into close, distinctly-crenated lobes lg-2 Hn. br. ; texture subcoriaceous; rachis
and under surface not hairy, b u t densely coated with golden viscose glands ;
veinlets 6-8 on a side ; sori marginal ; invol. persistent, gland-ciliated.—Hlc. Sp.
4. p . 96.
Hab. Sandwich Isles, Brackemidge, IHllebrand.
60. N. (Last.) velatum, Hk. ; St. 3-4 in. I., densely clothed with large, ovate,
pale-brown scales ; f r . 1J-2 ft. 1., 4-6 in. br., lanceolate-oblong ; p innæ 2-3 in. 1.,
J in. br., cut down neariy to the rachis into blunt, oblong, slightly-crenated
lobes J in. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ; raohis densely scaly, like the stem ; veins
6-6 on a side ; sori marginal.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 101. t. 247.
Hab. Cuba, Linden, 1901.—Well marked in the group by its very scaly rachis.
61. N. (jhaat.) palustre, Baker ; St. 1 ft. or more L, naked, stramineous ; f r .
2-3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pin næ close, erecto-patent, 4-6 in. 1., f in. br., cut down
nearly to the rachis into linear-oblong, entire, slightly-falcate lobes J in. br. ;
texture herbaceous ; rachis and both sides quite naked ; veinlets 6-8 on a side ;
so®* filling up the greater p a rt of the space between midrib and edge ; invol. small,
ciliated.—Aspid. Mett.
Hab. Brazil, Lindberg, 633.—In general habit most like N. montanum, but the lobes
narrower, and veinlets simple.
62. N. (Last.) diplazioides, H k . ; st. tufted, 6 in. or more 1., densely clothed
with linear-spreading dark-brown scales ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; p innæ 4-6
in. ]., 1-1J in. br., with a gland a t the base beneath, cut down to a broadly-winged
rachis into nearly entire, linear-oblong subfalcate lobes 2 lin. br. ; texture herbaceous
; rachis fibrillose, under side naked ; veinlets 8-9 on a side ; sori near the
m id rib ; invol. small, setose.—H k . Sp. i . p . 99.
Hab. Columbia, Moritz, 408, Fendler, 159.—Distinguished by its herbaceous texture
and broad lobes, not reaching much more than halfway down to the midrib.
63. N. (Last.) pachyracMs, H k . ; St. 6 in. or more 1., n early naked ; f r . 2-3
ft. 8-12 in. br. ; pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., |-1 in. br., with a gland a t the base beneath,
cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into spreading entire b lu n t lobes 2 lin. br. ;
lower pinnæ dwindling down gradually to mere auricles ; texture herbaceous,
under side naked ; veinlets 8-9 on a side ; sori near the midrib ; invol. prominent,
glandular.—Hk. Sp. i . p . 100.
Hab. Venezuela, Moritz, 409, Fendler, 472.—Deeper cut than the last, and nearly
naked, with a more prominent and persistent involucre. A. decrescens and cheilanthoides,
Kze., are allied plants, with which we are not acquainted.
64. N. (Last.) lonckodes, H k . ; rhizmne creeping ; st. 12-18 in. 1., glossy, naked ;
f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-10 in. br. ; pinnm 4-6 in. 1., J - | in br., the lower ones with close
entire lobes 2 lin. br., reaching two-tliirds of the way down ; texture coriaceous ;
rachis and nnder surface finely pubescent ; veinlets 4-6 on each side ; sori about
midway between the edge and margin.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 99.
Hab. Cuba, Wright, 1007-8.
63. N. (Last.) deltoideum, Desv. ; st. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., densely clothed with
deciduous linear scales ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 4-8 in. br. ; p innæ of the lower th ird or
q u a rte r suddenly dwarfed, the larger ones 2-4 iu. 1., j-1 in. br., cut two-thirds
of the way down into close entire lobes 2 lin. br. ; texture coriaceous ; raehis
villose, under side nearly naked ; veinlets prominent, 8-10 on a side ; sori nearer
the edge th an the midrib ; mvol. very fugacious.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 103. Polyp. Nw.
Hab. West Indies.—Groups of veins not unfrequently sligbtly united. Easily recognizable
by the abrupt dwarfing of the pinnæ below the centre of the frond.
