base eut away in a curve on the lower side ; texture herbaceous ! flabellate ;
sori oblique, irregular, copious.—H k . Sp. S. p. 146. E x . F tl. t. 208.
Hab. Temperate Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.
32. A. Quítense, H k . ; st. slightly tufted, slender, green, l in. or less 1. ; / «
2-3 in. h, J in .b r ., with 6-12 conspicuously stalked horizontal pmnæ on each side,
whioh are obloiig-deltoidal in general outline, but half the lower side cut away,
the rest broadly and bluntly lobed ; texture herbaceous ; raclas green, compressed
and slightly winged ; veins distant, pinnate ; son 2-4 to a pmna, principally on
the upper side.—Hk. Sp. 3. p . 145. 2nd Gent. t. 20.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson, 707 ; Spruce, 5834.—Recedes from A. viride by its
more distant, more deeply lobed and distinctly stalked pinnæ.
33. A. Sattdersoni, H k . ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., green, slightly fibrillose ; f r . 6-9
in. i., J - J in. br., linear, often gemmiferous at the apex, with 12 to 20 horizontal
dimidiate pinnæ on each side, which are deeply crenate on the upper edge, and
a t the base narrowed suddenly into a winged petiole, the lower one nearly
straight and quite entire; tasture herhaceous; raehis green, flaccid; only the
lowest side vein forked ; sori 1-3, oblong.—Hh. Sp. 3. p . 147. t. I i9 .
Hab. Natal, Zambesi Land, and Johanna Island.—Nearest A. Quítense, but the pinnæ
quite dimidiate and tbe teeth of tbe upper side closer and vertical.
34. A. dentatum, Linn. ; si. tufted,.2-6 in. 1., slender, naked, polished, ebeneous
below ; fertile f r . 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. br., with 6 to 8 pairs of stalked snbopposite
pinnæ, which are J in. hr., f in. deep, ohlong-rhomboidal, the lower side a t the
base truncate in a curve, the outer edge irregularly crenate ; sterile f r . smaller, on
shorter s ta lk s ; texture herbaceous; rachis slender, naked, green; veins subflabellate
; sori copious, in two parallel rows.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 130.
Hab. West Indies, Mexico, and Guatemala.—Pinnæ much further apart than in tbe
rest of tbe group, the lower pair sometimes 1 in. from the others.
B. Group o f A .
Trichomanes. Raehis wiry, chesnut-hrown or hlackish.
Sp. 35-44.
35. A. pygmæum, H k . ; st. tufted, J in, 1., slender, densely clothed with long-
horizontal fibrillose scales ; f r . 1 - lJ in. 1., J - f in. br., linear, with a pmnatihd
point and 3 to 4 sessile pinnæ on each side, which are J m. each way, oblon.g,
rhomboidal, between cuneato-flabellate and dimidiate, the apex deeply crenated ;
texture herbaceous ; rachis scaly like the stem ; sori unknown.—Jrlk. op. 3.
p . 147. t. 180. B.
Hab. Madagascar, Dr. Lyall.
36. A. Heuffleri, Reichardt ; si. densely tufted, 2-3 in. 1., wiry, slender,
polished, dark chesnut-brown ; f r . l J-2 in. 1., J - f in. br., with 3 or 4 pairs of
opposite distant pinnæ, the lowest of which is J in. eacli way, rhomboidal-
cnneate, inciso-dentate, and sometimes deeply lobed, uniformly narrowed on
both sides below to a distinct petiole ; texture herbaceous ; rachis naked, dark-
eoloured and polished like the stem ; peins flabellate ; sori irregular, linear-
oblong.— Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. 1859.?». 95. t. 4.
Hab. Tyrol, Heuffler.— Some of tbe German botanists have regarded this as a hybrid
of Trichomanes and germcmieum, between which it is quite intermediate.
87. A. Trichomanes, L. ; S t. densely tufted, 1-4 in. 1., naked, glossy, chesnut-
brown, polished ; / « 6-12 in. 1., J in. or ra th e r more hr., with 15-30 opposite
pairs of sessile horizontal which are J - f in. br., lJ -2 lin. deei», the edge
slightly crenate, the two sides unequal, the upper one the
suddenly at the base ; texture subcoriaceous ; vans pinnate, ¿ i d K -
L is h e d like the stem ; sori linear-oblong, 3-6 on each side of the m id i ib .-
Hk. Sp. 8. p . 136. B rit. F. t. 29.
■dong the Andes to P e r u .— The Madeiran A. amceps, Sol., and S. American A.casfineufi
‘¿ h ! l & Schl.. seem to be luxuriant forms. The latter has the
and tbe pinuæ 4 in. 1. ; A densum, Brack., is a reduced alpme form from the Andes.
38. A. areuatum, Liebm. ; st. tufted, very short, polished blackish ; / r arcuate
6-9 in. 1., J in. br., linear, with 20-30 very close-placed horizontal subdmiicliate
sessile on each side, wliich are \ in. or rather less br., J in. deep, blu n t at
tlie point, the upper side’slightly crenate, slightly auricled, lo T i
denly at the base, lower line entire nearly
ones ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis black,^ and po islied like ’ 1 ! !
pinnate ; sori short, only 1 or 2, parallel witli the lower edge of the pmnæ.
m . Sp. 8. p . 142. t. 189.
Hab. M e x i c o .— Probably this ought to be joined with A. monanihemum.
39. A. extensum, Fée ; i«. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., polished, blackish ; f r . ^12-24 in. 1,
7-1 ill br. with 20-40 sessile pinnæ on each side, whicli are J m. 1., j - f m. deep,
L in t and entire, the upper side rather the broadest, and often cordate, whilst the
lo r e r 4 m erely rounded a t the hase ; texture c o r i a c e o n s ; mcoiispicuons ;
rachis polislied like the stem, with 2 hairy lines T r i I t t L ^
gemnT, and throwing out branches from the axils of the pmnæ , son Imeai
oblong, 2 or 3 on each side of the midrib.—H k . Sp, S. p . 142.
Hab. Andes of Columbia and Peru.—A larger plant than A. Trichomanes, with pmnæ
very blunt, sometimes nearly round.
40. A. Petrarchce, D. C. ; s«. densely tufted, 1-2 in. 1. wiry,
densèly g l a n d u l a r w’hen young ; / r . 2-3 in. 1., J m. X r tesL^^^^
6-10 horizontal sessile pinnæ on each side, winch “ ® î base uneqiiai
^ • - " ■ f t - 1 » "“ -
Hab. France, Spain, Italy. - Distinguished from A. Triehommes by its glandnlosity
and more deeply-cut pinnæ.
41. A — ; s«,
snddenlf narrowed a t the base o fe n ^ n t , t c L T d T e T K
distinctly cut away m a straight oi, m tlie io\^ei puiuc rnraflel with
subcoriaceous ; flabellate ; Imear-oblong, usually 1 oi 2, paialiei witli
the lower edge of the pinnæ.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 140.
ziesii, Hk. & Gr. lo. t. 100,—more numerous.
42. A. normale, Don ; 4-6 in. 1., tufted, wiry, blackish, polished; / r . 8-12
' %