
br., subdeltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid ; l o w f i p i n n oe ^ g n ! 1 ’
p i h n l . on the lower larger th an those of the upper
H ab Tropical America, from Mexico an d J am a ic a southward to P e ru an d th e Argent
i p T t t t o r B T h e finest examples in th e H o o k e r i a n H e rb a n um a re from Sal m
Godman’s G to tem a lan eollections, w ith th e lowest p in n u le s more th a n ^ f t m. bn ,
b u t usually i t is much smaller. G. pyramidahs looks v e ry different to th e o idm a iy to rm ,
h u t ap p e ars connected with it hy in te rm e d ia te stages.
82. P . (Alio.) Barklyoe, B a k e r; si. 12-18 in. 1., strong, erect, n^ced, dark-
brown polished • f t 1 ft or more 1., 9 in. br., deltoid, quadripinnatifid , lowest
pinnoe ¿ 8 in. 1., /b d e lto id ; pinnl. on the lowest side *>?
segm. on each side, which are cut down to the rachis into smfaceè
divisions 3 lin. 1. 1 lin. br. ; texture coriaceous ; raohis and both suitaces
naked ; 'smd running along the opposite edges of the p ’a f toucdi near
segments, so th a t the broad pale-}>rowii membranous mvo l usua lly touch near
the top.—Cheil. Barklyæ, H k . MSS.
Hab. Seychelles ; s e n t by L a d y B a rk ly an d D r. K i r k . - T h i s comes n e a re s t to th e
broad-leaved form of P . anguslifolia, h u t is muoh la rg e r in size.
ffS Plafvloina J Smith. Texture coriaceous, the veins usually hidden, the
ultimate segments broad and flat, the involucre so narrow that it is soon hidden by the
fr u it. Sp. 83-40.
83 P fP la tv .) Bridgesii, H k . ; st. 2-4 in. 1., wiry, erect, naked, bright
N T i i À c -îr» 1 1 in nv less b r liuear, simply pinnate ,
ma tu rity . - f t / . >Sp. 2. p . 238. t. 142. B.
H a b . California.
■ 84 p . (Pla ty .) rotundifolia, H k . ; rhizome stout creeping, scaly ; r f - >?■
1., s t u l e re c t b o r e or lefs pubescent and clothed throughout
sèaies f t 6-12 in. 1., l - l j in -b r., linear, simply pmnate ; ?»»««?
each sidC short-stalked, oblong or roundish, entire, obtuse ®T
point ; texture coriaoeous ; rachis densely scaly and tomento , , •
Faked ; veins beneath hidden ; sori in a broad marginal line soon hiding the
involucre.—7 f t. Sp. 2. p . 136. F il. E x . t . 48.
H ab . N ew Ze alan d an d N orfolk Islan d .
35 P rp in tv 1 f a l c a t a Fée • rhizome wide-creeping ; S t. 3-6 in, 1., strong,
e r f c t ¿ - o r o i t 's l p = n t \ n d scaly ; f r 6-18 in. 1., 1-2 im hr
simply pinnate ; pinnæ 10 to 20 on each side, nearly sessile, JH
lanceolate or ialiceolate-oblong, usually mucronate, often slightly ialcate,
l i '
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