33. L. Fraseri, Cunning. ; caud. elongated, stout, suberect, densely clothed
with linear dark-brown scales a t the crown ; si. 4-6 in. 1., strong, erect, scaly ;
f r . ovate-acuminate, bipinnatifid, 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. br. ; pinnce linear-lanceolate,
the lower ones 2-3 in. 1., J - | in. br., cut down very nearly to the rachis
into linear-oblong mucronate slightly-toothed pinnl., tlieir bases decurrent into
a pinnatifid wing to tbe main rachis with triangula r lobes ; texture herbaceous ;
veins fine, tlie lateral ones of the pinnules usua lly once forked ; fertile f r . similar
in size and cutting.—Hh. Sp. S. p . 40. Ic. P I. t. 185.
Hab. New Zealand.—Very dissimilar in habit to all the other species, combining a
frond like one of our common Lastrece with tbe fructification of a Lomaria.
34. L. volubilis, I l k . ; / « 20 ft. 1., scandent and tw in in g ; pinnce^ distantly
placed, deltoid-ovate, 1 ft. or more 1., by nearly as broad, witli a tmmmaX pinnl.
and several opposite pairs, wliich are oblong, the largest 4-5 in. 1., I J - I J in. br.,
narrowed suddenly to a long acuminate point, the upper jiart slightly toothed
and rounded at the base to a short petiole ; texture subcoriaceous ; vems fine,
close-placed, usua lly simple ; raehis and both surfaces naked ; fertile pinnl.
narrowly linear, 4-é in. 1., 1 in. or more apart at tbe base, with a broad continuous
invol. springing from the edge of the leafy rib not more th an a line wide.
.—H k . Sp. 3. p . SÜ. t. 150.
Hab. Banks of the Eio Negro, Spruce, 1263 ; and since gathered by Dr. Spruce at
Napes (2,800), and by Appun in British Guiana (995).—This remarkalile plant appears
quite to agree in babit with Blechnum voluUle, of which it is probable it will ultimately
be shown to be an abnormal Lomarioid form.
§§ Plagiogyria, Kunze. Base o fth e stipe suddenly dilated, fleshy, triquetrous,
furnished with large spongy glands. Capsules with an oblique ring. Sp. 3.5-39.
35. L. (Plag.) semicordata. Baker ; caud. short, erect ; S t . dilated at the base,
winged below, erect, naked, 3-6 in. 1. ; f r . ovate-lanceolate, 1-2 ft. 1., 4-6 in. br. ;
pinnce numerous, spreading, linear, 3-4 in. 1., J - f in. br., finely serrated
tlironghout, the lower ones deflexed, the point narrowed gradually ; texture
subcoriaceous ; veins fine ; fertile f r . similar, but tlie pinnæ more distant and
narrowly linear ; rachis strong, erect, naked.—Lomaridium, Presl. L. biserrata,
M . £ L . H k . Sp. 3. p. 19.
Hab. Tropical America from Columbia to Peru.
80. L. (P la g .) adnata, Blume ; caud. short, stout ; st. 6-18 in. 1., firm, erect,
naked, .dilated at the base ; f r . ovate-Janceolate, 12-18 in. 1., 4-0 in. br. ; pinnce
liuear, falcate, tlie largest 3 in. 1., | in. in’., tlie lowest equal to tliose next in
order, the lower ones narrowed at the liase below, J in. apart, the point narrowed
very gradually and finely toothed ; texture sulicoriaceoiis ; veins conspicuous ;
fertile f r . similar, but the pinnce more distant and narrowly linear ; rachis
naked, erect.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 19. t. 147.
Hab. Java and Khasia at 1-4,000 ft.—This and the preceding have the central pinnæ
of tbe barren frond dilated, but the other three have them narrowed at the base and
distinct from one another, as in species 21-30.
37. L. (Plag.) glauca, Blume ; st. 1 ft. 1., naked, erect ; f r . ovate, 12-24 in. L,
0-9 in. br. ; pinnce contiguous, erecto-patent, linear, 3-5 in. ]., J in. or more hr.,
narrowed gradually aud sharply toothed towards the point, narrowed on both
sides at the base ; texture coriaceous ; veins fine, subparallel, under surface
glaucous ; fertile f r . similar, but the pinnæ distant and narrowdy linear ; rachis
stout, erect, naked.— Hk. Sp. 3. p . 22.
Hab. Java and Khasia at 6,000 ft. ; gathered by Drs. Hooker and Thomson.—
Eeadily distinguishable by the silvery whiteness of the under side of the frond.
9« T iPlao-'l mcnophvlla, K u n z e ; caud. stout, erect, woody; St. stout,
I K V d 6 9 f 1 ■ o v a te -lan c /la te , 2-3 ft. 1., 6-9 in. b r . ; p^fice very
eiect, naked o J n . 4 in 1 i i n hr contiguous, narrowed on both
narrowly linear ; rachis strong, erect, n a k e d . - / « . Sp. 3. p . 21. t. 148,
arge gland at the base.
39 L (Plan-.) e t i p h l e b i a , Kunze ; c a u d . stout, woody, ®lo"gated i si. 1 f i
éJ. U. e ^ X,.; ’ Ptvmm below • fr. ovate-lanceolate, 1-2 ft. b, 0-12 in.
• A . r d . 11.. r « n .l l
/fflttO.. KS3pJJ.. 3. pJfl..---------------------
Hab. Japan and Tsus Sima ; f Lered Htely by M e . «
T ^ ' t K p T r « e t ¥ - t / u s K d ’more d is /n t than in A. Pycnophylla, and
venation not so fine.
T rib e 7. Blecuneæ.
the midrib. Gen. 84'-87.
Gen. 34. B l e c h n u m , L .
.o d ita d ...., .1 "“ ■ V i l .x S . t t “ *
the midrib. Invol. membranaceous, / / jinnatifid, in one species
uniform or 1 ? u s u a l l y free A not large genus o f closely
S i x — ¿ V / - „ d s w .
T a b . IV. f . 34.
Eublechnum. Stem straight, fro n d not more than simply pinnate. Sp. 1-17.
' Frond Sp. 1.
1. H la n c e o la , Swartz ; slender creeping, f
b ï T c i d - Â — ^
th,ee boaassee ouif tihnee large wtLeArAmA.AiAntoavxl- -o--n--e .^H k . ò^p . 3. p- . i- -P
Hab. Tropical America from Manama s o u « T /w i t / a r p T o K - e / T
known B. plantagineum. Presi, is said to be like the type, dul
line of fructification and midrib.
*«■ Frond pinnatifid. Sp. 2-6.
2. B. asplenioides, Swartz ;
nuibrons, the c e n t r a l o “ s ^ ® P T t e d " f t both e n ^ , 6-8 im g « i n - ^ i t t ” " “
t t r h \ ° S “ i Z m Z s i n ’- e v lry gradually ; texture subconaceous ;
I 1
■ |i
i'l' 1 :