- t o . . . . ■ . *
ä : ”' A v ¥ = V £ i i “ ^
/ / . f t « , , ,. ; p s f r ' ” ‘° ‘ ■ - ■ d
, m £ s p t o m e n , f i g u , . d s r e v e , ,
f £ ] ^ 'm Y Y £ £ e d ‘-‘ « 1 r 4 ’i ? ' l A ' t o t , the scales fibriilose, brighti
t L £ ¥ ¥ ¥ b “ A
Hab. Panama, Seemann, 25.
ceoki;, f o iÄ T l . l f r f i n ’ f fi “'® *“ g®> I"“-
eubdeltoid, pfi“fy-fi i"- 1-. 6-8 in- br.,
Hk. Sp. 5. p . 22 “ 'ft "'flb ‘b® «««* some distance from the m id r ib .-
Hab. Juan Fernandez,
a ?
s e r i e s . - « / . Ä>. S.?,. 25 2 ^ 4 1 . in a single
Hab. N, India, np to 11,000 ft.
l a n Z a t e , Ä T n l l Ä ' i l fi; -i6e-creeping, the scales
generally in a s i n g l T l r Ä f S t l T o . f t i f i /S T
Hab. Andes of Peru.
t o t , the oeate o,
A£±, ‘ £fs
ceous ; areolæ nsua llv in two rSws the m lm ln I • - ? ’ textnre heriiathe
midrib.—P . loriceum H k S n ’ K I P /m m e n t « o n in a single row close to
todes and colpodesI K ’ p a rt). P . rhodoplenron, gona-
Hab. Mexico to Veneznela.-Differs from P. Uriceumbj its shorter and broader frond,
more herbaceous texture, and larger almost constantly uniserial sori. The Mexican
P. appendiculatum, Klotzsch (Hk. Fil. Ex. t. 87), non Wallich, is apparently a form of this
more delicate in texture, with the veins and rachis tinged with bright-red.
241. P . (Gonioph.) lasiopus, K lo tz sch ; rhizome stout, the scales dense,
squarrose, ovate-acuminate, dark-brown ; st. 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, stramineous ;
fr . 8-12 in. h, 4-»5 in. br., cut down to the rachis into close bluntish &ïïÙyqpinnce
j-in. br., slightly dilated at the base ; texture herbaceous ; both sides finely
villose ; sori prominent, uniserial.—Idle. Bp, 5. p . 21.
Hab. Venezuela.—Very near the preceding.
242. P . (Gonioph.) Catliarince, F. & L. ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales
spreading, dark-brown, ovate-acuminate ; st. 4-6 in. 1., erect, naked, glossy ; f r .
6-12 in. 1., 3-5 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into close blunt spreading subentire
pinnoe l j - 3 in. L, j - j in. br., the lowest p a ir shorter and deflexed ; texture subcoriaceous,
colour dark-green ; both sides naked ; main veins 1 in. apart, with
generally two areolæ between the edge and midrib ; sori large, in single rows
close to the midrib.—Hh. Bp. 6. p . 20. {not J . Bm.).
Hab. B ra z il~ P . Wageneri, Mett., from Columbia, is said to differ from this by its
linear frond and very numerous pinnæ.
243. P . (Gonioph.) loriceum, L. ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, the scales
black in the centre, with a scariose border ; st. 4-6 in. L, sometimes ebeneous ;
fr . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. br, ; pinnæ close, 2-3 in. 1., | - j in. hr., subentire, sometimes
falcate, dilated a t the base on the upper side ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides usually naked ; veins very distmct, the areolæ generally in
two distinct rows, with the sniall sori often in both.—i / / . Bp. 5. p. 21.—/3,
F. latipes, L. & F. t. 10 ; larger, as coriaceous b u t less rigid ; pinnæ much
dilated on both sides at the base ; veins less distinct ; scales ovate, dense, dull-
brown.—P . Catherinæ, J . Sm. {not L . ê F .) P . harpeodes and vacillans, lAnh
{fide Moore).
Hab. Mexico and West Indies to Brazil and Chili.—From this we cannot distinguish
clearly P. dasypleuron and Falcaría (Kze.) and loehim (Raddi). P. pectinatum (J. Sm.)
is smaller and more delicate, with close narrow acute pinnæ, densely fibrillose bright
ferruginous scales and constantly uniserial sori. P. punctulaium, Hk. Ic. t. 720 {P. Cala-
guala, Fée), resembles this in its slender pectinate habit and uniserial sori, but is more
rigid in texture.
244. P . (Gonioph.) eleutkeroplilehium, Mett. ; rhizome creeping, the
dense, ovate-lanceolate, brown ; st. 4 in. 1.; f r . 7 in. L, 4 in. br., ovate-deltoid,
cut do\vn nearly to the rachis above, quite below, into linear-oblong obtuse
crenate or irreg u la rly pinnatifid pinnce 2 in. 1., j in. hr., with blu n t rounded
iobes ; texture coriaceous ; sori large, uniserial.—Mett. Polyp, p . 75.
Hab. Venezuela, Funck and Schlim, 1102.—We have not seen this, and are indebted
to Mettenius for the description.
B. Âlost o f the pinnm distinctly separated at the hase. Sp. 245-260.
245. P . (Gonioph.) chacapoyensc, H k . ; st. G-8 in. h, firm, naked, reddish ; f r .
1 ft. I., 2-3 in. hr., with a linear entire terminal p inna 2-3 in. 1., j in. hr., and
several smaller l)lunt close erecto-patent similar ones on each side ; texture subcoriaceous
; racliis and under side slightly villose ; areolæ and veins in a single
row.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p . 29. t. 281.
Hab. Peru, Matthews, 3279.
246. P . (Gonioph.) surrucuchense, Hk. ; rhizome stout, densely clothed with
spreading grey lanceolate scales ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, naked, glossy ; f r . 1-2 ft.
i, .1 f t
' ' 'i
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