+ t Veinlets forked. Sp. 66-73.
66. N. (Last.) Thelypteris, Desv. ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping ; st. about
1 ft. 1., slender, stramineous ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 4-6 in. br. ; p innæ spreading, 2 3
in. 1., J in. br., cut down very nearly to the rachis into entire spreading linear-
oblong lobes, those of the barren frond the broadest ; fowe® ?)***«« equalling the
others ; npper veinlets simple, lower ones forked ; texture herbaceous ; raehis and both
sides naked ; sopi smali, not confluent, in rows near the recurved edge.—B r it, F.
1 .13.—?, N . squamulosmn, H k . ; rachis of the pinnæ slightly s e a ? .—H k . Sp. 4.
p . 88. Hemestheum, Neum.
Hab, Norway to Spain, Italy. Cashmere (5-6,000 ft.), and Amur-land ; Cape Colony,
Natal, Angola, New Zealand; United States.
67. N. (Last.) montanum. Baker ; st. short, tufted ; f r . 1J-2 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br. ;
pinnoe 3-4 in. 1., 1 in. br. a t the base, cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into
close, blunt, oblong lobes ; lower pinnæ distant, and g ra d u a l? dwarfed down to
mere auricles ; texture herbaceous ; rachis naked, or slightly scaly below, under
surface glandular ; lower veins forked ; sori in rows near the edge.—Polyp. Vogler.
N. Oreopteris, Desv.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 90 ; B rit. F . t. 14. Hemestheum, Neum.
Hab. Lapland to Spain, Greece, and Georgia.
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68. N. (Last.) apieiflorum, H k . ; St. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., clothed throughout with
linear spreading scales ; f r . 2-3 ft. i., 8-12 in. br. ; p innæ close, lanceolate, the
largest 4-6 in. 1., | - J in. br., cut down to the rachis into uniform, close, blunt,
subentire lobes J in. br. ; rachis more or less scaly ; texture herbaceous, under
side naked ; sori 6-8 to a lobe, confined to the upper th ird ; invol. firm, prominent.
—H k . Sp. 4. p . 112. t. 248.
Hab. N. India up to 9,000 ft.—Like N. Filix-mas in general habit, but remarkable in
the sori being restricted to the tip of the lobes.
69. N. (Last.) microsorum, H k . ; si. 1 ft. or more 1., fibrillose, especial? below ;
f r . 2 ft. 1., 1 ft. br. ; p innæ 6 in. I., 1 j - l j in. br., cut down to tlie rachis below
into close, blunt, entire lobes j in. br., lower ones not reduced ; texture herbaceous ;
rachis fibrillose, those of the pinnæ and lobes villose, nnder surface naked ; veinlets
8-9 on a side, most of them forked ; sori midway between the edge and midrib.—
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 106.
Hab. Foot of Mount Chimborazo, Spruce.
70. N. (Last.) grisetm. Baker ; St. firm, erect, grey, villose upwards ; /■. 1J 2
ft. 1., 8-9 in. br., oblong-lanceolate ; pinnæ close, 3-4 in. 1., | - J in. br., narrowed
gradually from the base to the apex, cut down n early to the rachis into blunt,
entire lobes 2 lin. br., with recurved edges ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis villose,
and veins beneath slightly so ; veinlets about 10 on a side, mostly forked ; sori
small, submarginal ; invol. ciliated.
Hab. Cochin, S. Hindostán, Rev. Mr. Johnstone.
71. N, (Last.) sagenioides, Baker ; st. tnfted, slender, 0-12 in. 1., dark chesnut-
brown, s e a ? below ; /®. 12-24 in. L, 6-12 in br., oblong-lanceolate; pinnoe 3-6
in. 1., 1 in. br., the lowest pa ir ra th e r shorter than the others, and deflexed ; lohes
cut down to a broadly-winged centre, linear-oblong, blunt, entire or s lig h t?
crenate ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis polished, like the stem ; veinlets
6-8 on a side, the lower ones forked ; sori in rows near the edge ; invol. fugacious.
—Aspid. Mett. N. melanopus, I l k . Sp. 4. p . 110.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula and Isles.—A very distinct plant, resembling some of the
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